Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 348: War

Chapter 348: War

Klein looked at the two demigods in the dust and took out a bunch of paper figures and sprinkled them.

These paper figures are all characters from magical fairy tales, such as the black witch, the headless horseman, the werewolf, etc.

These fairy tale characters transformed from paper figures are all villains in the dark fairy tale written by Klein, which can even be said to be customized, and have incredible abilities.

"Ouch!" The werewolf didn't run up to give Zatwin a claw, but roared to the sky.

Suddenly, an illusory red moon seemed to appear.

It was at this time that Cattleya, who had been silent until now, suddenly took out a scroll and tore it open.

The light of the stars burst out from the scroll and merged bit by bit into the illusive red moon in the sky.

Sequence 5 of the "Secret Peeper" path is the "Astrology Master", which can borrow the power of the stars to enhance the power of the red moon.

The blood-colored moonlight gained texture and fell on the battlefield.

After making a plan to hunt down the demigods, Klein and others would naturally not rush forward recklessly. They had already conducted a focused analysis of Zatwin's possible weaknesses and made targeted arrangements.

This Red Moon weakness is provided by Sharon and Maric, and it is also the biggest weakness shared by the "Prisoner" path.

Zatwin, who was confronting Sharon, suddenly froze and was directly wrapped into a ball by the dust controlled by Sharon. The dust suddenly solidified and turned into earth thorns, piercing the person inside.

It's just that this demigod also reacted at the critical moment, suppressed his own curse, and transformed the "resentful soul" into a spirit body, escaping this strangulation.

"Red Moon!"

Zatwin glanced at the red moon hanging in the sky and felt very fearful. He felt that his reason was evaporating and he was constantly slipping towards a dangerous situation.

If he stays in this state for too long, he will even lose control and become a piece of rotten meat.

Every Beyonder on the "prisoner" path carries a powerful and terrifying curse, which can only be suppressed but not eliminated.

This is also the theoretical basis of the temperance sect. Unfortunately, Zatvin is a pure indulgence sect and would not even think about controlling his desires and enduring the curse on him.

Now the appearance of the red moon directly caused his condition to decline rapidly.

"How...can you fight against Red Moon!?" Zatwin looked up at Sharon and found that her condition had not changed at all, and her face was distorted.

The most important thing about Sharon and Maric was actually the dream badges on their bodies, which directly helped them suppress the curse and at the same time eliminate the influence of the red moon.

Even their ability to be promoted in a short period of time has a lot to do with this badge.

Sharon suddenly looked at Zatwin, her figure began to fade away, establishing another secret connection with Zatwin's body.

At this moment, Zatwin's head became as dull as a piece of wood.

This is the special skill of "Puppet", which is equivalent to the upgraded version of "Possession by Resentful Soul".

At the same moment, the black witch and other paper figures driven by Klein, Leonard's natural spirit, and Maric all entered the dust storm and killed them.


At the critical moment, a blazing white thunder suddenly erupted from Zatwin's body.

This bolt of thunder swam across Zatwin's body like an electric snake, directly breaking Miss Sharon's control.

Zatwin, who had regained consciousness, jumped directly into a mirror, staying away from several powerful Sequence Five attacks.

As a "puppet", he knows how to get rid of being controlled as quickly as possible.

"The cooperation on the other side is very good. It's a bit...dangerous for me to be alone..."

Zatwin came out of the mirror jumping state directly, and the joints everywhere on his body were like rusty machines, full of stagnation.

"No... it's... the 'Secret Puppet Master'..." Zatwin's eyes directly locked onto Klein.

At this moment, in his eyes, Klein was no worse than the demigod Sharon.

He raised his stagnant right hand and pointed it at Klein, trying to resist.

But with the spiritual thread being controlled, he obviously couldn't escape Sharon's control again.

Just for a moment, he felt a familiar feeling fall on his body, and his eyelids became heavier, as if he had become a real puppet.

The combination of the spiritual thread and the possession of the resentful soul is too perfect. Under the dual control, even a demigod has trouble escaping for a while.

Even if he wanted to activate the demigod-level sealed object on his body again, it would be difficult for him to do so!

"Am I really going to...die here?!" At this moment, a thought flashed through Zatwin's mind.

He underestimated a group of people fully equipped with Sequence Five.

After discovering that Sharon was promoted to demigod, he was already doomed to his current fate if he didn't leave.

A demigod Sharon can contain him, and the other Sequence Five only need to try their best to output, and there is a great possibility of keeping him here completely.

As for the "Red Moon", it was a killer move. It weakened him but did not affect Sharon.

Every step after that pushed him further into the abyss.


West Balam, Azik Eggers, who awakened the undead army, seems to have returned to the Archon period of the Fourth Age. Even Balam under the Emperor of Hades needs to prostrate at his feet.

"Kill!" A trace of indifference flashed in Azik Eggers's eyes. He looked towards the Star Plateau, waved his hand, and a passage to the underworld appeared, landing directly in the hinterland of the Rose School!


This is an infinitely tall gate to the underworld, breaking the barrier between the real world and the underworld, sending the terrifying undead army into the battlefield, and launching a terrifying war.

It is conceivable that if this army really lands on the northern continent at the end of the Fourth Age, it will definitely be a terrifying wave of death.



The sky on the Star Plateau suddenly fell into gloom and darkness, and a big hand stretched out from the depths of the plateau to grab the door to the underworld.

The appearance of the undead army directly alarmed the "gods" of the Rose School of Thought!

We cannot let such an army fall on the Star Plateau!

The power of the "gods" fell on the undead army, spreading at a terrifying speed and beginning to erode the bones into "living corpses".

The Sequence Six "Living Corpses" of the "Prisoner" path are also proficient in necromancy and manipulation of living corpses.

When this ability is used by "gods", it will undergo some kind of qualitative change, like some kind of "authority".

He is fighting with the "Death Archon" for control of this undead army!

This is difficult, but I have to say that this is a very effective method. The undead army that is about to land on the Star Plateau in the Gate of the Underworld is stagnant.

Some of the undead walking in the front have been affected by the "gods" and turned into living corpses, rushing towards the undead around them.

It's just that the undead army was created by the Hades Emperor. How could it be so easy to deal with?


Azik pronounced the word in giant language with no expression on his face.

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