Levelling Up In An Exclusive Dungeon

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

The underground shrine was littered with the corpses of monsters, leaving no room to stand.

Goblins, kobolds, and even golems—

it was filled with the remains of every monster Kang Jin-hyuk had encountered so far.

Under normal circumstances, he would have been excitedly collecting the corpses to stash in his inventory,

but right now, Kang Jin-hyuk had no such luxury.

With his face buried in the cold stone floor, he was gasping for breath like someone about to die.

“I can’t… can’t do this anymore. Just kill me instead…”

“This is ridiculous. Anyone would think you were tortured.”

“If this isn’t torture, then what is? For three days, I haven’t slept a wink and all I do is swing this damn bat.”

“Everything I’m doing is for your sake.”

“Damn it…”

He had spat out an obscenity out of reflex, but he couldn’t completely deny Lucia’s words.

Kang Jin-hyuk’s skill list was evidence of the results of this grueling training.

[Application of Divine Power – Level 3]

[Precise Strike]


He had already gained two new passive skills, and his previously acquired Application of Divine Power had remarkably leveled up by two stages.

And then, after three whole days of effort,

he finally managed to acquire an active skill that allowed him to manipulate aura.

[Holy Aura]

This skill materializes the power of faith into an aura.

Current Skill Level: F

Can enhance body or weapons through the aura.

Damage from the aura cannot be offset except by the same type of aura.

No matter how heavy his body felt, reading the skill description was enough to declare that the pain was bearable.

And it was no surprise, as the effect of this new skill was stronger than Kang Jin-hyuk had anticipated.

The effect that damage could only be defended against by the same aura was, in every meaning, true damage that did not discriminate.

Though the skill level was still low and the power modest,

combined with this effect, it was undoubtedly overpowered.

Kang Jin-hyuk found satisfaction in this achievement alone.

However, Lucia didn’t seem to share his sentiment.

Having acquired the aura, she continued to whip him into shape, insisting he must strengthen this power.

The harsh training, devoid of any rewards and offering no respite, shattered both his body and mind.

No longer able to endure, Kang Jin-hyuk lay on the floor and protested.

“I don’t care anymore. Kill me or spare me; it’s all up to you now.”

“Oh? Is that how you want to play?”

With a significant smile, Lucia nocked an arrow onto her bowstring.

Thinking she might threaten him, he soon realized that the arrow was not aimed at him.

Instead, Lucia loosed the arrow down the seemingly empty corridor where nothing was visible.

After slicing through the air, the sound of a monster’s roar soon followed.

This wasn’t a cry of anguish, but a furious growl of an ambush.

“I intentionally missed, so they should be fuming mad and heading this way soon.”

“Are you a demon…?”

In essence, Lucia’s words meant he needed to move if he wanted to survive.

How could a human be so wicked?

As he marveled at her cruelty, a group of orcs bearing clubs approached.

“What are orcs doing here?”

“We defeated the boss monster, and because of that, the barrier broke. So, monsters are flocking in from everywhere.”

“And what do we stand to gain here…?”

Kang Jin-hyuk didn’t have the slightest clue that the monsters were being drawn to the shrine’s magical power.

Thus, all he saw were these foolish creatures crawling in here only to make him suffer.

“Damn it.”

Frustration bubbled within Kang Jin-hyuk as he rose to his feet.

It seemed that woman wouldn’t let go until he was dead.

* * *

Lee Joon-cheol was all smiles these days,

wondering if business was flourishing.

The lifeline for his dwindling organization was none other than Kang Jin-hyuk.

The supply of monster bodies he regularly provided was of better quality than what other hunters sold.

Why he sold such high-quality corpses through backdoor deals instead of to the association was a mystery.

Honestly, there was some discomfort with that notion,

but considering the scale of the trade and the money involved, it was a risk worth taking.

“Who cares? As long as the money keeps rolling in, that’s what matters.”

Building credit in this industry required more than just morals.

As long as contracts were honored and profits flowed, that was the ultimate trust.

Lee Joon-cheol was waiting for Kang Jin-hyuk in an exclusive lounge for VIP clients.

During his brief moments of waiting, flipping through documents to check meeting details,

he heard the sound of the door opening and stood up.

“Welcome… What brings you here?”

“It’s nothing special.”

Despite downplaying it, Kang Jin-hyuk’s complexion was far from pleasant.

His eyes were weary, and his hair disheveled,

like someone who had just returned from a lengthy ordeal in the wilderness.

Kang Jin-hyuk leaned against the sofa, radiating a vibe that suggested he could collapse with a mere push.

“If you’re tired, we can postpone the meeting.”

“This is about my money; I can’t let that happen.”

Breathing deeply, Kang Jin-hyuk set down a pouch-shaped inventory on the table.

“I brought only the monster corpses—please check them.”

“Since it’s something you brought, I don’t think I need to verify it.”

Though Lee Joon-cheol spoke with absolute confidence, it was far from the truth.

He planned to meticulously count and inspect the quantity and condition as soon as he turned away.

He was only being courteous to maintain a good relationship.

