Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

While Ian and Romandro were refining the details of their plan, a message came from outside.

“Lord Ian. A messenger bird has arrived from outside the palace. It’s about Eric, the person in charge you inquired about. Shall I bring it in?”

“Bring it in.”

It was a preliminary situation report from the subordinate who had gone to Eric’s mansion. Ian unfolded the neatly folded note and read it. Romandro, curious, craned his neck from behind.

“What does it say? Was it really a carriage accident?”

“It was. According to Eric’s household servant, he had an accident on his way to work this morning and was moved to a nearby hospital. Fortunately, his life is not in danger, but the opinion is that he won’t be able to come to work until tomorrow. It was a major accident, enough for a carriage wheel to come off.”

“Tsk tsk! How could they involve an innocent person like this, really!”

“It’s Centra Hospital. They say they’ll go there to directly confirm Eric’s condition and then return.”

Ian carefully folded the note and placed it on the table. At this rate, even if the indictment were to be accepted somehow, it would take time for it to be referred to the general assembly. This was because it was Eric’s role to review whether the indictment was appropriate and to submit it to the general assembly.

Even if the employee Romandro suspected didn’t divert it midway, it might be difficult to convene the general assembly before the magic confirmation ceremony. That is, if things went according to the Hayman family’s plan.

“Hayman and Arsen’s side will try to avoid a trial. Because they have no chance of winning. So they’ll try to cut it off at the general assembly, preventing the trial from happening at all.”

“In fact, everyone in the imperial palace is waiting for that. There’s nothing more important right now than whether His Highness Arsen is a mage or not.”

Conversely, this meant that Ian needed to convene the general assembly before the magic confirmation ceremony. While not essential, it would be better to do so if it could make handling matters easier.

He tapped the end of the note with his hand, then rang the call bell.

“Lord Ian, did you call?”

“Gather the mages, centered around Captain Hale.”

“Pardon? Ah, understood.”

Centering around Captain Hale meant mainly gathering those who worked in field positions, didn’t it? Instead of explaining further, Ian took out the official seal for formal documents. Romandro cleared the desk and set out writing instruments.

“Are you going to send an official document? What will it say?”

“It would be good to inform the Minister of Justice about the current situation and make it public.”

“What if Hayman has already made moves on that side?”

“I don’t think so. If they had control over the top leadership, they wouldn’t have resorted to these petty tricks. They wouldn’t have feared going to trial either. I guess that Hayman’s influence hasn’t reached Bariel’s judiciary, which is known for its exceptional fairness and justice.”

“Y-Yes. Well, if they had pulled in the higher-ups, they wouldn’t have needed to go through all this trouble. But having Captain Hale deliver the official document seems like a waste of manpower.”

“Captain Hale will perform a different role.”

Scribble scribble.

Ian filled the paper with neat handwriting. Just as he was about to stamp the official seal of the Ministry of Magic at the end, new information came from outside.

“Lord Ian, um, they say both the Minister of Justice and the Vice Minister didn’t come to work today.”


The seal stopped in mid-air. How could both the Minister and Vice Minister not come to work? As Ian frowned and put down the stamp, the servant bowed deeply and stammered.

“The, the Minister apparently went to Count Davion’s party yesterday and couldn’t get up due to a hangover. The Vice Minister went to the outskirts on business and is reportedly unable to move due to severe indigestion. They say if it’s an urgent official document, they’ll gather the department heads to handle it. How should I respond?”

Unlike Ian, who laughed incredulously, Romandro was shocked and could only gape. Hadn’t they deliberately chosen this day to empty out the judiciary? Romandro turned to Ian in confusion.

“Is this, is this even possible? Huh?”

“If they can block it, what can’t they do?”

“Should we call for the department heads to gather?”

“No. That’s enough. Looking at how things are unfolding, that doesn’t seem easy either.”

Ian burned the official document he had been writing and took out a new sheet of paper. He quickly scribbled something and handed it to the servant.

“Have the messenger bird tie this and send it to Centra Hospital. Another reply will come, so always wait by the window.”

“Yes, Lord Ian.”

As the servant left, Ian changed into lighter outerwear. As if preparing to go out. Ian looked at Romandro’s complexion and asked.

“Lord Romandro, you should go and rest now.”

“My duty is until the indictment is filed, so I’ll help until the end. But, what exactly are you planning to do?”

“I’m going to do it myself.”


Romandro hesitated at Ian’s resolute answer. For a minister to move directly to file an indictment. Where else could you find such a farce? Romandro shook his head and stubbornly insisted.

“If, if that’s the case, no, absolutely not! I’ll go with you!”

“You look tired though.”

“Am I in the way if I’m there?”

“That’s not it, but…”

“Then let’s see it through to the end! I’m still full of energy!”

As Romandro clenched his fist and shouted, Ian smiled while buttoning up.

“Well then, um, prepare some protective gear.”

“…Protective gear? Why?”

Romandro hesitated, feeling ominous, but Ian just smiled. Sometimes, it’s not bad to respond to petty tricks with petty actions.

Several hours later,

Clop clop!

Knock knock!

“Lord Ian! A message has arrived from Centra Hospital!”

Ian immediately stood up as if he had been waiting and received the letter. Then he woke up Romandro, who was half sprawled over the back of the sofa. Drooling as he slept, he looked at Ian with drowsy eyes.

“Huh, I, I wasn’t sleeping, Ian.”

“I understand. Let’s get going now.”

Ian put on leather gloves and stepped out of the office. The mages waiting outside, including Captain Hale, all stood up at once to greet him. They clearly looked confused about what was going on. At Ian’s gesture, Hale chewed on a cigarette and leaned in close.

