Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 147 147 Abreact

Chapter 147 Chapter 147 Abreact

At the time, Nora and Monica had been present, so it had been the perfect place and time to try to ensnare him into making a commitment to her and the family.

Still pacing the room, his feet thudded silently against the padded floors with as both his hands remained clasped behind his back- just above his waist line.

Immediately- Nexus stopped pacing. He remembered the hesitant look in her eyes, and a new thought pattern began to form;

"So, it's because I don't belong to the Russell family huh?"

Another small voice echoed in his head;

"Or maybe, she doesn't wanna drag you down with her. . ."

Head aching from all the thinking, Nexus sank into the bed, leaving his butt print on the satin sheets which was dark blue for some reason- instead of the traditional white.

Kicking his slippers off his feet, he reclined backwards- lowering himself casually into the soft cushy bed behind. The tiny flames on the white candles flickered as a gentle breeze poured through the open window.

He took in a lungful of breath. He had finally isolated the main issue here- IDENTITY.

His chest deflated as he exhaled long controlled breaths.

If Nexus chose to side with the Russell family in the case, it automatically meant he had yoked himself to this big ship for the rest of his stay here. While that assured him of some kind of job and housing stability, he was not naive enough to overlook the problems that might arise.

For starters, he was currently fucking the mother of the home. He remembered the taste of her naked flesh in his mouth, the sheer suppleness of her breasts, and his breeches instantly swelled.

Nexus groaned as he turned over in bed- placing a pillow between his legs, and forcing his throbbing penis to obey his command to deflate.

He knew drama was not too far off. Besides, he was not alone. He had Crystal to think of too. He had dragged the poor girl into the complex world of human affairs. She still thought of him as a god.

If he made a made a wrong call, she would definitely get caught up in the maelstrom of drama.

Nexus rolled his eyes in his head. 'Damn it!' he protested. It seemed like it could go either way for him! Either way, he was screwed. It was the ultimate zero algorithm!

"But wait a minute. . ." a ray of hope flashed across his face; "Why do I have to pick sides? I can always call upon the dependable, chivalrous, dashingly handsome alchemist called Ni Yang!"

In the candle lit room, Nexus' smile broadened on his face like a sicko;

"It's perfect!" he exclaimed softly; "A third neutral party- previously unaffiliated, with zero ties, and zero history. . . that person would be the ideal ally that would help the Russell family, without having to yoke himself to a binding social contract. . ."

His smile grew even broader as he sank deeper into his bed;

"Damn, who knew this shape shifting thing would come in so handy. . .that Dual Cultivation system really knows how to spread its rewards. . .I guess not every situation calls for a flying sword. . .or rune papers with frozen charms. . ."

"Double agent Ni Yang," he chuckled mischievously to himself; "I sure like the sound of that. . ."


While Nexus was submerged in his thoughts, right outside his door, in the barely lit hallway, a looming pillar of dense flameless black smoke was towering at his door. According to Mrs. Russell's command to the household staff, no guards were stationed in Nexus' entire wing.

Only a single burning torch was placed in the corridor- and it was at the far end.

Without a soul in sight, the shifty cloud of dark smoke began to seep through the bottom slit of the oak door. It filtered in like wisps of effervescence, snaking through the tiny slits like gas through a gas chamber- silently pouring through in rich droves until every single wisp of smoke got in.


Nexus was still in his bubble of colorful thoughts when an alarm bell began to sound at the back of his mind.

Suddenly, every single hair on his body stood on its end. All around him, he felt the atmosphere in his room take a plunge- as though the lights had dimmed. Still laying in bed, Nexus' eyes darted in the direction of his door.

His whole body tensed as a rush of adventure kindled in him. The wave of black smoke snaking towards him on the floor would have been enough to spark fear in the heart of anyone.

However, to Nexus- it was just the first sign that his night was about to get really interesting. So, fighting to keep the grin off his face, he promptly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep- waiting for Mrs. Russell to make her move.


In a cloud of darkness, Mrs. Russell weaved her way across the room, purring silently on the ground, and edging her way towards the bed of the young doctor- hoping against hope that he would not wake up and scream the castle walls down.

Even in that form, Mrs. Russell was teeming with anxiety.

Nexus had been up since dinner. But the matriarch had been up for days on end, tossing in and out of bed through sleepless nights- thinking about the same issue, wondering whether Nexus would join her camp or not.

From the ground, the swarming blanket of dark smoke began to rise up like incense from a burning altar. Thick, dense, and terrifyingly black, it towered upwards from the ground like a funnel cloud- twirling at its base like a living breathing snorting tornado.

She hovered over his sleeping form- watching him sleep peacefully.

'He's just a newcomer. . .he's just a newcomer. . .'

It was what she had chanted to herself as she turned away from asking him in that moment at the table.

All that negative energy had been building up inside of her- gaining momentum like a toxic gas, weighing her down, and giving her a stressful time. So, after several hours of unsuccessful attempts at sleeping, after trying to fight off her urges, she had literally jumped out of bed, disintegrated into a thick pillar of smoke, and slipped through the hallways- looking for Nexus.

She needed to vent.

And she needed to vent hard.

Slowly, her smoky form began to solidify.

At the left side of the bed, the black swirling mist began to morph into the pale white skin of a beautiful woman. From the dense smoke, the outline of her feet began to emerge. Vaunting upwards towards her thighs, her lower abdomen, her, full breasts, arms, and finally, the rich lush of golden-yellow locks crowned her head.

The beautiful woman took her first step- towards the bed of her unconscious lover- eyes gleaming with want, and body trembling with need.

Draped across her shoulders to her thighs was a short, translucent lace nightgown. It hung in flimsy ropes from her shoulders, curling half way across her chest in a low hanging neckline- exposing half of her cleavage. Her rich, full, mature breasts spilled out, leaving only the nipples hidden beneath the fabric.

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