Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

“Agh! Are you joking right now?”

Romandro, who had just returned after stamping the complaint report, waved his hand dismissively and laughed. It was as if he had heard an extremely audacious joke. In all his years, the combination of words seemed utterly insane. A prince as a demon? And not just any demon, but a devil?

“Haha! Oh my, seriously. Don’t say such things outside. You’ll be arrested for treason against the royal family! Even if you’re a minister, they won’t let it slide. No, no. Instead of that nonsense, just let me go home. Now that it’s night, every part of me aches—shoulders, knees, you name it. I’ve already sent Heil back, and if we just finish this, we’ll be done!”

Ta-da! Romandro presented the final report with sparkling eyes. However, Ian didn’t seem inclined to approve it. He merely sipped his tea calmly with a slight smile. Romandro’s smile slowly faded.

“…Good heavens, surely not, it can’t be?”

“Arsen is indeed a demon.”

Romandro instinctively covered his mouth with both hands. The shock made the back of his neck stiffen. He reflexively glanced around, fearing someone might overhear, even though only he and Ian were in the office.

“The circumstances make it certain. The name of the demon that Roberside claimed to have dealt with last was Arsen. It seems he’s borrowed that name.”

Ian explained to Romandro what had transpired. From the oracle with a different voice to Dilaina’s visit, he detailed everything. As he did so, Romandro’s mouth gradually opened wider, eventually gaping enough to fit a fist.

“If, if that’s true, if that’s really true, we shouldn’t just be sitting here! This calls for immediate action—we should go chop off his head right now. A demon, you say. A demon has infiltrated to bring about Bariel’s downfall!”

Romandro whispered his flustered words through clenched teeth. It was enough to make one go mad and jump around. What a disastrous omen for the great empire of Bariel! In contrast to Romandro’s frantic state, Ian calmly replaced his pen nib.

“Of course, we will do that. But we can’t do it now. Isn’t Arsen’s position in the imperial palace at its peak? We can’t take him down based on circumstantial evidence alone.”

A dream Jin claimed Roberside had? A high priest’s ten-year-old memory? A vague claim that the voice of the deity was different? These were all things that couldn’t be seen directly. It was far from enough to bring Arsen down.

“Then wh-what do we do?”

Going home was no longer the issue. Romandro pulled up a chair in front of Ian and looked at what he was examining. They were documents about temples, oracles, and demons kept in the imperial palace.

“I have some ideas, but I need to confirm if they’re feasible.”

“You’re going to go through all this alone?”

“If we had plenty of time, that would be fine, but unfortunately, it seems we can’t. Dilaina’s attendants left the palace with the mages. They’ll arrive here tomorrow at the earliest, or within the day after at the latest.”

Ian smiled and handed some documents to Romandro. It was an invitation to review them together. Since there were traitors mixed in with the Ministry of Magic, they couldn’t carelessly request work support.

“I understand. What should I look for?”

“From here to here. Please sort out anything that seems even slightly related to Arsen and pass it to me.”

Romandro nodded, pressing his eyelids firmly. Well, it’s not like he’d die from missing one more night of sleep. Yeah! It’s worth sacrificing for Bariel. His eyes felt a bit moist, but he sat down next to Ian without complaint and began flipping through the papers.


“Ian. Listen to this. Does this apply to His Highness Arsen as well?”

-If it’s a demon capable of physical growth, growth of innate abilities and acquisition of new skills are also possible.

Ian took the paper from Romandro. If this was true, now was definitely the right time to act. It would be best to nip it in the bud before it grew any larger. Ian was about to put the paper down when he focused on “acquisition of new skills.”

“Come to think of it…”

“Come to think of what? Why?”

“At the New Year’s gathering. Arsen was incredibly fascinated by my mana orb. He even touched it. It could have been an act, but according to His Highness Jin, he couldn’t hide his excitement even after returning to his quarters.”

Could he have touched the mage’s mana then, remembered it, and replicated it? Ian tapped the paper with his fingertips. Bit by bit, the stage for Arsen was taking shape.

