Magic Love Ring

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Before entering the security company, all the eight drivers were veterans who were proficient in fighting skills. Eight of them cooperated in the attack and all attacked the tricky parts. Therefore, in their opinion, it was not easy to get song Yan. Unfortunately, song Yan let them down.

At the moment when they launched the attack, song Yan leaped out like a cheetah. Since the tiger leap into the middle body technique, his body shape was more flexible and his speed was more agile.

"Bang! Bang! "

The two drivers only felt a flower in front of them. Then, they felt as if they were hit by a running train on their chest, and their bodies were like a kite flying out of the line, falling four meters away.

After colliding with the two drivers, the encirclement opened a gap, but song Yan did not rush out of the gap, but suddenly turned around and kicked out.

"Bang bang!"

Two more drivers answered.

This process seems to depict so many characters, in fact, it takes place between two seconds. It can be said that song Yan's action has reached the extreme.

Seeing four companions being beaten to flight, the remaining four drivers were a little bit scared and subconscious.

But song Yan didn't intend to spare them.

Body shape is coming out again.

"BAM BAM bam!"

The sound of the collision was almost in no order. The remaining four drivers followed the previous four drivers. Song Yan hit them and they couldn't get up.

The number of the other side is dominant, and Hansha is nearby. Song Yan dare not keep his strength. In addition to not using his internal strength, he has exerted his strength to the extreme.

Five seconds.

Eight strong men were all knocked down by song Yan. Seeing this scene, the students around could not help but show their shock and worship.

Nangong Jun's face became especially gloomy, and his eyes were even more sparkling with cold murderous intention.


Song Yan's eyes turn to Nangong Jun, and they collide with his murderous eyes.

So he raised his feet and walked to Nangong Jun.

"Boy, I admit you can fight well, but you also push yourself into a place of no return! No one dares to fight me, and no one dares to defeat my people! " Nangong Jun stares at Song inkstone.


Song Yan slapped out. Suddenly, Nangong Jun saw five bright red finger marks on his face.

"What a pleasure, NIMA! What a song inkstone In the crowd, Zhang is naturally excited. It seems that it's not song Yan who slaps Nangong Jun in the face, but him.

Nangong Jun covers his face and stares at Song Yan incredulously. He doesn't believe that song Yan dare slap him in the face, but the burning pain reminds him that it's true. Anger and murder rise from his chest, and his handsome face is distorted. He points to song Yan and shouts, "dare you hit me? Do you know who I am? "


Song Yan didn't speak. He slapped out again.

Suddenly, five bright red finger prints appeared on the other cheek of Nan Gong Jun.

"Asshole, I'm going to kill you!"

Nangong junkuai is mad with rage. Zhang Yaowu rushes to song yankuai, but he is greeted by two hard slaps.

"Pa Pa Pa!"

The slap was clear and loud, which made the whole audience silent. After experiencing such things, the experienced students have popularized Nangong Jun's identity to everyone, the first dandy in Xiangcheng, the only heir of Nangong family!

But now the first dandy is slapped in the face by the students in their school. They are all filled with a kind of inexplicable pleasure and excitement. Some people secretly worry about song Yan. The Nangong family is not so easy to provoke and beat Nangong Jun. How can song Yan end up? Will he be ruined by Nangong family?

"I'll kill you!"

Song Yan's slap didn't wake Nangong Jun up. He yelled at Song Yan again.

See, song Yan eyes flashed a cold light.

Hands, he clasped Nangong Jun's neck, a little effort to lift him to the air.

"I don't care what kind of background and power you have, but you know, if you dare to hurt miss Hansha again, I will really kill you!"

When his hands were tightened, Nangong Jun felt that his breathing became difficult, and his head became dizzy because of lack of oxygen. He was afraid. He was afraid that song Yan would kill him in a rage.

"No Don't kill me! "


Song Yan's palm was loose, and Nangong Jun fell to the ground. He panted desperately. His face was filled with happiness for the rest of his life. But then, his heart was filled with monstrous resentment and hatred. That kid almost killed him. This is a big feud!

"I must redouble it, no! Ten times and a hundred times! "

Song Yan no longer paid attention to Nangong Jun, turned around and walked to miss Hansha, whispering: "miss Hansha is OK, I will take you home."

"Well." Hansha nodded, but the worry on her face was growing.

The crowd separated automatically, forming a channel, leaving song Yan and Han Sha.Hundreds of meters away, Zhang ran after him.

"What can I do for you?" Song Yan asked.

"Miss Hansha, song Yan, run away! How far is it to escape? The character of Nangong junjain will definitely not let you go! " Speaking, Zhang naturally took out a handful of money from his pocket and put it into song Yan's hands: "this is my intention." Then he said to Hansha with guilt: "I'm sorry, Mr. Han, I didn't insist."

"Classmate Zhang, I can understand that not everyone has the courage to offend Nangong family!" Hansha said with emotion.

"Miss Hansha, thank you for understanding me!" Then Zhang's eyes fell on Song Yan, who was rather complicated: "Song Yan, I arranged someone to defecate in Yan Weimin's drawer. Because I am jealous of you and deliberately framed you, I apologize to you here."

Then, Zhang naturalness made a deep bow to song Yan.

Song Yan was stunned, and then he said with a smile, "it's over. It's OK. Besides, I haven't suffered any loss."

"Thank you." "Thank you, but immediately told:" you want to escape early, and, you'd better inform your family immediately, let them also leave the city! "

"Not as serious as you said?" Song Yan asked in a deep voice.

"Song Yan is really serious. Zhang is right. We have to escape. Otherwise, not only you but also I will get revenge from Nangong family, and even your family will be involved!" Hansha interposed, looking very serious.

Song Yan is silent. After a while, he says to Hansha, "I'll call first."

Then, song Yan dials up uncle song Shize's phone, and tells him all that happened just now without any concealment.

He thought that uncle would be furious, but his voice was very calm: "ah Yan, things are not as serious as you think. You go home first and don't go anywhere. I will deal with this matter."

"Thank you, uncle." Song Yan was moved, and suddenly he said, "uncle, what about Hansha?"

This time, the uncle was silent for a while and then said: "please invite her to be a guest at home. Well, that's it. Go home quickly and don't stay outside for a long time! "


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