Martial God Gamer

334 Chapter 334

Chen Ming now finally returned to the Martial World. He felt a little uncomfortable that his power was limited. He was currently only at the Martial Ancestor Realm. His true power should be in the Destruction Realm.

“Anyway, even if it was limited by the laws of this world, the Martial Ancestor Realm level exceeded the highest level of this lower world.”

Chen Ming now had no problem controlling his own power. In fact, he was able to control his own power better now than when he had full power.

Chen Ming after checking his own level and being confident that he could control his own power then acted like normal. as if he had not left this world. Besides Xiao Wen and Dongfang Gu, No one knew that he had left this world for three days. Everyone only thought that Chen Ming came out of his close door cultivation.

They didn't know that these past three days Chen Ming's power level had changed a lot. He was previously only at the Earth Profound Realm. Coming back this time, he was at the Martial Ancestor Realm.

Xiao Wen and Dongfang Gu at the same time have trouble controlling their own powers. Chen Ming needed to pass on the knowledge of the formation to the two of them. so that both can adjust their own power as needed

Chen Ming noticed the two. Both seemed to be affected by his dragon power. The two were now in the same situation as the two in the original world. They began to show the appearance of a dragon. like everyone else, They started with the horns first.

Chen Ming, in addition to the formation, also had to teach the two to turn on and off the dragon mode.

Chen Ming spent a moment with the two of them. First, the three of them had to go to Zhang Lin's house for breakfast. Since the two became Chen Ming's fiancee, Zhang Lin and Zhang Moyin treated them like their own family.

Zhang Lin and Zhang Moyin were now sitting and waiting for everyone to eat together. But they found that there was one more person coming with them. Oh and one more dragon too.

Little Long and Wen accompanied Chen Ming. The two were bonded to Chen Ming by soul. Little Long hurriedly flew towards Zhang Lin before wrapping his body around her neck. Wen He hesitated a little. Zhang Lin looked at Chen Ming and Wen He. Chen Ming introduced Wen He to Zhang Lin and Zhang Moyin.

Zhang Lin initially wanted to know where Chen Ming took Wen He from. But seeing that it didn't matter where Chen Ming took Wen He from, she didn't ask. But she chose to ask other questions instead.

“Ming'er, why does mother feel that you have changed? How have you been practicing in the room these past three days?”

Zhang Moyin also thought that Chen Ming had changed. She had a better sense than Zhan Lin. she was even faster than Zhang Lin in sensing his change. She could tell that Chen Ming was stronger than her now.

“Ming'er, my dear grandson, why can't Grandma sense your power? Grandma felt like you were stronger than Grandma. Much stronger.”

Hearing such a question from both of them. Chen Ming drank tea a little. He thought for a moment. There was no reason for him to conceal his power from Zhang Lin and Zhang Moyin. Both were his family who loved him very much. They would rather die than cause trouble for Chen Ming.

Chen Ming coughed slightly before telling Zhang Lin and Zhang Moyin his own level. Both of them, hearing what Chen Ming had said, were shocked and let out a sigh. They had already thought that after coming out of the training room, Chen Ming would definitely be stronger. But who would have thought it had increased this much?

“By the way, Ming'er. Why didn't mother see any heavenly tribulation? Normally, if passing a realm to a higher realm. one must pass the test of heaven first.”

This was a question that Zhang Moyin wanted to ask as well. She couldn't say she didn't believe Chen Ming. but just wondering.

Chen Ming shook his head before looking up at the sky. and saying something. The sky darkened before giving out a few claps of thunder before disappearing.

Zhang Lin and Zhang Moyin were shocked. Chen Ming just now was like talking to the heavens. Zhang Moyin was at the Sky Profound Realm. One could tell that just now, there was a Heavenly Tribulation Floating in the sky. but for some reason, The Heavenly Tribulation did not come down.

Chen Ming smiled at the two before speaking.

“Heaven and I are friends now. From now on, no matter how much stronger I become Heaven will open a way for me.”

Like this? Being friends with heaven doesn't have to be tested. Could Chen Ming pass the level without facing the heavens? The two of them just realized that the heavens can be biased as well.

Chen Ming after having breakfast with Zhang Lin and Zhang Moyin took his two fiancés on a city trip. He had a few days left before he had to leave to explore the world. He would also have to go to the Ironearth continent, which was far away from the thundercloud Continent.

On the way, he thought of going to Hua Lin who was in the Lightning Sect. Even though she was still young It didn't mean that he would let her go. before he went to the Nine Moon Devil Sword Sect. He must first make sure that No one will mess with her.

Chen Ming was now well known to everyone in the city. His reputation had changed for the better. He was taking his two fiancés for a walk. He could feel that someone was looking at him.

He looked in the direction of the Merchant Hall. He looked up at the top of the hall. He found an old man staring at him with wide-open eyes.

Chen Ming secretly laughed in his heart. The old man was only at the Sky Profound Realm. He was probably in charge of the Merchant Hall here. Chen Ming ignored him. and continue to hang out with Xiao Wen and Dongfang Gu

While the three were spending time together, The old man who looked at Chen Ming was sweating. He could feel the death as Chen Ming looked at him. The old man was confident that Chen Ming was stronger than him.

“That young man has an unusual power. Even I, at the highest level of Sky Profound Realm, couldn't see it. No need to rush to inform the Assassin's Hall. Do not accept any other work related to this young man. Otherwise, there might be a big problem.”

The old man hurriedly sent a message to the Assassin's Hall himself

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