Love The Psycho

Chapter 5: The Girl's first words.

Chapter 5: The Girl's first words.



WARD 003.

Aaron Saint held the book reading the story. The sudden sleeping sounds coming from the girl's bed indicated she was asleep.

Aaron Saint put the book down and stood up. He pulled the quilt to cover the girl's body well. He covered every part of her body leaving only her face.

Aaron Saint stared at the girl's face.

August Maijune felt Aaron Saint's breathe on her face and opened her eyes only to see him looking at her closer. August Maijune blushed and spoke.

''Are you married?'' Aaron looked taken back by her words but he answered her anyway since those were her first words that she had spoken since a week ago.

''No'' Aaron Saint answered.

''Do you have a girlfriend?''

''No'' Aaron Saint said and now became curious about what she was aiming at.

''Do you have a sister who is not really your sister and she might be in love with you?''

''None that I know off''

''Ooh, that's a relief then''

''Why do you ask?"

''Then, since you are single, am I allowed to fall for you?''

Aaron Saint looked at her curiously as she continued

''Since the first day I saw you, I couldn't take my eyes off you. Is that the same as first love? I think I'm falling for you. Am I allowed to like you?'' August Maijune said sheepishly.

Aaron Saint smiled and spoke. ''You are the first girl to confess to me in a sickbed. You're a unique case''.

''Then, what is your answer?''

''Can you handle it? The consequences of falling for me?''

''What are they?''

''You're not allowed to fall for another man again, you will belong to only me?''

''I think I can do that. No one is as handsome and kind as you. I told you before. Your face and body is totally my style''.

Aaron Saint suddenly covered August Maijune's face with the quilt and spoke ''go to sleep, is late''.

Aaron Saint sat looking at the girl over in the quilt. He couldn't believe his heart just beat increasingly at the girl's words. He realised he was even blushing.

The next day, August Maijune had to start her physiotherapy. Aaron Saint brought her to the training room on time and watched as she was taught how to walk.

Aaron Saint's heart broke each time she fell from the crouches due to weakness but, August Maijune always gave him an assuring smile stopping him from running in to stop the training process.

After the day's training, Aaron Saint pushed August Maijune as she sat on the wheelchair towards the ward. He noticed the girl stealing glances at him and spoke ''Why are you looking at me like that?''

August smiled and spoke still looking at him ''Isn't it a crime to be this handsome? Your face and body is totally my style'' she repeated her statement that Aaron Saint could now almost recite.

Aaron Saint's gaze darkened as he spoke ''August Maijune, you're lucky you're sick and in a wheelchair''.

''Why am I lucky?'' August Maijune asked and smiled innocently. She had no idea of the weight her words carried.

''Never mind''. Aaron Saint pushed her into the ward and helped her sit on the bed.

August Maijune held his hand and spoke ''Thank you''. Aaron looked at her confused as she continued ''for everything you have done for me these past five years. It must have been hard on you, taking care of me''.

Aaron Saint smiled ''no, it wasn't hard at all. I'm glad you're finally awake''.

''But, who am I? I can't remember anything about myself. We didn't know each other before the accident, right?'' August Maijune said and looked at Aaron Saint. She was almost sure that they didn't know each other prior to the accident.

''Don't stress yourself looking for answers. I will tell you everything later. Just concentrate on getting better and let me handle the rest''. Aaron Saint said and August Maijune nodded her head.


The OPD was as buzzing as ever with patients going to and fro in and out of the hospital.

Liyah Myers walked into the hospital with a nose mask covering a part of her face making it difficult for anyone to recognise her. She scanned the OPD as she reminisced on the information she had after digging into Aaron Saint.

After Aaron Saint left the party in a haste that day, she had never been at peace. He gotten a call and left before the party ended.

Liyah Myers made someone to investigate his whereabouts and found out he was at this hospital as the guardian of a certain girl he ran over five years ago.

Curiosity got the better part of her as Liyah Myers couldn't resist the edge to look for him and maybe find out his relationship with this supposed girl.

A part of her was scared as a particular thought crossed her mind but she quickly shook it off, telling herself that the Aaron Saint she knew wasn't someone to fall for just anybody.

In fact, in Liyah Myers's mind, Aaron Saint had yet to forget of her, he had yet to move on from her because he loved her so much. Even though their encounter at the auction wasn't the prettiest, Liyah Myers believed in her heart that Aaron Saint acted that way because he still cared about her.

A pair of two people caught her eyes as she entered the hallway leading to the private wards and she starred at them with mixed emotions at how closed they seemed to be.

Liyah Myers starred at the pair with a complicated gaze and frowned.

She wondered what the girl in the wheelchair said to the man that made him smile so affectionately as he starred at her.

Liyah Myers clutched her fists together and turned to walk away and bumped into a child running away from her parents. The child fell and started to cry while Liyah Myers walked away with a frown.

The parent of the child saw the whole thing and stopped Liyah Myers as Liyah Myers walked pass her.

''Young lady, why didn't you help my child up after making her to fall?'' Liyah Myers looked at the woman and turned to look at the child who was still crying.

Liyah Myers frowned as she felt disgusted by the child's cries and spoke

''I didn't make her fall, she bumped into me and fell on her own''.

''What? What kind of lady are you? Even if the child bumped into you and fell, couldn't you have helped her up?'' the woman retorted angrily.

Liyah Myers removed her business card and gave it to the woman and spoke ''send the hospital bill to this address, I will pay the bill''.

Before the woman could say anything, Liyah Myers walked away not wanting to be seen by Aaron Saint.

The chaos at the OPD made Aaron Saint to turn and see what was going on. He faintly saw a familiar silhouette walking out of the hallway and frowned.

August Maijune looked at him and spoke ''what's wrong?''

Aaron Saint turned back to August ''nothing, I thought I saw someone I knew, but maybe I saw wrong''.

''Ooh. Saint, I want to eat meat''. August Maijune said suddenly.

''What meat?''

''Pork'' August Maijune said excitedly.

''Pork meat will make you fat''. Aaron Saint said and frowned.

''Who said such a thing?''

''I will get you steak instead''

''No, I want pork or I'm not eating at all''

''You little glutton, I will call Morris to get you some'' Aaron Saint submitted to her request.

''Thank you''. August Maijune looked at him and smiled.

"Look at you all smiles" Aaron Saint said and smiled.

"Don't smile like that in front of other women. I am extremely jealous and possessive" August Maijune said suddenly.

"What?" Aaron Saint asked a bit confused.

"I said you are not allowed to smile like that in front of other women. What will I do if they fall for you? Remember this Aaron Saint. I will kill any other woman who dares to covet you" August Maijune said and a deadly flash appeared in her eyes before it disappeared quickly. Aaron Saint seemed to have noticed but it came and went in a flash, he didn't know whether what he was was real or not. But, he suddenly felt that the girl seemed different.

"What are you looking at me for? Let's go already. I'm very hungry" August Maijune said and Aaron Saint came back to his senses. He didn't say anything and pulled the wheelchair with the girl away.


VILLA 002.

Liyah filled a glass with cold water from the fridge and drunk. She left the glass on the table and went to her room. 

Liyah threw her bag on the bed angrily as she thought about the smile and gentleness on Aaron Saint's face as he gazed at the girl in the wheelchair.

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