Martial God Gamer

193 Chapter 193

Heaven and Earth energy exploded, dealing damage in a wide area. A fine dining restaurant in the heart of the city is now just a ruin.

The explosion caused panic among the surrounding people.

People picked up their phones to take pictures of the explosion and called for help.

No one had imagined that there would be a terrorist attack in a place like this. The restaurant that exploded was located in a crowded area. Many people were injured in this incident.

Seeing from how devasted the bomb caused that can be seen now. maybe many people had died.

On top of that, probably not a single person survived in the restaurant.


On top of a tall building not too far from the restaurant.

At the top of the building, there was a man in a black suit. He was using binoculars to look in the direction of the restaurant where the explosion occurred.

He looked at the ruined restaurant with sharp and cold eyes. The man in the black suit saw that the restaurant had been bombed and that it had become wreckage. He then picked up his cell phone before dialing a number.

He only held the line for a short time. Then someone answered his call.

“The job has been completed.”

The man in the black suit spoke up in an emotionless voice as if what had happened was normal.

It's not important at all from what he said, he is the one who planted the bomb in the restaurant. and causing tragedy to people

He didn't show any expression of the crime that he have committed.

“Well done. The organization has received the news about the mission and we will pay you as usual. For now, we recommend you hide for a while. Because now the Magistrates have made a move.”

After speaking, the other party immediately cuts the call.

The man in the black suit immediately followed the instructions. He definitely didn't wait for the magistrates to arrive. It seemed that the other party had sent a skilled magistrate.

The man in the black suit took out a talisman from the pocket inside his suit. What he took out was a Trace Erasing Talisman. A common thing for a Destruction Taoist like him.

He wanted to erase the traces as quickly as possible before he disappeared. But before he had a chance to use the talisman He felt something from behind him.

He hurriedly picked up a pistol that was strapped on his waist before pointing it behind him.

He who had turned his back did not find anyone. He could only lower his gun. He sensed something unusual. Just now, he could sense that there was someone behind him. He believed in his sense.

His sense had never failed before, he was confident that there would be someone close by.

“Come out, I know you're here. Hiding is useless. You may be able to hide from sight and perception. But you can't escape my sense.”

the sense that the man in the black suit had wasn’t an ordinary sense But it's the sense of a killer. A killer's sense is not something that comes easily. It was necessary to rely on a lot of talent and risky experience to obtain it. It will kick in every time a danger approaches him.

Whatever the man in the black suit said seemed to work. In the shadow of this night

Appears as black waves gradually forming together. The man in the black suit saw what had happened. He began to feel something in the shadows. He could feel the danger he had never experienced before.

“What kind of pressure is this…?”

What he saw now surpassed what he had imagined or imagined. The energy that came out from within the darkness was extremely strong. It was overflowing until it became uncomfortable and suffocating.

It was so intense that the Heaven and Earth Profound Energy that originated from Heaven and Earth had been subdued, such a power, it would definitely not generate from an ordinary person's power.

Within the densely gathered shadows Gradually appeared as a handsome young man. His handsome and sharp face now. full of cold

“What… are you…”

The man in the black suit asked the handsome young man who came out of the darkness and stood before him now with difficulty.

He felt heavy all over his body, if it wasn't for his body that was stronger than ordinary people, he would have passed out or would have died.

A handsome young man emerged from the shadows. And of course, this young man was Chen Ming. He was furious now. The kind of anger that his profound energy was gushing out caused a disturbance to the surrounding energy. Heaven and Earth energy in this dirty world can not go against Chen Ming's mystical dragon energy.

Chen Ming, who had come out of the shadows, looked coldly at the man in the black suit.

Chen Ming didn't say anything. From the look of it, he knew that the man in the black suit didn't recognize him. Chen Ming was not his target today. But even so, No one will hurt his people and will live tomorrow. But first, he had to extract all the information from him. so he would deal with him later

The area in front of the wreckage used to be a fine dining restaurant.

Police and firefighters have now arrived at the scene. They arrived and immediately rushed to help the people.

Zhao Ruping, the head of the police force was notified of the incident. At this moment, looking at the crime scene in front of him. He gritted his teeth in anger. This was once again something like this that happened in the region he was in charge of.

No matter how angry he was, he couldn't do anything. The above instructed him that this was not the responsibility of the police. The more He received this order the more he was furious.

He is a good policeman. What was it that was not the responsibility of the police?

He burst out in dissatisfaction. He could only keep his displeasure behind and began to help the wounded in the explosion.

“It's not the responsibility of the police? People have suffered. It is the duty of the police to help people. Otherwise, why would there be a policeman? Da*n it!”

He was disappointed with the authorities that were in charge of this.

After the police and firefighter arrived

Ambulances gradually followed. Mobile medical team and nurses rushed to give first aid to the injured. They counted the number of injuries. can count dozens of people They ranged from minor injuries to serious injuries. Fortunately, no one had died, at least just by looking not searching.

They are unable to determine the exact number of victims and injuries at this time. They had to wait for the firefighters to put out the current blaze before they could count the true number.

The firefighters and all the officers do their best to put out the raging fire. The hopes of meeting the survivors were so few. They certainly thought that no one would survive this incident.

But while they thought that no one would survive, Under the gloomy mood of the incident, they found something that made them scared.

What happened in front of them was unbelievable. under the ruins, They saw a bright turquoise-colored aura emerge from under the piles of stones.

Zhao Ruping could feel the power surging out from the aura beneath the stone. He didn't hesitate and immediately gave an order.

“Quickly, go get a jack and lift these stones! There may still be survivors down there!”

Zhao Ruping spoke with hope. Hopefully, that aura will be a hope for him to meet with the survivors. His subordinates brought jacks to help raise large piles of stones. They were able to help each other lift larger stones. and as soon as they lifted the stone The aura that was emitted became brighter as well.

Zhao Ruping looked into the light. He just stood there stunned. What he saw was extremely supernatural. He saw people lying on the ground in various gestures. They had an aura all over their bodies. They did not appear to have any wounds or bruises. It was as if the aura that covered them was protecting them from danger.

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