Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 154 Personification Of Evil

As the bus rumbled along the dark desert road, the students from the Institute of Manhattan chatted excitedly, their voices blending with the hum of the engine.

"I can't believe we're actually going to see the Gates of Hell!" exclaimed Sarah, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"I know, right?" responded Alex, leaning forward in his seat. "I've seen pictures, but seeing it in person is going to be a whole different experience."

Amidst the enthusiastic chatter, Miley turned to their male guide, who was seated at the front of the bus. "Tell us more about how the Darvaza Crater was formed," she requested, her curiosity evident.

The guide smiled, happy to share the story.

"Well, back in 1971, Soviet geologists were drilling for natural gas when they accidentally hit an underground cavern filled with gas. The ground collapsed, creating this massive sinkhole. To prevent the spread of poisonous gas, they decided to ignite it, thinking it would burn off in a few weeks. Little did they know, the flames will burn for over five decades and so on!"

"Whoa, that's crazy!" exclaimed Alex, leaning back in his seat. "Imagine making that kind of blunder"

"Yeah, it's like something out of a comedy movie," Sarah added with a sarcastic smile.

Although the tour guide felt offended, he was too old and tired to lose his temper with these immature children. 

The bus finally came to a stop, and they eagerly stepped out onto the desert sand. The scorching heat embraced them immediately, and they walked in a tight-knit group toward the edge of the crater, directed by their knowledgeable guide

Their voices grew quieter as they got closer to the Gates of Hell, and reverence descended upon them. They were met with a really remarkable sight: a sizable sinkhole filled with flickering flames that created an ethereal red glow against the dark sky.

"Wow..." whispered Miley, her voice barely audible amidst the crackling of the fire. "It's so much more mesmerizing than I ever imagined."

"It's like we're standing at the gates of another realm," murmured Sarah, her voice filled with a mix of awe and trepidation.

Silence settled over them as they absorbed the power and beauty of nature's creation. The flames danced and swirled, captivating their gaze and igniting a sense of wonder deep within.

"It's moments like these that make you realize how small we are in the grand scheme of things," The guide stared talking to make the atmosphere more immersive. 

Nodding in agreement, they stood there, in that awe-inspiring moment, contemplating the delicate balance between human intervention and the untamed forces of the Earth.

Suddenly Miley's voice broke through the silence

"Is it just me, or is it getting hotter?"

"We are looking at the gates of hell, so yeah, it's bound to be hot!," Alex teased in a playful manner.

Everyone laughed at his remarks.

However, their guide's expression shifted abruptly, his face contorting with concern. Something wasn't right.

And without warning, the ground beneath them began to tremble, setting off a chain reaction. The flames below roared to life, surging upward with an alarming intensity.

Panic gripped the group as the guide's urgent voice pierced the air, "Not good! Run!"

Their instinct kicked in, and they wasted no time, bolting away from the flaming crater.


Then, an earth-shattering roar erupted from the depths, shaking the very air around them. It carried a weight that seemed to crush their spirits, leaving their knees weak with fear.

"Xavier!!!!" The name reverberated in the form of thunderous roar, carrying an ominous message that sent shivers down their spines.

They could feel the heat closing in on them as they ran across the desert, their breaths labored and adrenaline pumping through their veins. The unrelenting heat appeared to be pursuing them, serving as a terrifying reminder of the danger lurking behind.

Finally, they reached a safe distance, huddling together in a state of shock and exhaustion. Beads of sweat mingled with the desert sand on their foreheads, their chests heaving with gasps for air.

However, it was far from over.

Miley's trembling voice broke through the tense silence, "Guys... are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Her finger slowly extended, directing their gaze to the sky above.

Their eyes followed her trembling finger, and as their gaze lifted, a collective gasp escaped their mouths. Hovering amidst the billowing smoke and fiery chaos, they saw a figure defying all logic and reason.

It was a being, suspended in mid-air, surrounded by a radiant aura of flames. He lacked wings, yet effortlessly floated, seemingly propelled by the very inferno engulfing him. His body was illuminated, casting an hellish glow that illuminated the darkened sky.

"What... what is it?" Alex stammered, his voice barely audible over the overwhelming spectacle.

The enigmatic figure seemed to emanate an extra ordinary power, an ancient presence that commanded both fear and fascination. He remained distant, yet his presence loomed large, casting a daunting shadow over the already terrifying scene.