“As you previously mentioned, that would be 21 goblin corpses, 21 kobold corpses, and 6 orc corpses, right?”

“Yes, and I’d also like you to appraise this.”

Kang Jin-hyuk handed over a chunk of metal that exuded a faint blue hue,

mistral he had secretly kept instead of turning everything over to the dwarves.

“This… I’ve never seen this before.”

“Could you check what its value might be?”

“I’ll find out through an expert right away.”

Lee Joon-cheol instantly recognized the metal Kang Jin-hyuk presented was anything but ordinary.

That much was obvious, as it emanated strange vibrations typically associated with high-priced magical stones.

He didn’t know it was the flow of mana, but he could tell it held exceptional power.

“I’d prefer to negotiate after determining the price for that metal.”

“Understood. I’ll contact you as soon as the appraisal is done.”

Lee Joon-cheol carefully placed the mithril in a case designed for precious items,

and then handed over documents he had laid on the table.

The paperwork was simply formatted on one or two sheets and contained brief personal information regarding key people in a considerably large company.

“What’s this about?”

“This is a list of people I gifted the liquor to for promotional purposes.”

“Why are you showing this to me?”

“Since you’re the one supplying the products, you need to know how things are progressing, don’t you?”

Lee Joon-cheol explained that he had done the promotion intentionally to establish the premium brand image.

He aimed to create an image that “a remarkable artisan has produced traditional rice wine by adhering to ancestral methods.”

“… So how was the reaction?”

“The response has been overwhelmingly positive. I’d go so far as to say success is guaranteed.”

The rice wine Kang Jin-hyuk provided not only tasted splendid,

but also contained a rich amount of mana, aiding in stamina recovery considerably.

Even those who typically enjoyed cheap alcohol were awed after just one taste.

“Many customers have expressed interest in purchasing it right away.”

“If we receive too many orders, it’ll be troublesome fulfilling them.”

“Don’t worry. I already hinted at the reduced supply because it will be crafted exclusively by a single artisan.”

“You’re quite perceptive.”

“Haha, I often hear that.”

In truth, he hadn’t arranged things solely for Kang Jin-hyuk’s sake.

Even if he could manage to match the quantities, boosting the rarity would mean greater profits for the organization as well.

Ultimately, it worked out to their mutual benefit, so to Lee Joon-cheol, it felt justified.

“What price do you think is fair?”

When Kang Jin-hyuk asked, Lee Joon-cheol felt the opportunity had finally arrived.

He could deceive him with a high price and make a considerable profit.

In truth, there was a part of him that itched to choose that route.

However, he believed it foolish to carry a ticking time bomb for the sake of immediate gain.

Thus, Lee Joon-cheol suppressed his greed and offered a straightforward price.

“I’m considering around 150,000 won per bottle.”

“Isn’t that a bit too high?”

Even compared to the typical price of Andong soju, that seemed excessively high.

But Lee Joon-cheol felt confident he could maintain total sales even at that price.

“Don’t worry. It’ll certainly sell.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“I’ve gained confidence during the promotional phase. If there’s no sales, I’ll compensate you at that price myself.”

With such a proposal from Lee Joon-cheol, Kang Jin-hyuk had nothing to lose.

‘Soju sold for under 2,000 won at convenience stores somehow reselling for 150,000 won per bottle, huh.’

The more he thought about it, the more it seemed like a horrifying profit margin.

Even if he were to stop being a hunter, he’d be set for life just by selling liquor.

“Alright. I’ll trust you then.”

As soon as Kang Jin-hyuk’s answer was given, Lee Joon-cheol deeply bowed his head.

“Thank you.”

* * *

After formally drafting a contract with Lee Joon-cheol, Kang Jin-hyuk stepped outside with a radiant expression.

It was amusing that as his wallet grew heavier, his spirits became lighter.

He felt ready to collapse after being stuck with Lucia for over a week.

Still, thinking about the money that would soon accrue in his account invigorated him.

“Now it’s time to head home and get some rest…”

Kang Jin-hyuk stretched his weary limbs and released a deep yawn.

Having disposed of the monster corpses and liquor sale finished, there was nothing left but to let his exhausted body rest.

However, life never flowed as intended.

As loud sirens blared through the air and evacuation announcements echoed, Kang Jin-hyuk instantly snapped awake.

For a brief moment, he wondered if a war had erupted.

But upon seeing the figure of a ‘wyvern’ soaring across the sky, he quickly realized the situation.

“What on earth… why are monsters that never appeared in the streets suddenly roaming around?”

If it were just one or two, it might have been different,

but even counting in plain sight, there were more than ten.

“Did something happen?”

It was far from normal for this many monsters to be loose.

Feeling a wave of seriousness wash over him, Kang Jin-hyuk pulled a baseball bat from his inventory.

“Could today be…?”

Checking the disaster message on his smartphone, he affirmed his suspicions.

Whether it was luck or misfortune, today was marked as the day for the monthly mass monster invasion.

“Why on earth is this happening now, when it usually occurs at the end of the month?”

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