Lord of the People: My Explosion Rate is 100%

Chapter 882: Zhou Zhou became a **** (Part 2)

Chapter 882 Zhou Zhou Becomes a God (Part 2)


A majestic and glorious golden kingdom filled with the aura of supremacy, rapidly expanding in all directions.

in a blink.

His diameter has reached 10,000 kilometers, and it is still expanding rapidly.

  Thirty thousand kilometers… One hundred thousand kilometers… One million kilometers… Ten million kilometers…

 When this Kingdom of God building reaches a diameter of 90 million kilometers, the expansion of the Kingdom of God can be stopped.


The first layer of the world barrier is centered on the Kingdom of God and spreads farther away, dividing the inside and outside of the barrier into two worlds: the inside and the outside.

Within the world barrier is the world of the Kingdom of God expanded by the Kingdom of God. Natural evolution will occur here, or evolution will be allowed to interfere with the will of the gods themselves.

It can present a continental world, or a celestial universe with planets and stars. It can also derive dimensional worlds one by one, and together build a complete multi-dimensional world of the Small Thousand Gods Kingdom, or it can have nothing at all. There is only one lonely kingdom of God…

 When true believers, devout believers, fanatic believers and Holy Spirit-level believers of the gods die, their souls will ascend to the Kingdom of God and will always be with the gods in the world of the Kingdom of God.

 The gods are immortal, but the believers are immortal. They are freed from the suffering of birth, old age, illness and death. As long as they are not killed, believers who ascend to the Kingdom of God can basically claim eternal life.

Although outside the world barrier, it is not managed by the gods, but the gods usually protect the Kingdom of God from being discovered, and usually lay up heavy defenses outside the world of the Kingdom of God to protect the Kingdom of God from damage.

Although Zhou Zhou is now located in the supreme realm and the possibility of discovering the Kingdom of God is extremely slim, Zhou Zhou still decided to add a layer of defense to his Kingdom of God.

He opened his right hand and saw an illusory heart that seemed to reflect countless dream worlds appearing in the palm of his hand.

It is the True God’s advanced array artifact - the Heart of the Nine-Headed Demon God of the Nightmare Realm!

"With the advanced formation of this true divine weapon - the Nine Worlds of Gods and Demons Falling Dream Formation, it should be no problem to protect my kingdom of God, right?"

Zhou Zhou looked at the heart and murmured.

 There is a great formation of nine realms of gods and demons, not to mention a true god.

Even if the ten true gods come, they may not be able to find the location of his kingdom. Even if they find the location of his kingdom, if they dare to break into his formation, they will be in danger of falling.


Unless the Lord God comes, there will basically be no danger to His kingdom.

 And if the Lord God really comes and discovers His kingdom of God, he wants to destroy His kingdom of God.

 If he really encountered such bad luck, Zhou Zhou would admit it.

“Perhaps even if the true Lord God comes, it may not be able to destroy my Kingdom of God.”

 “After all, this is the realm of the Supreme Will.”

“Forget it about the Lord God, even if the will of the abyss comes here, it probably won’t dare to attack me at will, right?”

"And the Supreme Will will not ignore me, a genius lord, and be suddenly destroyed by other strong men, right?"

Zhou Zhou murmured in his heart.

 The supreme will is the real protector of the Kingdom of God in his heart.

Although this patron saint may not really take action at that time...


 There is no time in the highest realm.

 I don’t know how long it took.

 The expansion of the Kingdom of God world is finally completed.

Just after the expansion of the Kingdom of God ended, a drop of pure white water fell from the sky, fell directly on Zhou Zhou's Kingdom of God, and quickly integrated into it.

 As the Lord of the Kingdom of God, Zhou Zhou clearly felt that some changes had taken place in his Kingdom of God at this moment.

The reason for this change is unclear, but Zhou Zhou can feel that this should be an excellent change for the future development of his Kingdom of God, without any malicious intent.

 “This should be the blessing of the supreme will.”

Zhou Zhou thought to himself.