“We’re going to the judiciary.”

“But the judiciary…”

“We’re going to pick up Eric’s seal. Get it and go to Centra Hospital. Get the indictment approved right there.”

Although he didn’t understand, Hale replied that he understood for now. Then he instructed the mages behind him.

“Follow Lord Ian. We’re going to the judiciary.”

“We’re going to the judiciary! Let’s all go!”

Dozens of mages ran down the building stairs, their robes fluttering. Ian, at the forefront, looked straight ahead to the west without the slightest disturbance. It was the direction of the judiciary.


Although it was past noon, the judiciary was unusually quiet. More than half of the staff were absent, as if a plague had broken out. Especially since even high-ranking officials like the Minister had taken leave. It was a situation that could be called a complete work paralysis.

“Anyone would think today was a holiday.”

“I know, right? How could all the higher-ups be like this at the same time? The Vice Minister too. He told us to report by today, so I worked overtime yesterday, but he doesn’t show up himself.”

“Still, I’m enjoying life since the bosses aren’t here.”

“Right. Plus, it’s so nice that everyone’s out. Imagine if only one or two were absent. We’d be working overtime today covering for them.”

The employees chatted while sharing small tasks within their capabilities. There was less work coming in from outside today as well.

While peacefully sipping tea and shuffling through documents, someone made a curious sound.

“Huh? What’s that over there?”

“What? What is it?”

“It looks like the Ministry of Magic’s flag. A group of carriages is entering the judiciary.”

At the employee’s words, others also got up to look down from the window. The horses’ heads were turning towards the building where the reception desks were mainly located within the judiciary.

“Leave it be. It’s not our business anyway.”

“Hmm. I suppose so?”

“Ignore it, ignore it. Let’s just get through this one day quietly. It’s almost time to go home anyway.”

Three hours left until going home. At the person in charge’s instruction, the employees just shrugged and returned to their places. Not knowing what was happening in the building on the opposite side of the judiciary.



The guards retreated in confusion at the group of carriages that rushed in front of the reception building. The mages looked solemn, as if they had come for a fight.

“What, what’s going on?”

Ian, who got out of the carriage with the support of the mages. He took out a letter from his chest. It had Eric’s personal signature on it.

“We’re here from the Ministry of Magic to file an indictment, but we were told that Eric, the person in charge, didn’t come in today due to an accident. Since it’s an urgent matter that needs to be handled, we contacted the hospital, and they said they’d gladly process it if we brought the seal. So, we’ve come to get it.”

The guards couldn’t distinguish Eric’s personal signature. They just stood at their posts guarding the entrance at all times. The guards hesitated and looked at the mages.

“But why have so many people come?”

“Do I need to explain why a minister brings his subordinates? My time is as precious as yours, so step aside.”

Clop clop!

Just as the guards were about to lower their spears and turn their bodies, the reception staff inside ran out in surprise and then anxiously assessed the situation.

“It, it’s that guy! Ian!”

It was the employee who had asked Romandro for identification in the morning. The woman who was pointed out bit her lip hard and then shouted in a sharp voice.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’ve come to get Eric’s seal at his request.”

“You expect us to believe that now?”

“It’s not the emperor’s seal, just an official stamp. Why are you being so aggressive? Here’s Eric’s personal signature. If there’s someone who can verify it, let them do so.”

Ian lightly waved the letter held between his index and middle fingers.

But the staff just pressed their lips together and exchanged glances with each other. They showed the will to block it unconditionally, without even checking if it was real or fake.

Hale finally realized the meaning of the order.

‘This, it’s been a while.’

And he lightly loosened his hands and feet with a crack. Although the imperial palace was noble, there were frequent physical confrontations to assert opinions at times. Because not everyone follows principles and rules. Of course, most of these happened during meetings.

“It’s not allowed. It’s almost closing time for business.”

“We just need to take the seal.”

“Absolutely not until Eric comes in person! What are you all doing?”


Whatever amount Hayman had given them, they seemed willing to even quit their jobs. The staff linked arms tightly and then firmly blocked the entrance.

“You, you, insolent! Hey! Do you think you can cover the sky with your palm? How can your work process be so simple, ignorant, and infuriating?”

Romandro gestured angrily while panting, but they just snorted in response.

“If it’s not allowed, then it’s not allowed!”

Hale swallowed a sigh inwardly as he rolled up his sleeves.

If they used magic, Ian alone could subdue them. But bringing along these colleagues was to deny any unilateral violence through magic later. Hale and the other mages realized this and lightly loosened their bodies.

“Now then.”

Ian clicked his pocket watch.

“Ten minutes from now.”



Ian gave a brief hand signal. Then, with Hale in the lead, the mages charged forward. Romandro just flinched, at a loss for what to do.


Clop clop!


“Ugh! Ugh!”

“Get out of the way! Move!”

“What are you saying, get lost! We said it’s not allowed!”

“Hold on! Don’t let go of your arms! Resist!”

Instead of punching, they pushed with their shoulders, and instead of pulling hair, they tore at collars. While the mages and judiciary reception staff tangled with each other, Ian watched from behind.

And Romandro, standing awkwardly beside him. When Ian raised an eyebrow, Romandro closed his eyes tight and ran forward reluctantly, as if forced to eat mustard while crying.

“You, you, you lot! Let’s just do our work!”


He was immediately thrown back from the intense physical struggle, but Romandro got up again and shouted with all his might.

“Mo-move out of the waaay!”

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