As they watched with fear, the figure made no immediate movement or acknowledgment of their presence. It was as if he existed in a realm beyond their comprehension, a being born of the flames themselves.

Their minds raced with questions, their thoughts intertwining with a growing sense of curiosity and unease. Who was this fiery entity? What did he want? And what connection did he have to the Gates of Hell?

Silent awe held them captive, their eyes fixated on the mysterious figure suspended in the sky. The blazing flames that engulfed him painted a mesmerizing portrait of power and mystery, leaving the students to grapple with the realization that they had unknowingly stumbled upon forces far beyond their understanding.

They then felt a shiver run down their spines. The humanoid creature finally turned its gaze toward them. They were met with a smile from him, but it wasn't a friendly one. He was grinning mockingly, as though he had just seen some trash.

Their eyes widened in sheer terror as the humanoid figure, surrounded by the inferno, raised his hands towards the heavens. 

As if commanded by his very will, a small orange flame materialized at the tip of his finger. It danced and flickered with an intensity that belied its size, growing brighter and more menacing with each passing second.

Frozen in fear, Miley's group watched in horror as the figure's voice boomed through the desert, echoing with a chilling resonance. "Die, ants!" his words reverberated, carrying an unimaginable malice.

Time seemed to slow as the figure directed his finger towards them. A searing stream of fire erupted from his fingertip, unleashing a force akin to that of a mighty flamethrower. The scorching flames surged forward, their power and heat threatening to consume everything in their path.

"Run!" Sarah's voice cracked with fear as she turned on her heels, her survival instinct kicking in. The others followed suit, their hearts pounding in their chests as they desperately sought shelter from the searing onslaught.

They sprinted with every ounce of energy, their lungs burning from both exertion and the scorching heat. 



"IT HURTS!!!!!!!!!"

"SAVE ME!!!!!!"

However, the flame moved too quickly, and they were met with a painful death as a result. Their bodies resembled human charcoal after being  reduced to ashes.

The smell of burnt flesh persisted in the air, and the scene was horrifying. With his eyes fixed on the scorched remains of his victims, Diablo who had unleashed the fiery destruction stood still with a satisfied smile on his face.







"A demon has emerged! We cannot let this evil creature wreak havoc unchecked. We must gather our forces and eliminate it !" Archbishop Alfonzo, his eyes gleaming with concern and resolve, addressed the gathered council of archbishops. The weight of responsibility rested heavily on his shoulders as he voiced his urgent plea.

"I understand your concern, Father Alfonzo, but we must consider the risks involved. Sending our forces without a clear plan could leave us vulnerable and weakened." Archbishop Benedict, an aged figure known for his wisdom, spoke with a low but authoritative voice, offering a contrasting perspective. 

"But, Father Benedict, the church was built to protect against evil. This creature is the personification of Evil itself! Instead of diverting our attention to the situation with Lucifer, who has proven to be relatively harmless, we should focus our forces on this Diablo threat." Alfonzo's brows furrowed, his gaze unwavering. 

The room was filled with heated exchanges as different archbishops voiced their opinions, their arguments echoing with passion and conviction. Some echoed Alfonzo's call for immediate action, while others emphasized caution and strategic planning.

Archbishop Mikael, known for his ability to bridge opposing viewpoints, raised his hand, calling for order amidst the debate.

"My fellow archbishops, let us not allow our differences to divide us. We all share a common goal: to protect the innocent and uphold the light in the face of darkness. It is crucial that we find a balance between swift action and strategic thinking."

His words resonated in the room, gradually calming the intensity of the debate. The archbishops took a moment to reflect, their eyes meeting with a newfound unity. They recognized the importance of collaboration and a measured approach in combating the emerging threat.

After a period of deliberation, a consensus began to form. Archbishop Alfonzo, his initial suggestion  tempered by reason, acknowledged the need for careful planning.

"You are right,  Father Mikael. We must not rush into battle blindly. Let us convene a council of our most trusted advisors and strategists to devise a comprehensive plan to face this Diablo creature."

Archbishop Benedict nodded in agreement, his voice carrying a sense of wisdom earned through years of experience.

"Indeed, caution must be our ally. We must assess the capabilities of this demon, gather intelligence, and marshal our forces accordingly. Our duty is not only to defeat Evil but also to ensure the safety of our people."

And with that, one organization had already started planning to eliminate Diablo.

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