Lord of the People: My Explosion Rate is 100%

Chapter 1033: Go to ShadowClan

 “I’ve met the patriarch!”

 All the human gods paid respectful tribute to Zhou Zhan.

Among them, Sun Wukong, Yang Jian, Nezha and other gods who had fought alongside Zhou Zhou could not help but sigh in their hearts when they looked at Zhou Zhan at this time.

The last time they fought together, the Sun King was only their human speaker, and even the sixth human speaker at the bottom.

How long has it been now that the other party has surpassed all the Speakers and become the Lord of the Human Race?

If they had not learned about the terrifying power of the emperor in front of them and his contribution to the human race through the mouths of Huang Di and others, they would probably have screamed shady news at this time.

at the same time.

 Zhou Zhan saw the gods saluting him and nodded slightly without hesitation.

 Then He solemnly said in a loud voice:

 “There will be a big battle today.”

"The target of the war is none other than the enemies of our human race - the Shadow Clan!"

“We have had a long-standing grudge with the Shadow Clan. Even the last time our human race retreated to the Great Desolate Realm, the Shadow Clan worked with other races to prevent us from retreating to the Great Desolate Realm, in an attempt to have us exterminated on the Supreme Continent.”

“Let’s put an end to this unrelenting hatred today!”

“Everyone, are you ready?”

 “Have been prepared for a long time!”

 “Kill! Kill it and turn the world upside down!”

“The Shadow Clan has killed several of my good brothers, and it has prevented me from making any progress in my cultivation in this life. I must give an account of such a great hatred today!”

 “Chief, when will we start the war?”


The gods were excited, with ferocious killing intent and anger surging in every expression.


 They all have some grudges against ShadowClan.

“Once all our soldiers have completed their job transfers, we will immediately head to the Shadow Clan territory!”

 Zhou Zhan said loudly.

Hearing this, all the gods grabbed hold of their magical weapons, and no one was timid at this time.

 Zhou Zhan nodded slightly when he saw this.


As expected of a human god, at least he did not show any cowardice before the battle.

You must know that He has asked Huang Di and others to tell the gods who are coming to help about the number of troops and gods that the Shadow Clan may have accumulated at this time.

Even so, they were not afraid.

 This kind of courage has surpassed that of many gods.

 “Although the war has not yet begun.”

“But I can tell you in advance that the strength of our human race will never be weaker than the strength of the enemy.”

 “Especially in terms of military strength.”

 “We have far surpassed each other.”

 “And so also with regard to the number of gods and true gods.”

 Zhou Zhan said these words in the astonished eyes of all the gods.

 In terms of military strength, it exceeds the total military strength in the territory of the Shadow Clan, which they can understand.

 After all, they have learned from the Yellow Emperor that the head of the family alone now has a trillion troops at his disposal.

 But what does it mean that the same is true of the number of gods and true gods?

 Didn’t the information they received say that there will be more than 3,000 alien gods and at least twenty true god-level beings stationed in the Shadow Clan today?

  Does the human race have so many gods and true gods now?

 They thought very unbelievably.

 Zhou Zhan saw the doubts in their eyes and said:

 “I, the king, can tell you something first.”

“Just now, my king’s Kingdom of the Sun has added 170 billion alien soldiers, 1,700 alien gods, and a large amount of war compensation and resources.”

“They all come from the alien races that previously prevented our human race from retreating to the wilderness.”

"Now that you have accepted the letter of surrender sent by this king, you will belong to my king. These gods and soldiers were sent to join our Kingdom of the Sun because of the surrender agreement."

As soon as this statement came out.

 All the human gods were shocked. 170 billion alien soldiers and 1,700 alien gods? !

These soldiers and gods alone far exceed the total number of soldiers and total number of gods at the peak of the human race.

 But then they frowned slightly.

That's the case.

  Still not comparable to the total number of gods in the territory of the Shadow Clan, especially the total number of true gods.

 When Zhou Zhan saw this, how could he not guess what they were thinking?

He smiled and said:

“Everyone, I think you must still have doubts.”

 “But let me, the king, get away with it first.”

“When we fight with the Shadow Clan, you will naturally know why the number of true gods on our side will not be inferior to the number of true gods on the Shadow Clan side.”

 The gods and the true gods looked at each other.

 “Could it be that…”

 Huang Di was thoughtful.

 I already have a guess in my mind.

 But when he thought about that possibility, he was still not sure.

  The ability of the patriarch appeared in his personal information very early.

 But can it really do that?

After hearing Zhou Zhou's words, the other gods also had some guesses in their minds.

But they, like Huang Di, are not sure.

Looking at the clan leader's secrecy, it seems that even if they asked, the other party wouldn't tell them, so they could only give up.

Only the lords of the Star Alliance looked at each other, with smiles and looks of anticipation on their faces.

 Another moment passed.

 All Storm Spirit soldiers have been converted into Forbidden Mage.

Although this process cost Zhou Zhou 240,000 legendary fog hearts.

  But compared with the harvest, it is nothing at all.

Zhou Zhan saw this and stopped talking nonsense. He directly called for 2,000 ships of the Galaxy, carrying all soldiers, gods, clergy, war professionals, war machines, war resources and other war-related creatures and resources.

And he boarded the Galaxy Leader together with Zhou Zhou and Zhou Zheng, Li Ya and Yu Qiao who came over, and then led all the Galaxy ships into the dark universe and headed for the territory of the Shadow Clan.


 Inside the Galaxy Leader.

Li Ya looked at Zhou Zhou and his two clones in front of her with a normal expression.

Yuqiao next to him looked surprised.

 In fact, Li Ya already knew that Zhou Zhou was gifted with the clone technique, but she did not tell Yu Qiao, so Yu Qiao looked surprised at this time.

But Li Ya is almost the same.

 Because although she knew that Zhou Zhou had two clones, this was the first time she had seen these two clones beside Zhou Zhou at the same time.

 “Are you used to watching?”

Zhou Zhou asked with a smile.


Li Ya nodded.

There are all kinds of strange skills in the Supreme Continent, but the skills of clones are considered very ordinary.

 It's just that the clone's talent is very small.

When Zhou Zhou heard this, his mind moved, and he saw Zhou Zheng and Zhou Zhan turn into two nine-color streams of light, fly into Zhou Zhou's body, and merge with him.

 Zhou Zhou couldn't help but take a deep breath after receiving the supplements from the two clones.

He felt that his strength had more than doubled or tripled.

 “Although it’s not bad.”

  “But it’s still not as good as the ‘king’.”

 Zhou Zhou shook his head in his heart.

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