“…Sir Romandro?”

“Don’t call me that. I get a little scared every time you address me so formally now.”

“I’m talking about the rumor using His Highness Gale. Let’s push it a bit harder. If His Highness Arsen’s true identity is revealed, it will create cracks in the political landscape I’ve predicted. Especially with the Hayman faction, we can’t be certain how they’ll react right away. So, if possible, it would be better to weed him out before that.”

“It won’t be easy, but I’ll try.”


They focused on the documents again. As the night grew later, Romandro gritted his teeth to fight off sleep. One of the princes is a demon. And not just any demon, but one who came down to devour Bariel! He absolutely couldn’t fall asleep. To be honest, it still didn’t feel real, but since Ian said so, he was trying his best to accept it. After all, Ian’s judgments had never been wrong before.

Knock knock.

“It’s Viviana. I brought fresh tea in case the previous one got cold.”

“Have some.”

But Romandro had already stayed up the night before. Just as his head was about to fall back involuntarily, there was a stir outside. Startled, he swayed greatly as he tried to regain his posture.


Viviana poked her head in worriedly, holding a tray. Right beside her, peering in as well, was Jin. Ian put down his pen in surprise. It was the dead of night, yet they were still awake?

“Your Highness?”

“I was waiting outside, worried I might be disturbing you. It seems you can’t sleep. Your Highness should have some tea that’s good for sleep… Sir Romandro! What’s wrong with your face?”

“Vivi! Sob, I fought with the judicial department folks today.”

“Oh my goodness. Oh dear.”

Romandro took this opportunity to rush into Vivi’s arms. He sought the comforting pats of a lover to wash away all his sorrows at once. While the two embraced, Jin awkwardly looked at Ian.

“Lord Ian.”

Ian examined the child’s condition. The area under his eyes was red, and his complexion wasn’t good. When Ian glanced at Xiaoshi, he lowered his gaze and shook his head. It meant that Jin absolutely wouldn’t sleep.

“It’s far too late, Your Highness.”

“Well, it’s just…”

“Come here.”

Ian moved to the sofa and patted the spot next to him. It must be the shock of learning that his brother is a demon. And not just any demon, but one that looks exactly like him.

At Ian’s call, Jin scurried over and sat next to the sofa. His once-neat fingertips were all bitten. Ian could guess how anxious he must be.

“What’s troubling Your Highness?”

“I, I don’t understand.”

“Why the demon happens to be Your Highness’s twin brother?”

Viviana, who had been comforting Romandro, paused. What on earth were they talking about? Like her, Xiaoshi also took a step back. He judged it wasn’t something he should be hearing.

“It’s done. For now, it’s top secret, but it will be revealed in a few days. His Highness Arsen is a demon.”

“…Pardon? Did I hear that correctly, pardon?”

“Vivi. Surprised, right? Me too. Let me explain.”

Romandro moved to the window with Viviana so as not to interrupt their conversation. Every time Romandro whispered something, Viviana shuddered in shock. In her place, Xiaoshi poured water into the teacups.


It was fragrant flower tea. Jin held the cup with both hands and took a deep breath to calm himself.

“Your Highness. The reason why the demon had to appear as Your Highness’s twin is, in fact, very clear.”

“Because Carbó’s blood flows in me?”

If so, how is it any different from cursed blood? As Jin whimpered, Ian smiled gently and shook his head.

“It’s because Your Highness, not Mariv or Gale, is the future emperor.”

Jin brought the tea to his lips but hesitated. It was a reason he hadn’t considered at all.

“Just as the gods do, the demons too would have gauged the most opportune place and time. Naturally, being close to Your Highness, the future emperor, rather than the princes who will fade into the annals of history, would have been better for achieving their wicked goals.”

So, all the hardships you’ve endured are proof that your future will be brilliant.

All the painful, unjust moments when you wanted to give up everything were like signposts pointing to a perfectly determined future. Ian patted Jin and whispered.

