Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 133: Detonation

Chapter 133: Detonation

All cities under Solomon's rule will hold a large sacrifice today to honor His Majesty the Great Emperor and officially announce and celebrate the establishment of the Empire.

All the cities under Solomon's rule were filled with a very exciting atmosphere, not the influence of extraordinary power, but the enthusiasm of the people, and even more the rhythm of the "anchor".

Solomon was not bad at treating his own citizens, and all kinds of protection were in place, which was much better than in the city-state era. This made the belief in His Majesty the Emperor very stable and had a very significant impact on Solomon's rituals.

When the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, all cities begin the grandest sacrificial ceremony at the same time.

The Black Emperor Solomon also officially appeared in front of people and announced the most important news in the Kingdom of Solomon.

"From today on, our Solomon Empire is officially established! In the future, we will unify the northern and southern continents and bring the glory of civilization to the world!"

"In the name of the Black Emperor Solomon..."

Solomon's majestic voice echoed in the minds of all Solomon's citizens, making people more pious, and prayers spread everywhere, like a torrent gathering, drowning everything.

Everyone seemed to be shining amidst the endless prayers. At this moment, the people were most closely connected with the empire and the emperor.

"It's begun." Truman walked out of the Duke's Castle and glanced at the Black Emperor Solomon who was still giving a speech.

Solomon nodded slightly to him, then disappeared, entering a certain mausoleum for the final step of the ceremony to become a god.

Truman also wandered away, heading towards the planned destination.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Countless portals opened and closed from the void. Bethel stood quietly in the Black Emperor's palace, opening the space doors to all Solomon's angels.

At this moment, all the Black Emperor's tombs are almost united into one, and can be reached with one step. This consolidates the strength of the Solomon Empire into one, enough to cope with any accident.


A lightning storm appeared, and the most unbearable Storm Dove appeared, and the angels of his church attacked the Black Emperor's tomb.

And this is the signal for a complete war. The Church of the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" and the Church of the "Mother Goddess of the Earth" enter the scene at the same time. The secret of knowledge and the brilliance of life attack different tombs respectively.

"Go!" Bethel's face was calm, and he did not make any movements. However, angels passed through the opening and closing of the space door, quickly supporting all the tombs.

Zarathu, Alistair Tudor, Trunsoest and even Antigonus were among them.

The church has more angels, but they are not as good as the Solomon Empire camp at the sequential level, only the "craftsmen" invited by the church to join the war.

That's right, it's "craftsman".

In the first sequence, He swept across the four directions with the "Scroll of Civilization", forcing Zarath to retreat steadily - this was the "knowledge and wisdom" church that the "craftsman" only agreed to after Truman nodded.

"The Craftsman" needs a big stage to show himself and continue some of Truman's plans for him.

As for the "Scroll of Civilization", those gods who know where it comes from remain silent about it.

"Combined!" "Artisan" shouted softly, and the "Scroll of Civilization" turned into a cloak and fell on him, and behind him appeared a "mecha" made entirely of magical items.

This "mecha" is dozens of meters tall and is entirely constructed from the remains of a giant. The remains of this giant have been combined with extraordinary characteristics to become a special magical object.

Behind it are a pair of wings made of wind and thunder, which are made of the characteristics of "Sea King". The giant sword in its hand is also similar, coming from a "Weather Warlock".

Then there are the "Sage" armor, "Planeswalker" boots, and "Darkless One" shield on it.

Finally, there is his own sequence - "Enlightener" and "Scroll of Civilization".

All of these are perfectly integrated, and the negative effects are cleverly offset, forming a "mecha" at the level of the King of Angels.

"Is there such a thing?" Bethel felt his eyes opened and he personally used his hands to stop this "mecha".

He, the king of angels, naturally stopped this "mecha" personally and could even keep the space door smooth at the same time.

But the Church of "Knowledge and Wisdom" was already greatly surprised that "Artisan" was able to hold back Mr. "Gate".

"Destroy the tomb quickly!" Many church members took out some extremely harmful magical items, causing natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

But all this was still within control under the suppression of several angels.

Even Bethel took action at some point to banish these dangerous items one by one.

The power of Mr. "Gate" is undoubtedly revealed at this moment, almost achieving the achievement of three-line combat.

But because he is too prominent, he will inevitably be targeted by the true god.


In the most hidden tomb of the Black Emperor, Solomon sat on the most majestic throne, put the Black Emperor's crown on his head, and drank the prepared magic potion.

His body entered an extremely strange state, without entity, as if it had lost its true meaning, and became a shadow of order.

This is his most vulnerable state. Even if a demigod throws down a lightning storm, his godhood ceremony will completely fail.

Solomon's own consciousness is expanding and extending into a wonderful state, and the nine tombs and his empire are the anchor points for him to position himself in nothingness.

The faith and prayers of the people of the empire for the "Black Emperor" echoed in Solomon's ears, always reminding him of his identity and preventing him from getting lost in crazy ravings.

But at a certain moment, Solomon, who was still in his weakest state, turned his head stiffly and saw a green vine emerging from the gap between the bricks of his mausoleum.

Where could such a thing appear in the most secretive and majestic tomb?

"Earth Mother Goddess!" Solomon's self-awareness, which was not yet stable enough, rang out the honorable name of this deity.


The vines instantly swelled, as if they had become a giant dragon swooping down.

But at this moment, a fallen shadow emerged from the corner of Solomon's tomb, and the shadow curtain opened, revealing the dark eyes inside.

The power of the two true gods began to rage in the tomb of the Black Emperor.

But the shadow suddenly condensed, and a black figure seemed to step out. He reached out to the vine, grabbed him and jumped into the star realm together.

The mausoleum of the Black Emperor has been preserved.

Solomon breathed a sigh of relief. His thoughts were still spreading, as if they were split into countless parts, falling into his own rules and integrating into his own empire.

Solomon took one last look at the astral world before his consciousness had to be devoted entirely to the rites of becoming a god to preserve himself.

There is much more hidden there than just two true gods!

Solomon's godhood ceremony became the trigger, exploding all the conflicts that had accumulated since the years of strife!

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