Then he closed his eyes and began to feel the overall situation of the Kingdom of God. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes with a look of surprise in his eyes.

“The world diameter of my small Thousand Gods Kingdom is actually one billion light-years in diameter!” “According to my inherited memory, this is already comparable to the diameter of some Middle Thousand Worlds, right?”

Zhou Zhou was shocked.


 The newly born Small Thousand Worlds can have a standard diameter of about 10 light years.

 Growing to the level of a thousand worlds, the general diameter is only 100 million light years.

 The initial diameter of my own small world of Thousand Gods is actually 1 billion light years.

 This is already comparable to the size of the Zhongqian Divine Kingdom world of some veteran true gods and subordinate gods.

"Is it because I am following the path of a **** according to the Lord's Law, and the intensity of my Chaos Holy Power has jumped again after becoming a god? Or is there another reason?"

Zhou Zhou thought about his own Kingdom of God and the reasons why the world of God’s Kingdom has become so huge.

 Once you understand these, you can make targeted improvements in the future without worrying about the direction of improvement.


 He is the **** who achieves the path of the Lord's Law, and is naturally the most important reason.

 The law of lord governs all laws and controls everything.

 It is not surprising that a divine world with such an astonishing diameter can be created.

 The second thing is the Holy Power of Chaos within his own body, which has once again increased in strength.

 The divine power and energy in the body of the gods is crucial to the construction of the Kingdom of God. It can be said to be the basic material for the construction of the Kingdom of God.

 A newly promoted god, no matter how strong his initial power is, he can build a kingdom of corresponding height!

The Chaos Holy Power possessed by Zhou Zhou was originally an all-powerful energy possessed by the lower-level Chaos human bloodline, similar to divine power but higher than divine power.

As the basic material for building the kingdom of God, His holy power of chaos is naturally responsible.

 Although after he was promoted to a god, his holy power of chaos did not change qualitatively.

 But even so, his holy power of chaos is still hundreds or thousands of times stronger than before.

  If we say that before he advanced to become a god, the holy power of chaos in his body was just drops of ‘liquid water’.

 After he advanced to become a god, the holy power of chaos in his body had been strengthened hundreds or thousands of times, condensing into extremely hard 'solid ice'.

 The two are naturally not the same.

Now, through the Chaos Holy Power of the lower level of the lower god, and then turning on the 'King', and then using the true divine weapon of the lower level of the true god, he has been able to perfectly exert the powerful power of the true divine weapon, and even be able to handle it with ease.

 That is to say.

 He now truly has conventional combat power comparable to that of a true god-level powerhouse!

Even some gods who have just been promoted to the lower level of true gods, without true artifacts, Zhou Zhou is sure to defeat them even if they have high-level divine artifacts.

It seems not surprising that such a powerful Holy Power of Chaos could build such a powerful Kingdom of God and the World of God’s Kingdom.

 Other than that of course.

 Zhou Zhou’s other bloodlines, talents, law techniques, law insights, occupations, skills...

The sum of these things should have contributed a large part to the construction of His divine power.

 The tree that hugs each other is born from the bottom of the tree; the nine-story platform starts from the base of the earth.

 That’s all.

Zhou Zhou knew it in his mind, and then his mind fell on the name of the immortal **** he had awakened.

Although he took the path of becoming a **** in the Kingdom of God, he also took a part-time job as a Qi Refiner, the top extraordinary profession. Therefore, after he achieved the status of a god, his Qi Refiner profession also successfully advanced to the level of a True Immortal. Naturally, You will have both a divine name and an immortal name.

However, when he saw his name as an immortal god, his expression suddenly changed slightly.


 [Lord name: Lord of the Sun]

  [God/immortal: Common Emperor (lower level god/lower level of true immortal)]


“Why is the name of my Immortal God so special? What is the name of Emperor? There is another name for Lord’s Law, which is called ‘Emperor’s Law’.”

Zhou Zhou murmured.

 (End of this chapter)

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