Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 357: Return to Backlund

Chapter 357: Return to Backlund

"In this case..." Mr. "Moon" hesitated for a while and said, "Many members of my vampire clan from other cities have recently moved to Backlund."

"Many vampires even say that they have received revelations from their ancestors, but in my opinion, this is definitely false." Mr. "Moon" judged.

"Recently, the frequency of banquets held by nobles seems to be quite high." "Justice" raised his hand and said, "Some nobles who have not been back to Backlund for a long time have returned home and are very popular with the royal family."

Nobles are one of the classes that have the easiest access to extraordinary people.

"..." Everyone looked at each other and realized that something was unusual.

"Backlund has become a powder keg? Will it explode in one moment?" Klein complained, this is too dangerous.

However, Backlund probably can't explode, but people can.

It's too dangerous... If it weren't for his family already in Backlund, Klein wouldn't want to go back.

The "Tarot Society" soon came to an end, and Klein also returned to reality and returned to the Rose School headquarters.

"Miss Sharon?" Klein suddenly felt spiritually touched and saw Miss Sharon in the window glass.

"Has the result been revealed for the matter I asked you to investigate?" Klein suddenly thought of something and his eyes lit up.

"Yes." Miss Sharon nodded slightly.

"Please tell me." Klein immediately sat upright, straightened his back, and looked at Miss Sharon.

Miss Sharon walked out of the glass and sat on the high-backed chair opposite Klein.

Now she is also wearing a black complicated long skirt, but the difference from before is that there are several golden lines on the long skirt, showing her nobility.

Now she is no longer the wandering "revenant soul". Her current status in the Rose School is really like the only princess of the empire.

"That angel's name is Zaratul."

Miss Sharon's first words made Klein's heart beat inexplicably faster.

"It's the Zaratul you think of." Miss Sharon added.

Klein was naturally thinking of the head of the Zaratul family.

The man himself was not a stranger, there were many Chapters mentioning him in Russell's diary.

What worries Klein even more is that the Zaratul family was the first force to start looking for keywords such as "grey mist" and "fool".

"The teacher told me that He is the second angel of the 'Soothsayer' path and the 'Miracle Master'." Naturally, Sharon didn't know the turmoil in Klein's heart at this time, so she continued.

"The reason He came to the Southern Continent and got involved in the war was because he was looking for followers of The Fool." Miss Sharon looked at Klein and said.

"Yes, I am." Klein sighed slightly and nodded to Miss Sharon. This layer of vest cannot be kept.

Fortunately, Zaratul probably still can't guess that he is Mr. Fool...

"Okay, I will tell the teacher, and the teacher should invite Mr. Zaratul to stay at our headquarters as a guest for about a week."

Miss Sharon thought for a while and gave Klein a promise.

"Thank you very much!" Klein solemnly thanked him.

"But after a week, you are still in danger." Miss Sharon said, and it is impossible for the Rose School to keep Zaratul here forever.

An angel in the "divineer" path is so weird and cunning that if it weren't for the remaining power of the "Bound God", they wouldn't be able to keep him for even a week.

Even now, they are still not sure whether Zaratul who is staying in the guest room is a marionette or a historical projection.

"I will go back to Backlund." Klein suddenly felt that Backlund or the Solomon Imperial Capital was probably one of the few cities he could go to. Apart from that, it was probably where the churches of various churches were located.

In such a big city or church, angels who cause havoc will be punished by God.

"Okay." Miss Sharon couldn't give a better answer.

Klein sent Miss Sharon away, but soon he was struck by inspiration and looked at the same piece of glass.

So you deserve to be a teacher and a student? They all like the same appearance.

However, Klein soon discovered the difference. This messenger lady was incomplete!

After the "Bound God" ascended to the gods, Miss Messenger had already been given a divine gift by the "Bound God" and the "Supreme Dream" to reshape her body, but this was the first time for Wakko in front of her. There was no difference when he saw her, the four heads were still held in his hands.

"Miss Messenger?" Klein asked tentatively.

"It's me... Do you need... to go back... I only need... one thousand gold coins..." said the four heads of the messenger lady.

"You are now..." Klein did not answer immediately, and was a little curious about Miss Messenger's current situation.

"I tried...for a moment...to make...another...self..."

So you created a clone like this?

Klein opened his mouth slightly and understood.

"So our contract is still valid?" Klein asked in surprise.

"That is... the contract witnessed by the 'Supreme Dream'..." Miss Messenger said.

"Thank you!" Klein thanked him sternly. This was of course a response to the courier's initial question.

"Get ready...gold coins...call me when you leave..." Miss Messenger stepped into the spirit world.

"I am probably the only one who can use angels as drivers, bodyguards, and messengers..." Klein joked to himself.

However, if there is no Miss Messenger, Klein may have to ask for help from the Church of the Night this time, otherwise he really would not dare to return to Backlund alone.

As for Leonard, let him fend for himself. To be honest, if he really wants to go back with Klein, it might be even more dangerous...

Klein quickly packed his luggage, wrote a letter to Cattleya, Leonard and others to explain the situation, and then directly summoned the messenger lady to jump into the spirit world.

Almost the moment Klein stepped into the spirit world, Zarath, who was also at the headquarters of the Rose School, had a corresponding reaction and performed a divination.

"My pursuit will be in danger..."

The gold pocket watch deflects a lot!

Zaratul's eyelids twitched, and he suppressed his intention to intercept and kill him midway.

"But... I finally found the 'Fool' believer, I won't let you escape like this."

Zaratul's room returned to silence.

Klein and Miss Messenger, who were already prepared for the attack, were surprised to find that the journey was terrifyingly calm, and they arrived directly at the Truman Manor on the outskirts of Backlund.

"Don't worry, no one will come after you." Truman looked at Klein, who looked cautious and fearful, and smiled.

Miss Messenger nodded slightly towards Truman and returned to the spirit world.

"Bishop Truman." Klein knew that he was really safe when he saw Truman.

"Come with me." Truman took Klein to the study.

"So do you have any questions for me?" Truman looked at Klein leisurely.

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