Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

“I’m not very close to Ibuki-senpai, so I don’t know much,” Chitose Kazumi hesitated for a moment, deciding to reveal what she knew.

“So, you do know some things about her?” Minami Yuuki looked pleasantly surprised.

He had just asked casually, trying his luck and looking for a topic to chat about with Chitose Kazumi. He hadn’t expected his luck to be so good; Chitose Kazumi actually knew something about Ibuki Yuko.

Chitose Kazumi looked at him. The joy in the boy’s words was like a chilling winter wind, extinguishing the flame that had ignited in her chest upon his arrival.

“We were in the same junior high school. Back then… she was quite famous,” Chitose Kazumi clasped her hands together on the table, speaking slowly.

Junior high school here generally refers to middle school.

“Famous?” Minami Yuuki thought to himself. Given Ibuki Yuko’s appearance, being famous was normal, but seeing the hesitation on Chitose Kazumi’s face, this fame seemed to carry a different meaning.

“Ibuki-senpai is very cute, and whether it was teachers or classmates, both boys and girls paid a lot of attention to her. People thought she was peculiar because her appearance was always changing.”

Chitose Kazumi reminisced for a moment and gave examples. “There was a time she wore glasses, a time she had short hair, a time she dyed her hair curly, a time she hung many cute dolls on her school bag, and a time she wore a bandage over her eye even though she wasn’t injured… Her changes were always sudden and unpredictable, and after a while, she would return to normal. Plus, she had no friends and interacted with everyone in a plain, indifferent manner. No one could understand her.”

Sudden changes in appearance? Minami Yuuki remembered seeing Ibuki Yuko last week sitting in a wheelchair.

“Just with that, she wouldn’t be famous as you say, right?” he asked further.

“It’s mainly because…” Chitose Kazumi’s words were hesitant. She paused, organizing her thoughts.

She continued, “When I was in the second year of junior high, I heard that her mother was dating a boy from our school, and that boy took many intimate photos with her mother, which spread around the school.”

“How intimate?”

“Just normal date photos!” Chitose Kazumi’s face blushed slightly.

The shyness in her heart should have made her entire face blush, but the topic they were discussing about Ibuki Yuko turned into a shadow, covering her heart and stopping the blush from spreading.

“Are there any other rumors about her, like her personality, hobbies, or anything?” Minami Yuuki continued to ask.

“No, that’s it. Everyone says she’s difficult to get along with. Although she answers normally if you talk to her, it’s just that—normal answers.”

“I see.” Minami Yuuki summarized the information.

She often changes her personal style suddenly. Her mother has dated her classmates, and she is very cold.

“Minami-kun, Koike-san is here,” Chitose Kazumi reminded Minami Yuuki when she saw her deskmate enter from the door.

Minami Yuuki stood up, “Thanks. To prevent any possible misunderstanding, I have to say this: I currently have no intention of getting close to Ibuki Yuko, and in the short term, I probably won’t be dating anyone. Also, as I said yesterday, just call me Yuuki.”

He waved and returned to his seat.

His words became a breeze of spring, blowing away the winter in Chitose Kazumi’s heart. The green romance of spring returned to her heartbeat.

The girl touched her blushing face and sneaked a glance at Minami Yuuki.

Great, Yuuki-kun isn’t interested in Ibuki-senpai!

Ibuki-senpai is so cute, though she’s very short, she has a cool personality. If it were her, there’s no way I could win!

As long as Yuuki-kun doesn’t make a move, he won’t develop anything with Ibuki-senpai.

That very cold Ibuki-senpai would never approach Yuuki-kun herself!

It’s safe!

Chitose Kazumi was full of fighting spirit.

The class bell rang, and the teacher, yawning, walked into the classroom, starting the day’s lessons.

Minami Yuuki propped his chin with his hand, listening to the lecture in boredom.

The knowledge points in the first year of high school were simple, many overlapping with what he had learned in his previous life.

Unfortunately, he had long forgotten his high school knowledge from his past life, so he had to pay some attention and listen carefully.

When he encountered parts he already understood but the teacher was still repeating, he would shift his gaze to the front row, to Ichinose Shiori.

This girl, whom his predecessor secretly admired, had a dignified appearance. She could probably be a target to simulate. He thought, he needs to find a way to approach her.

The morning classes ended, and it was lunchtime.

A small portion of the students went to the cafeteria to eat, while the rest took out their colorful lunch boxes. After heating them in the microwave, the aroma of food filled the classroom.

Chitose Kazumi was also part of the lunchbox group. Minami Yuuki moved his chair and ate with her.

In the afternoon, there was a physical education class. The students changed into their sportswear in the locker room and then went to the sports field.

Minami Yuuki joined the boys’ basketball game. He didn’t plan to get too close to the boys in the class, but he didn’t want to be as solitary as his predecessor either.

At the very least, he needed to develop two or three informants in the class so he could know any news or gossip promptly.

Sports are often linked to friendship, and this is indeed true for team sports like basketball.

Minami Yuuki’s basketball skills were average, but he was tall and had a physical advantage. With a calm attitude, he was always able to assist his teammates. Initially reluctant to team up with him, his teammates patted his back affectionately after a match.

The girls watching the game also had a much better impression of him.

Minami Yuuki’s outstanding appearance had previously been overshadowed by his own despondence, pushing himself to the sidelines. After some girls faced rejection from him, they eventually distanced themselves.

Now, seeing Minami Yuuki cheerful and lively, the girls’ attention returned to him.

A bold girl even offered him a bottle of water.

On the field, the boys on the opposing team were puzzled as they watched Minami Yuuki attract both female attention and camaraderie from his teammates.

“You guys clearly lost the game, so why do you look like you’ve just won a championship in a manga? We’re the ones who won!”

“Is this what it feels like to win the game but lose in life?”

“Let’s exchange LINE contacts.”

Back in the locker room, Minami Yuuki exchanged social media accounts with the boys he played basketball with, including those from the opposing team.

It wasn’t just girls who liked handsome boys; even other boys felt goodwill towards attractive peers. By the time he returned to the classroom, Minami Yuuki had nearly all the boys in the class on his LINE.

After the sixth period, Minami Yuuki slung his bag over his shoulder, declined a few girls’ invitations, and left with Chitose Kazumi.

“Yuuki-kun, you seem different today,” Chitose Kazumi remarked.

Minami Yuuki’s newfound liveliness made her uneasy. She warily eyed the girls drawn to his youthful charm, afraid they might take away the treasure she had been guarding.

“I can’t stay on the sidelines forever. Besides, it’s boring not having many people to talk to at school.”

“Is that so.”

“But the only person I truly consider a friend is you, Kazumi.”

Chitose Kazumi’s face immediately turned red, her insecurity replaced by joy.

“We’ve reached the subway station. See you tomorrow!” Minami Yuuki said goodbye and quickly headed to the Asano household.

Listening to the information Chitose Kazumi provided, he became even more curious about Ibuki Yuko.

Quickly finish dinner and then start a new round of simulations at home!

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