Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 89

Chapter 89


The more clumsy and incompetent the wizard, the louder he wielded his staff and shouted his spells.

As much as there is no confidence, you have to act more strongly to materialize your own image.

In that respect, Lee Han barely wielded his staff and his voice was small, like a whisper.

Although Lee Han himself did not notice, the effect of Professor Boladi’s rigorous training was evident.


Yoner was surprised to see the subjects flying naturally.

Like birds made of paper, Lee Han and Yoner’s thick assignments gently cut through the air and approached the professor’s pile of assignments.

I couldn’t take my eyes off him even though he was simply throwing an assignment.

This seemed like magic from a completely different dimension than the stiff and disconnected < Low Control > magics Yoner had seen so far.

‘Let’s concentrate.’

Lee Han focused his mind.

It wasn’t just putting them in a pile of assignments.

I shouldn’t have listened to the professor.

– Focus.

It was as if I could hear Professor Voladi’s voice in my ears.

“It’s as simple as putting a piece of paper in between.”

Professor Voladi’s voice in my ears became clearer.

“But there is a barrier?”

“You can break through. because you’ve already learned yes?”

The voice became unnervingly clear.


wasn’t a voice in my head.

Lee Han shuddered with fear and averted his gaze.

Behind Lee Han, two professors were staring at him.

Thanks to that, Yoner couldn’t even breathe properly.

Professor Voladi said in a calm voice.

“Why are you looking away? Concentrate.”

Lee Han instinctively turned his head again.

Then, the professor I had never seen next to Professor Voladi said.

“no. It might be better to just give up and step back…”

“Ignore that. You can. Remember what you learned.”


Lee Han recalled the misfortunes that had happened this week.

No matter how you think about it, you weren’t overly lucky.

Have you been cursed with anything?

‘To meet professors passing by.’

Professor Garcia would be better, Professor Voladi.

Lee Han seriously wondered if he should look for a potion of luck.

“Isn’t it? That barrier is more difficult than I thought.”

“can do. do it.”

“Hey professors… I’m sorry, but could you give us some advice by unifying our opinions…?”

Yoner, who was worse off, spoke up, but the two professors didn’t care.

Professor Bollardi said that he could do it, and the professor he had never seen before advised him to step down.

It was a fantastic situation, but Lee Han was still able to find out a few things.

‘There was a barrier.’

Since it was a pile of assignments floating in the air and chasing after the professor, I naturally thought that there would be magic, but I didn’t expect the barrier.

The first professor said.

“That barrier is a barrier that makes a loud noise when someone touches it. You may not notice it, but near that pile of papers there are several layers of invisible magic bands rotating.”

Hearing those words, Lee Han concentrated to feel the magical energy.

It was easy to miss because of the tremendous magical energy emitted from his body, but Lee Han’s talent was not limited to magical power.

In addition to the useless presence that frightens the spirits, the ability to detect magical power was very excellent.


When I concentrated, I could really feel the bands of magical power around the pile of paper slowly spinning.

“Right now, at the student level, accessing the magic belts without touching them is close to impossible. So don’t fall for Professor Bagreck’s words and make a reckless attempt, you’d better aim for the next opportunity. As you know, Professor Bagreg doesn’t think about students at all.”

‘It really is.’

Lee Han was very sympathetic, but his mouth said something else.

“no. Professors always think of their students.”

“Isn’t that so?”

Professor Voladi accepted Lee Han’s words with sincerity.

If Lee Han had agreed, Professor Voladi would have judged, ‘Oh, I don’t think of students well’.

However, seeing Lee Han say that, Professor Boladi decided that his current teaching method was to consider students.

There seemed to be no other possibility.

“Really? Your disciple is really nice.”

“That is not logical. Wodanaz. do it. Your opponent is walking.”

“I can’t…!”

Professor Voladi urged him, and the first professor stopped him.

And Lee Han moved.


The thick object flew smoothly and passed between the moving magic bands.

If there had been even the slightest difference, the magic belt would have torn and made a loud noise.

Lee Han sent the next task off without hesitation. Yoner’s task also landed correctly on top of the task pile.

Yoner involuntarily clapped. Professor Voladi nodded faintly, barely visible.

“…Nonsense! how?!”

“Because I learned.”

“yes. Thanks to the guidance of the professor.”

Lee Han said without showing emotion. Then, the professor I saw for the first time was even more impressed.

“Aren’t you really an overdeserved disciple?! Nice to meet you. Would you be wordanaz? My name is Professor Kirmin Ku. Originally, you should shake hands, but shaking hands with me is not recommended. There are racial circumstances.”

Professor Kirmin was the complete opposite of Professor Voladi.

With a cheerful and bouncy voice, he was dressed neatly without a single wrinkle like a gentleman. It was amazing to have a friendly conversation with Professor Voladi.

“What field do you teach?”

“I am an expert in fantasy magic, especially barriers. Did you see it just now?”


Lee Han was delighted.

After hearing what he was saying, I wondered if he was really an expert in barrier magic.

