Married to the Devil's Son

Chapter 160 - 37

Chapter 160 - 37

All air left her lungs as she caught sight of a man she knew very well, yet seemed unfamiliar to her eyes. This man looked far from dead or sick. He exuded power and strength as he walked through the crowd. His tall figure was clad in a black long-sleeved jacket with a white shirt underneath. The jacket was adorned with silver buttons and embroideries. His pants were simple and narrow and went into a pair of black boots that made a clicking sound as he walked.

The way he dressed was simple, but people ogled at his face. His raven black hair shone under the thousand lights that were lit in the room. It was combed back nicely and flowed elegantly down to his broad shoulders. The darkness of his hair was such a contrast to his pale, smooth skin. The sharp lines of his face and his slightly hollow cheeks gave him a predatory look, but his defined lips and long thick lashes brought a gentle expression to his face.

Heaven had to remind herself to breathe. She was gawking like everyone else. It took her a moment to realize what was happening, still her mind had a hard time processing how she felt. Her emotions were a mix of excitement and panic before fear slowly crept into her heart.

What was he doing here?

He walked down the red carpet that led to her father's throne without hesitance. Heaven could feel the tension in the air. Callum and Lincoln sensed that Zamiel was not human and put their hands on their weapons as he neared. They were about to step forward when her father motioned for them to stay still.

Heaven's heart drummed in her chest. She did not know what to do or what would happen. Her body froze, her mind got flooded with thoughts she could not keep up with.

The guards around them shifted as he came closer, but Zamiel didn't even bother to look their way. When he stood right beneath the first step that led up to the throne he came to a halt.

Heaven looked at her father from where she sat beside him. He remained calm, not revealing how he felt. She prayed that nothing serious would happen. Then she looked at Zamiel, but he wasn't looking at her. He gazed at her father instead.

"Your Majesty." He bowed slightly. "I apologize for coming uninvited, but I believe meeting in this situation is safest for everyone."

Meeting at a party where many humans were present was indeed a good place to meet if he wanted to avoid a fight.

Her father nodded. "What are your intentions for coming here, Zamiel?"

Heaven's eyes widened in surprise. Her father knew his name.

"I have no ill intentions." His gaze shifted to Heaven and her heart skipped a beat as their eyes locked, but he quickly looked back at her father again. "With your permission, I would like to ask your daughter for a dance."

Oh no. Now it felt like her heart would jump out of her chest. She didn't know who to worry for. Her father or Zamiel?

The world went still until her father gave Zamiel his approval.

Slowly, Zamiel's silver eyes turned to her. Her heart skipped. She was still in shock by everything that just happened.

"Your Highness." He spoke to her in soft tones that chased the fear out of her body. She stared into his silver eyes and he gave her a slight reassuring smile. "Would you honor me with a dance?"

Heaven froze, then she turned to her father, unsure of what to do. Her father gave her a nod. Hesitantly, she stood up from her seat and went to the stairs.

Zamiel reached his hand out for her to take. Heaven lifted her dress with one hand, took a step down before placing the other hand in Zamiel's. His hand was cold, but his hold gave her a warm, secure feeling.

He helped her down gently and led her to the dance floor. Everyone was looking at them and Heaven caught sight of Zarin who stared grimly at her. Before she could think of what his expression meant, Zamiel drew her into his arms.

Heaven's heart skipped a beat. The world around her faded away as she looked into his silver eyes. Excitement bubbled in her stomach at his closeness. There were so many things she wondered, so many things she wanted to ask, but her mind refused to function. All she could focus on was the man holding her in his arms. The beauty of him was breathtaking, and she was used to seeing beautiful people.

She was not the only one staring. Even as they danced people kept looking his way. Whispers took off and women already began to wait for their turn to dance with him.

They would stand close by, seeking his attention. Heaven had never been so annoyed in her life. She turned to Zamiel, hoping he didn't notice them, but his gaze never left her face. The intensity in them caused her to blush.

She could still not believe she was dancing with him. She had worried for him so much, fought the urge to seek him every night and had to keep herself occupied all day, just so she wouldn't think of him.

Now he was here. Dancing with her, only looking at her, and he seemed to be alright.

More than alright.

He looked perfect.

"You… you are alright." She said.

He smiled at her. "Yes."

So he wasn't suffering anymore? What about the urge? Did the urge to bite her disappear?

She couldn't ask him those things because her parents could probably hear them.

"I want to apologize for what I asked of you last time. It was selfish act on my behalf."

"As long as you don't ask me again." She said.

"I will not." He promised.

She looked into his eyes. Was he truly alright? Did he truly give up those plans?

"Will you live?" She asked him. Just because he wouldn't ask her didn't mean he would not try to do it himself.

"Yes." He replied without hesitance.

"You are not suffering anymore?" She blurted.

"No. I gave up on my suffering." He told her.

Why? What made him change so suddenly?

"You were willing to give up your peace of mind to end my suffering, so I gave up my suffering for your peace of mind." He explained.

Heaven looked at him for a long moment. She could not believe her ears. What she did wasn't in vain. The fear and worry she went through wasn't in vain. Her eyes teared up.

"Heaven, I told you. Only you can save me and you did."

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