“So don’t be too upset. Your Highness’s fate is intertwined with Bariel’s. So close that even a demon judged it worth infiltrating.”

Jin bit his lip hard and frowned, trying to hold back tears. But how could he stop the rising emotions? When the child burst into tears, Ian laughed and wiped them away.

“Don’t cry, Your Highness.”

“…I’m not crying.”

“…Shall I read you a book? I borrowed ‘The Chronicles of Roberside,’ so you probably didn’t have anything suitable to read. I’m sorry. Let’s go to the bed.”

Jin nodded briefly at Ian’s suggestion. Is Arsen aware that he’s a demon? If he has awakened to it himself, what about mother? What should be done about mother?

‘I should ask Lord Roberside.’

If he falls asleep after reading a fairy tale, Lord Roberside will surely come to see him. He must ask about a way to save his mother. Jin returned to the bedroom with this resolve. Under the soft light, Ian’s golden hair shone warmly.

“Once upon a time…”

The voice reading to him, leaning against the headboard, was particularly affectionate. Before even a few pages of the fairy tale were turned, the child unknowingly drifted off to sleep.


Meanwhile, at that time.

“Oh God. Oh God who weaves fate and stitches life. Here is a weak believer seeking wisdom and guidance. Please, please, if you hear my faint groans, soothe them. I, I…”

Abidel kept calling out to God, her head bowed in the corner. Behind her, Makael watched anxiously.

The two had been given the reception room of the Ministry of Magic at Ian’s suggestion. They couldn’t leave here until the light of the oracle descended on Stone Mountain, or at least until another high priest who had received the oracle arrived.


“Please, please…”

Abidel wept copiously under her veil. One part of her mind denied Ian’s conjecture, but on the other hand, she had to admit that it contained considerable possibility.

That day, was what she heard really not an oracle? She had lived for ten years with the glory of hearing God’s will engraved in her heart. But if it was from a demon? What should she do?

“Makael. I-!”

Abidel curled up into a ball, lying face down. She felt defiled all over. She was on the verge of going mad with self-loathing for having worshipped a demon’s voice as if it were God’s.

Makael patted her back to comfort her.

“Nothing’s certain yet. Let’s stay calm and discuss the issue when everyone arrives.”

The words “It’s not your fault” and “Don’t worry” couldn’t leave his mouth. Regardless of Abidel’s position, it didn’t erase her responsibility. Unable to even lift her soaked veil, she mumbled.

“Why, why didn’t God tell me?”

“Abidel. Please calm down.”

“That it was wrong, that it was the voice of an evil being! If He had pitied me even a little, He could have told me! But why! Why!”


“He did tell you.”

A presence was heard behind her as she cried out. It was Ian, returning after reading a book to Jin. The night was so quiet that her prayers echoed loudly through the corridor.

“Today, through my mouth.”

“It’s been ten years. It’s too late.”

“Thinking ten years is a long time is a human perspective. To God, who oversees eternity, it may not be so. Believe that He pinpointed the most appropriate time in the long flow, and that time is now.”

Makael paused while wiping Abidel’s tears. It was because Ian had flung the door wide open. The cold wind from outside rushed in all at once.

“Won’t you come with me to the office to seek the truth?”

About ancient demons, about Roberside, about the temple, and about the oracle. Anything would do. Even a rebuttal that Arsen is not a demon would be welcome. Whatever it may be, knowledge will surely become wisdom.

“The tragedy that began in the Carbó Temple.”

There wasn’t much time left. If Arsen successfully passes the mana confirmation ceremony and gains absolute support, there would be no greater obstacle.

“It’s not too late. There’s still a chance to stop Arsen, which means if it’s resolved, you’ve taken responsibility, and conversely, if you can refute it, you’re free from responsibility. It seems more effective than prayer right now, don’t you think?”


Ian nodded, lightly shaking the fairy tale book.

Abidel and Makael suddenly wondered if this might be God’s response. A silent response telling them to go, help Ian, and save Bariel.

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