Martial Research Master

Chapter 120


The Bai family was a vassal clan which was situated in the northern areas of the Jiao prefecture. It had been a part of the four subordinate clans which together with the Jiao clan, built the Jiao country. There were enlisters of the Bai clan in both the royal court and the military.

Near the Bai manor-

Multiple groups began to arrive within the vicinity. “What is going to be our next step?” A campsite had been set up, for arranging a pre-battle meetup. Su Menqi was currently discussing the proceedings with the Long clan members. ” I hope you have brought your full strength to deal a deathly blow to the Bai family.”

One of the ancestors of the Long Clan came forward. “We have brought sufficient members to be able to kill every Bai in the vicinity. I hope the vice-general provides us with reinforcements as mentioned in the letter.

Su Menqi understood the meaning behind these words. The elder was demanding proof of allegiance and sincerity from the Jiao family. It was normal considering the risk Long clan was about to take on.

Su Menqi called upon all the members of the Black-bucks, the royal guards, and the reinforcements provided by the military. The lowest cultivation of this group of people was in 6th grade Qi master level. A total of 50 figures were present.

“We will be the requested reinforcements for this attack. We have 50 stationed here, who will be charging in the frontlines with you, and about another fifty guarding the perimeter of the Bai manor. They will make sure that no one escapes. I hope you are satisfied.” The Long clan ancestor nodded.

“This is the battle strategy. According to the information provided by you, I have divided the whole army into 5 groups. These are the routes we are going to follow. According to our spies, this is the residence of elders. The first mission is to take out people covertly. Thus, the residence is the best spot of the attack.”

“Two groups will be pushing in from the front and back end. One will be guarding the perimeters, preventing any message of panic to pass on. We need to kill as many opponents as possible. It would be best if we can kill them in entirety”. Su Menqi marked the entrance and exits, with the attack formations they were going to follow.


Another position was marked by her. “This is the residence of the manor guards. We need to kill them at the same time. They might prove to be a hindrance to our mission. The other two teams would be in charge of killing them. After finishing the mission, one of the team is to leave for providing support to these two teams, while the other team will do the scouting.”

“the senior elder hall is around this place. This would be the next place to strike. By all means, you are to avoid the senior cultivators. The strongest within the group is requested to assign a proper position to your subordinates. The next concern will be these three areas.” Three locations were marked.

“The first two are the residences of the first elder and the clan leader. The last one is the seclusion spot of the grand-elders of the Bai clan. The three of you are requested to move in the third spot. The clan leader and the first elder will be taken care of by us.”.

Su Menqi wrapped up the meeting. “I will be in charge of coordinating this attack. I will not tolerate disobedience of my orders.”. one of the Long clan elders spoke up. “Where is Long Tao. We desire to meet him. Why didn’t he show up?”

A swooshing sound passed right past the elder’s ear. As he looked to the side, it was a sword, which had embedded itself in the wall near him. One f the black-buck squad member spoke up, “A measer insect like you is not allowed to call the vice-general by his name. The next time your guts get the better of you, this sword will not miss its mark.” The Long clan members were shocked by the current reaction.

Su Menqi signaled the guard to stand down. “We would like you to have a fruitful cooperation with you people. But guest should understand their place, and behave like guests. The attack commences within 10 mins. Everyone, leave for your positions.”

The Bai manor-

The clan leader was within his sleeping chambers. Accompanying him was his mistress. “What is your next plan?”, the lady asked the Bai clan leader. “The mission is soon going to be under its way. The forces backing us up, have already relayed the orders to begin preparing for the fight. We might have struck the jackpot this time.”

“How so?”. The mistress asked. “I have requested the leader to help me deal with the Long clan first. He agreed to my proposition. We move to attack the Long clan within two days. This time I will make sure none of them manage to escape. The only other concern is that Long Tao. He seems to have affected the leader’s plan. He is proving to be a wild card.”

“Why doesn’t the leader do something about him. We can’t let him remain alive, or else we wouldn’t have a moment of relaxation.”. the mistress was a cunning bitch herself. “The decision is being discussed on. He would be eliminated after we take care of the Long clan.” The Bai clan leader pulled the woman under him and started kissing her.

Just when they were about to seal the deal, a booming sound was heard. The Bai family head jumped from his bed and rushed towards the outer chambers.


Just when he was nearing the exit, a figure came into his view. ” I have been waiting so long for you to arrive.” The figure was none other than Long Tao.

The Bai family head couldn’t process the situation. Long Tao smiled at him and raised his hands. Tiny objects were hanging by threads from his palms. When the vision cleared and the clan leader finally saw what was the object, his whole soul took in a blow.

These were heads. The heads of the younger generation of the Bai clan were hanging by threads. Each of the heads was shaved from the owner’s body with a clean cut. The Bai clan leader roared out of pain and rushed towards Long Tao.

The madness of losing his children was taking over him. Just when he was about to reach out to have a grab on Long Tao’s face, a clean sword swoop tore his limbs apart. The decapitated hand fell down on the floor. The pain from this injury managed to restore some sanity in the clan leader’s mind. He realized his own mortality.

He had heard about Long Tao’s strength. He was said to be powerful enough to kill a cultivator of the fifth Qi general realm. He himself was a Qi general of the first level. His life was in danger.

He looked around, trying to find a path of exit. Revenge can be achieved in the future. You need to have your life to enjoy its taste.

“You shouldn’t get hopeful. Not a single man will come to your rescue today.” Long Tao was still having a smile plastered on his face. It sends chills down the Bai clan leader’s spine.

He tried to use the other hands to punch Long Tao. Desperation was the only feeling he was suffering from. This punch was concentrated with quite an amount of Qi. He hopes to catch Long Tao off guard and use the opportunity to escape. He was a fire element cultivator and the fist technique was called incineration fist. But a hand reached out of nowhere to grab his fist.

The aura was instantly eliminated. “you overestimate your strength.” Just when he was hoping not to lose another hand, Long Tao twisted his arm, breaking t in the process. Another painful roar was heard.

“your descendants managed to get away with an easy death. You won’t be having such a fortune.”


Within the skies of the Bai clan, six figures were currently engaged in a serious brawl. “You made a mistake coming here long Zhi Ruo. I will kill every single one of you. None of you accomplishes are going to leave this place alive.” One of the Bai clan ancestors was speaking in a vicious tone.

“You don’t seem to understand your situation Bai Jiangshan. Most of your young elders and guards are dead. The same goes for your elder hall. My group outnumbers you and our back-up is yet to arrive.” Long Zhi Ruo spoke out.

The clash continued


Di Tao and the third prince were currently sitting on the roof of one of the buildings. “Shouldn’t we intervene and help them out?”. Jiao Shen asked. He and Di Tao were stationed to provide immediate back-up to any of the groups.

“What’s the hurry. The game has just started.” Di Tao said in a jolly tone.

The Bai clan was slowly being dyed red.


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