“Even so, I will be entering Professor Garcia’s classroom at least once this semester. I have to teach students how fun and pleasant magic is.”

“Illusion magic is useless.”


Lee Han was astonished at Professor Voladi’s words.

Ignoring the fields of other professors.

Isn’t it a duel?

However, Professor Kirmin just ignored Professor Voladi’s words.

“It is several times more difficult to deceive a wizard of a certain level or higher with fantasy magic than magic in other fields.”

“okay. I’ve said it a hundred times However, the magicians who are ‘above a certain level’ you speak of are not even a handful in this vast empire. So wordanaz. Why did you try to put those wads of paper in there?”

Lee Han pondered for about a second.

After seeing the professor’s atmosphere, he thought that if he lied, he would work, and made the best decision.

‘I’d rather be honest.’

“Are you late for your assignment?”


Yoner blushed with embarrassment. Professor Kirmin also seemed taken aback by the unexpected reason.

‘It’s just because I was a little late in submitting the assignment?!’

“sorry. professor.”

Lee Han also apologized to Professor Boladi. But Professor Voladi, as expected, didn’t care.


“Is the assignment late?”

“Is this my assignment?”

‘I knew you would.’

“I guess so.”

Professor Kirmin looked at the two priests as if they were looking at something strange.

To be honest, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen someone who could hang out with Professor Voladi like this.

Whether it’s a professor or a student, after a few minutes of conversation, it’s not strange to say ‘I wish the sun rises over your head, you fucking vampire’ and leave… “So what lecture was it?

“< Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic >.”

“Professor Alpen Knighton?”

Lee Han was nervous when he saw Professor Kirmin saying the other person’s name.

In front of friendship between professors, promises with students are insignificant…

“Well done. good job. I honestly have nothing to say about that professor assignment.”


Professor Kirmin rather praised Lee Han. Professor Voladi also added a few words.

“Professor Alpen Knighton is a wizard who worked as a high-ranking administrator of the Empire. They are better at handling power than magic.”

“Did you know that guy cut my research budget in half a long time ago?”

The two professors gnashed their teeth and cursed the professor of < Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic >. Lee Han let out a sigh of relief at the familiar appearance.

Not all professors were good friends.

In particular, wizards who went down the path of pure magic research did not look good on wizards who received high-ranking positions in the empire and were active.

The reason was roughly ‘magical innocence blah blah blah blah blah blah’, but from Lee Han’s point of view, it seemed that the latter could touch the former’s budget.

Even the magician who makes the sky collapse and split the earth cannot do research without a research budget.

In that respect, the mages who served in high-ranking positions in the empire and reviewed the research budget were the enemies of all other mages.

– The senses of my whole life speak! This dungeon must be excavated with all the territory’s budget. Calling all nearby adventurers…

Cancel this proposal.

– I will kill you! I will kill you! You’d better watch your way at night!

-If you want to target my night road, you will have to wait in line. There are thirty-three people on the waiting list.

…these dignified conversations happen every year.

However, Lee Han did not change his mind despite the conversation between the two professors.


‘Are you from a high-ranking imperial administrator?’

Lee Han’s eyes twinkled when he said that the other person was from an imperial official.

What does that mean?

Wouldn’t it be that he had strong connections in the imperial bureaucracy?

And among Lee Han’s targets, the one on the top row was the imperial bureaucracy.

Lee Han suddenly felt his resentment towards Professor Alpen Knighton disappear like snow.

Even the dreadful amount of assignments suddenly felt like the responsibility of a high official carrying the empire.

‘I need to look better in the future.’

“Wardanaz. I heard rumors that you are very talented. You better be careful. So that I don’t get dragged into the imperial bureaucracy. If you are too good, they will send you various temptations.”

Professor Voladi spoke at length with a rare frown.

“Enough of the joke. coup. There’s no way Wardanaz would walk such a trivial anti-magic path.”

“Well, what am I talking about? I’m from the Wardanaj family. There’s no way I’ll become an imperial bureaucrat. yes?”


Lee Han felt cold sweat running down his back for the first time in a while.

* * *

Hearing from Professor Kirmin Koo that he would like to see him at the next illusion magic class (Professor Kirmin even suggested that he should ignore Professor Voladi’s interruptions and learn illusion magic seriously), Lee Han and Yoner were together. I headed to see my friends at the Blue Dragon’s Tower.

Looking at the exchange of glances outside the classroom earlier, it was clear that everyone had returned safely.

‘It’s fortunate.’

Now get the ingredients and make the potion…

“Everyone had a hard time yesterday…”

“Wodanaz! Guyando has been kidnapped!”


The Blue Dragon Tower students gathered in front of the tower rushed to Lee Han as soon as they saw him.

Everyone was in a mess as if they had just been fighting.

Lee Han asked in surprise.

“To whom? Could it be to the White Tiger Tower guys?”

“No! To the released summoner!!”

Lee Han tried to calm down but hesitated.

Come to think of it, it was not a safe situation.

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