Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 248 Starting Over Again

"Wow, what a long line," Vincent muttered to himself, observing the dozens of tourists busy taking pictures at the entrance of the pyramid.

It was nothing short of miraculous that no one had spotted him when he teleported to this location.

"The fragment is definitely under the pyramid. Wonder if I should just dig my way through and get this over with," he mused to himself. This place, unlike the beautiful mountain in China, seemed barren – not exactly holding much allure for him. It looked like he might as well Speedrun through this.

Armed with his ability to manipulate Earth itself, he could easily burrow through the sand, like a mole navigating its subterranean realm.

With that thought guiding him, the sand beneath his feet began to twirl and sank, his body gradually descending into the soft grains.

He descended deeper and deeper, the distance to the ground growing until he found himself 200 feet below the surface. It was a smart decision; the Pyramid of Giza didn't have significant underground to begin with, implying that the fragment was concealed in a location beyond the reach of ordinary humans.

Coming to a halt, he shifted his focus and created a vertical tunnel. With each step he took, he fortified the surrounding structure, ensuring it wouldn't crumble under his influence. It was a task of little effort for him – he was literally a man capable of shaping valleys with a mere thought.

After a few steps, he encountered a stone of wall that resisted his control. Curious, he concentrated his gaze on it, only to find that this stone harbored two distinct types of energy. One exuded a radiant, golden energy, different from holy power but akin to the sun's might.

The other energy bore the essence of moonlight, yet it carried an aura all its own – a sensation of serenity. 

"I recognize this. It's really them," 

Vincent's palm connected with the wall, his touch infusing it with a surge of pure energy. Though he couldn't bend the wall to his will, he could certainly destroy it.


The wall crumbled before him, revealing a vast hall adorned with treasures of gold and diamonds. The sight, although impressive to most, hardly stirred any shock within him. Gold and diamonds were commodities he could create at whim, rendering their material value useless in front of his eyes.

What captured his attention were the intricate designs of the artifacts. Crowns, pendants, bracelets – an array of finely crafted accessories lay before him, preserved in impeccable condition.

"All perfectly preserved. The energy here must have shielded them from decay," he murmured to himself, his steps leading him towards the center.

Amidst the grand display, a golden tombstone stood at the heart of the chamber. Vincent's scrutiny fell upon its surface, noting the lavish use of pure gold. The Egyptians, he thought, certainly had a bias for the precious metal.

He applied force to the tomb's lid. Its weight betrayed its appearance, a hefty 200 kilograms of solid gold. Yet, for him, this was a trivial obstacle to overcome.

As the tomb's lid swung wide, a familiar face greeted him.  Nestled within the lavish golden sarcophagus was a sleeping woman of truly breathtaking allure. Her face formed a flawless heart shape, an arrangement of features that can make anyone awestruck.

Her nose possessed an aristocratic refinement, and her jawline boasted a delicate curvature that added a touch of grace to her exquisite countenance. Raven-black tresses spilled like a cascade of silk, a stark contrast to the radiant golden surroundings. Long, sweeping lashes framed her eyes, bestowing an air of enigmatic allure akin to a model gracing the pages of an haute couture magazine. (Runaway Magazine) 

"It's really you, Sellie," he whispered to himself, memories flooding back.

This captivating woman was none other than Cleopatra Selene II, the daughter of Cleopatra . Fenrir had encountered her while journeying the world, and their connection had deepened into a passionate romance. However, everything took a turn for the worse when his actions nearly cost her brother Caesarion his life.

Amidst the sons and daughters of Cleopatra, Selene and her twin brother Helios were the sole holder of supernatural gifts. As a result, they found themselves in the crosshairs of their envious siblings.

Fenrir had attempted to shield the pair from harm, yet events spiraled beyond his influence. Circumstances had forced him to depart from Egypt in order to prevent further strife. The last encounter Fenrir shared with Helios took place during the heat of a sacred war.

Tragically, the opportunity to converse with Helios about her well-being remained an unfulfilled wish, slipping through Fenrir's fingers like grains of sand. Before he could bridge the gap, the hands of fate had already ushered him into the embrace of death.

Vincent's fingers traced the contours of her face gently. Her eyes twitched and then slowly opened, as if his touch had nudged her awake. The hall held a hushed atmosphere, a moment heavy with their passionate past.

Their reunion wove together both bitter and sweet moments.

However, the response he received wasn't a passionate smile nor a kiss. Instead, it was a swift and unexpected slap across his face. The sound echoed in the air, a resounding "BAM!" that shattered the fragile tension of the moment.

His expression, marked by guilt, spoke volumes as he tried to ask, "Are you still angry?" 

Tears welled in her eyes as she uttered, her voice trembling, "What do you think? You abandoned me?"

The memory of that fateful night, when she had been prepared to forsake her heritage and family to be by his side, still clung to her heart. And yet, Fenrir had chosen to leave. 

"I..." Vincent found himself at a loss for words. Confronted by the repercussions of his past self-actions, he couldn't help but acknowledge the callousness Fenrir had once embodied, leaving a trail of broken hearts in his life.

"I'm sorry for walking away," he responded, his words carrying the weight of regret, the only actions that seemed to surface in that moment was to apologized.

She held his gaze for a moment, her eyes a mixture of anger and a depth of affection that time couldn't erase. 

"Apologies don't mend what was broken," she forcibly retorted, her voice tinged with a lingering resentment. Yet beneath the surface of her frustration, the flame of love still glowed, refusing to be extinguished completely.

He sighed, a hint of sadness in his eyes as he absorbed her words.

"I understand that my apologies can't change the past...But I want you to know that my feelings for you were never insincere. I was foolish, and I hurt you deeply. If I could go back, I'd do things differently, but all I can do now is show you that still love you,"

Gently, he drew her into an embrace, his arms enveloping her with a tender reassurance. Actions often spoke louder than words.

Her voice quivered as she spoke, tears mingling with her words, "You're just using my love for you to your advantage, aren't you?" Despite her accusation, she didn't resist his embrace; she allowed herself to be drawn into the warmth of his arms.

The walls she had erected around her heart seemed to crumble in the face of his affectionate hold, slowly melting away as if they were mere illusions.

"That's right, and I don't care. As long as you can find it in your heart to forgive me," he replied, his voice carrying sincerity.

"You hurt me deeply," she began, her voice trembling, "and I can't just forget that pain."

"I know, and I'm not asking you to forget. But I love you, Selie. I've come to realize the gravity of my mistakes, and I want to make things right."

"You left scars that never healed," she admitted softly, her voice barely audible.

His grip tightened, his fingers pressing against her back, as if to offer her a sense of love.

"I want to be the one to heal those scars," he whispered.

Tears welled up in her eyes again, but this time they held a different kind of emotion – a flicker of vulnerability mixed with the remnants of love that had never truly disappeared.

"You're asking for a lot," she whispered, her guard beginning to waver.

"I know"

"But if you can find it within yourself to forgive me, to give us a chance... I promise you won't regret it." he held her even tighter.

A myriad of emotions danced across her face – the remnants of anger, the shadows of being left behind, and the glimmers of a love that had endured despite it all. And then, as if a weight had been lifted, a tearful smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"You really have a way of getting under my skin," she murmured.

"So, can we start over?"

She hesitated for a heartbeat, and then, finally, her arms tightened around him, a silent confirmation of her decision.

"Yes," she whispered, her voice filled with a vulnerability.

"Let's start over."

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