Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 184: A Hidden Injury.

Chapter 184: A Hidden Injury.

Having firmly replied to Ka'lor'ah, Lucius was about to resume eating the Canis when his body suddenly froze. 

The expression on his face fiercely twisted with pain, letting out a beastly roar from his mouth.

"AHHHH!!" Lucius dropped the crystal and tightly clutched his head. 

In the depths of his mindspace, an enormous black tidal wave of energy assaulted the blurry, silhouette in the middle. The crystalline clouds of soul power, which stood in between, had no chance in resisting this wave of foul energy.

In but an instant, Lucius' Stage 1 soul was flooded with a massive amount of emotion and desire, chief of which were madness and hunger.

Just a moment ago while talking with Ka'lor'ah, transparent sword-like energy had suddenly attacked, erasing his thoughts and feelings, reverting him to his aloof, uncaring state.

Having cultivated the [Killer] soul in his previous life, whenever Lucius' emotions cross a certain threshold, his soul would release a wave of energy, erasing all of his feelings and thus, emptying his mind. The [Annihilator] being a mutated version of the [Killer] also had this side-effect.

With his mind now devoid of any feelings, this black wave of emotions originating from his Void Eater's bloodline caught Lucius him at his weakest moment.

Right now, Lucius' consciousness was being consumed by his body's primal instincts!

The color of his face alternated between paleness and redness, as his muscles contracted and his veins bulged.

Pain, like none he had ever felt before, attacked his mind dragging him into an abyss of suffering. Lucius felt his consciousness tearing under the intensity of his emotions.

Crack! Crack!

The sound of bones cracking sounded out, as Lucius continued to squeeze his head with his hands. He seemed to be unconsciously using the entirety of his strength, trying to crush his head to relieve the pain.

"AHHHHHH!!" Letting out another beastly roar, Lucius collapsed onto the ground. His entire body started to painfully writhe, as his facial expression grew increasingly twisted. 

Muscles began to twist and warp and his black-colored blood seemed to flow in reverse. His heart rate increased exponentially, surpassing 500 BPM. 

Blood started to leak from his five facial orifices, with the look in his eyes turning maddened and savage. His body slowly started to radiate a horrifying aura.

An aura that wanted to devour everything in existence!

Just as he was about to lose himself to his instincts, the [Annihilator] soul, at the center of his mindspace, finally countered. 

The air above his head started to twist, as a sudden outburst of dense [Annihilation Energy] shot off from within his body, instantly vaporizing his immediate surroundings. 

The loosened dirt, fallen leaves, a portion of the dead Canis, everything had immediately vanished!

"LUCIUS!!" Ka'lor'ah screamed, startled by his sudden change. 

Having instinctively sensed danger, she had immediately reacted barely escaping from the destruction caused by Lucius' [Annihilation Energy]. 

Floating in the air at a distance of 5m from him, she then started to gather her soul power. 

"[Paralyze!]!" Finishing her cast, Ka'lor'ah bellowed.

A ball of golden energy formed in the air, which then moved towards Lucius. Arriving over his head, the ball of energy suddenly burst and a gentle rain of light started to fall.

A silver-golden light fell atop Lucius' body, sinking into his muscles and calming his boiling blood. The painful shivers of his muscles started to decrease as the gentle light continued to shine upon him. 

The frenzied blood and void energy also started to calm down, and his heart rate had also begun to stabilize. Within a few seconds, Lucius' body finally calmed, stiffly kneeling on the ground.

Seeing that her spell was effective, Ka'lor'ah slightly calmed. She then searched through her memories, trying to find a mental-type spell that could placate Lucius' mind.

With her increased level, the number of spells that she could cast had also greatly risen.

'Thisno this won't work! Maybe this one? No! Oh, wait, here it is!' Finding a spell that seemed suitable, she immediately began to chant.

Golden-colored soul power gathered in the air in front of air, forming the structure of her spell. When the final words fell, a miniature lance of light formed in the air, and shot towards Lucius' head.

"[Restoring Order from Chaos: Pacify]!"

Almost instantly crossing the distance, the miniature lance pierced into Lucius' head and entered his mindspace.

"AH!" The moment the lance hit his head, Lucius let out a sharp scream. 

The frightening pained expression on his face instantly disappeared, as Lucius' eyes suddenly rolled back, exposing the white beneath. 

