Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 145 145 Squabble

Chapter 145 Chapter 145 Squabble

Meanwhile, Nora and her sister were having the most misunderstanding conversation;

". . .what's this? You know I don't like to be bothered when I'm on a mission."

"Oh grow up Monica! This is the real world. You think it's all about killing Wind Wolves and getting rewards?! There are more dangerous enemies out there!"

The younger sister scowled;

"How ironic," she mouthed; "If you actually think that, then it looks like you're the one who actually needs to grow up."

At this point, Nora was about to let loose a torrent of words on her when a third party intervened;

"Both of you kids need to grow up. . ."

Nexus spun around.

Both sisters raised their heads.

At the door to the great hall, poised like a statue, with the evening sun in her face, and with icy blue eyes burning in their sockets, Lady Madeline Russell bore down on the courtyard. Her commanding voice arrested all the hearts and ears of every single one of them.

"We DO NOT air family business out in the open," she rebuked; "Everyone- in the great hall. NOW."


The whole family- including Nexus, sat down at the massive table as Mrs. Russell updated Monica and Nexus on the most recent happenings. Of course she maintained her position at the head of the table. On her right, both her daughter and step daughter sat side by side, while Nexus remained on her left- alone on his side.

". . .this is the first time my whole family is gathered at the same table in a pretty long while. . ."

Her voice streaked through the vastness of the open space, carrying on in soft echoes and at the same time rumbling like low thunder;

". . .it's just a shame that our first table reunion has to be under these circumstances. It feels more like a war council than a reunion. Monica dear, I'm glad you're back with us. But it is most unfortunate that you had to come back to meet this Howard problem."

Mrs. Russell clasped her hands together on the table and leaned forward- looking directly at her;

"I and Nora have been anticipating your safe return for days now. Especially since you're out there in the wild without an inkling as to what has happening here."

Monica's face strained as she fought the nudging impulse to laugh out loud.

"Thank you for your concern stepmother," she said in a flat tone; "But, as it stands, I personally believe it would be wise to put more effort into protecting my sister."

Nexus maintained a blank expression.

Madeline smiled.

Nora scoffed;

"I see your big head has only gotten bigger–"

"Uh uh," Madeline interrupted; "I will not have any of that here. Not now, not ever."

She faced Monica;

"Baby girl, I know I've been out of commission for sometime now. But that doesn't mean my responsibilities have changed. It is still my duty to protect two of you as my daughters. That is not negotiable. . ."

"Again, I'm grateful for your concern. But Paul can no longer hurt me or anyone else in this family for that matter."

Mrs. Russell's eyes flashed with interest;

"Go on," she said; "I'm guessing you have something to tell us."

The shadows in the great hall seemed to lengthen as all eyes rested on Monica. She took a deep breath, and then, in a placid emotionless voice, she narrated everything that had happened;

"While hunting a Black Widow on the outskirts of town with a hunter named Tayshaun.. . ."

Everyone tensed.

". . .Paul and five other men surrounded me. . .they'd probably been tracking me for a while, because I was actually in a cave. Anyway, the hunter with me was killed off by the monster, and just as I managed to kill it, the Howard goons suddenly came up on me . . ."

"Paul was still talking about being humiliated, and wanting to gain back his prestige when the five hunters surrounded me. . ."

She left out the part about being captured, strung up, and teased in the pussy by Paul's curvy dick. She also completely left out Ni Yang from the story.

". . .I killed the last hunter, and saved Paul for last. However, even as I carved out his crotch, and up until his last breath, he refused to tell me the reason he had attacked me. All he kept saying was it was your fault."

A shocking silence descended on the table. The eyes of the other two women seemed to have dimmed. Their breaths came out in jagged gasps, clearly audible in the roaring silence. Nora opened her mouth, and her voice came out with a hoarseness;

"You killed them all?" she asked with burning eyes; "ALL OF THEM?"

The implied question was there.

And Monica did not miss it. She nodded casually;

"Paul is dead. His goons are all dead. Not a single soul was left alive, so witnesses are off the board completely."

The chilling coldness of Monica's delivery hung over the table like a ice storm. Nora's face tightened as her fists clenched on the table. Her face was pale, and naked shock was plastered all over it. Unbelief and surprise, and began to distill into awe. She could not believe it! Once again, Monica had come out of yet another impossible situation!

She shot her gaze towards her left- shooting Mrs. Russell a knowing look;

"Mother," she began coldy; "You do realize what this means. . ."

Seated upright in the biggest chair, with her left hand on the arm of the chair, and her long painted fingers supporting her chin, Mrs. Russell stared into space with an empty look in her eyes.

"Mother. . ." Nora called out again- coldly, this time with an undertone of urgency.

". . .when you started this, I know you didn't intend for it to blow up in our faces, but considering the fact that Monica's recent actions has just created a labyrinth of problems- we seriously need to evaluate our position."

Monica's eyes shot wide open. Veins throbbing on her forehead, she spun her neck to her right, swirling her long locks of red hair and facing Nora sideways;

"What's that supposed to mean?" she cackled; "I killed the punk who was coming after this family! Am I supposed to feel bad for that?!"

A dry chuckle escaped Nora's throat;

"Feel? Is that some kind of joke? Don't make me laugh Monica, we all know you're not capable of feeling anything."

Monica's face turned as black as midnight. She rose to her feet, glaring down on her sister with bulging red eyes;

"What is your problem Nora?!" she thundered; "Just this once, tell it to my face! Don't hide behind that faux polite front! Lay it all out!"

Nora equally jumped to her feet;

"My problem?!" she blasted; "You're asking what my problem is?! Gosh are you really that dense?! You always rant about putting family first, and yet you keep doing shit that benefits only your damn self!"

Her tone rising dangerously, she continued the verbal assault;

"Did you even pause to think about what the blow back would mean for THE FAMILY? Admit it! You killed him because you wanted to be a hero! You killed him because YOU WANTED TO! You like that shit don't you? You like killing! You like watching the life snuff out of eyes-"

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