His kneeling body wobbled a few times, before falling onto the ground face-flat. The terrifying aura of slaughter, radiating off of his body also disappeared.

Within his mindspace, the lance flew to the center of confrontation between the [Annihilators]'s transparent energy and the Void Eater's mass of emotions. 

Arriving atop them, the lance exploded shedding light to all corners of the battlefield. The instant, this golden light came into contact with the battling energies, the latter seemed to become sluggish.

The wave of black energy seemed to lose its ferocity, as the negative emotions started to quell under the golden light. The transparent [Annihilation Energy] seemed to lose its sharpness before finally stopping its assault.

At this moment, a strange balance seemed to form between the three foreign energies. The Void Eater's desires condensed on the floor of the mindspace forming a pitch-black sea that occasionally tried to stir.

Above this sea of emotions, the hazy [Annihilator] soul calmly floated while being surrounded by winds of transparent, sharp, energy. These winds were connected to were floating soul power clouds floating within the sky.

The sea was unable to form chaotic waves and the transparent wind was unable to annihilate its surroundings. 

A subtle balance was formed between these two conflicting parties.

In the sky, multiple crystallized clouds of soul energy hid a fiercely burning, golden sun overlooking everything beneath and brightening the originally dark mindspace.

[Restoring Order from Chaos: Pacify] was an ancient spell, which had a seemingly useless effect. In fact, after learning the spell from the ancient records felt by her predecessors, this was the first time Ka'lor'ah had used his spell.

The explanation for its effects, as recorded in the ancient book is as follows;

'In a system embroiled in chaos, marred by conflict, iniquity reigns supreme. To birth order and quell the chaos, a beacon of light representing tranquility appears. 

Order breeds Chaos and Chaos births Order.'

This was one of the vaguest and confusing spells, which Ka'or'ah had ever learned. Nonetheless, as a part of her duty, she had no choice but to learn it. 

In fact, she still had no idea what the spell would actually do! The only reason she had used that spell was due to her instinct and experience as an ex-Stage 7 being.

Unexpectedly, this niche spell proved to be of great importance to Lucius, saving him from madness and utter destruction of self.

"Ugh" a moan of relief escaped from Lucius' mouth.

"Lucius, are you okay?!" Ka'lor'ah immediately descended from the air and landed near Lucius. She hurriedly spread her senses scanning the state of his body.

'This!' Seeing the wretched state his body was in, Ka'lor'ah found herself tongue-tied. 

As a result of the conflict between his bloodline and his soul, Lucius' body had sustained massive injuries.

The majority of his bones were mangled and his muscles were torn. Lucius was bleeding from almost everywhere, with his heart sustaining damage resulting in slow, weak beats.

The Void energy that was previously stored within his blood, had unexpectedly moved into his mindspace, forming a vast but shallow ocean. 

"Ugh..that wasbad." Lucius weakly mumbled. Gathering his soul power, she slowly started to mend his heavily injured body.

Ka'lor'ah also cast some basic spells to staunch the blood flow. Seeing that he was out of danger, she worriedly asked.

"What the hell happened? Weren't you fine just moments ago?" 

Lucius did not immediately reply. After fixing his arm bones, Lucius then exerted strength, pulling his body towards the remains of the dead Canis. 

Crawling his way through the dirt, he arrived near the body. Pulling himself up, Lucius sunk his face into the remains, started to consume them. 

The conflict had consumed the majority of his void energy. By devouring the remains of this beast, Lucius was slowly recovering his energy.

Feasting ravenously on the flesh of the beast, his body immediately began to digest it before converting it into pure void energy. Unlike the previous times, this newly formed energy did not remain within his body but headed into his mindspace.

The shallow black sea slowly started to rise in height, as more and more void energy entered the mindspace. His broken body also started to mend faster.

Finishing the last bits of the Canis, Lucius let out a satisfied burp. With the majority of his bones and muscles fixed, Lucius no longer had problems moving.

Jumping up to his feet, he started to analyze the changes inside his body.

'The capacity of my Void Energy has almost doubled in size, now residing within my mindspace along with my soul power. The conflict and disharmony between my body and soul seem to have finally resolved.' He let out a sigh of relief.

The hidden injury within his body, that had been plaguing him for a long time was finally resolved today.

Opening his eyes, Lucius saw a dimly shining crystal floating before his face.

"Are you okay? What was that?" Ka'lor'ah worriedly asked.

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