Level Up Legacy

Chapter 1026 A Burning City

Chapter 1026 A Burning City

On the other side of the eighth room, Dal opened his eyes at long last, only to find the man who had defeated his undead body sitting in front of him with a grin. His face paled as he tried to string words together, but his throat failed him.

"It seems that you are still alive," said the man with golden eyes, surprised. "I expected that you would die alongside the Dullahan, but that seems not to be the case."

"What… happened?" asked Dal after a while as he looked around. There was nothing but rubble covering the entire eighth floor. No undead and no headless horseman.

"I destroyed the central pillar, which served as an antenna to control the undead, including your demonized body," said Arthur with a smile. "It was a different method to determine whether you were the Dullahan or not. Since you are alive and it died, then I trust your words now."

"Even though I deceived you into entering the Demonic Palace?" asked Dal with a guilt-ridden expression. "I did not intend for anyone to get hurt, but I wished… for salvation."

"I understand that too, but I just hate being lied to," said Arthur with a sigh before standing up and lifting Dal from the ground. "However, I've decided that I have no enemies in this place except one."

Dal was confused as he was being carried through the rubble toward the tower. He even suspected that Arthur would finish him off, for stats or loot. However, what he found was his fallen body lying atop the demolished tower.

"It is still demonized, and if I attach myself to it, I would turn into a demon," said Dal with a shake of his head. Arthur smiled and kept walking toward the lifeless body before placing the head atop it. "I cannot…"

"I attacked the Dullahan here," said Arthur as he pointed toward the creature's chest. In the center, there was a small hole that revealed the other side. "It was the demonic core."

"A… demonic… core?" Dal was shocked as he stared downward toward the hole in his chest. "However, the Dullahan kept moving even after you destroyed the core."

"I suspect the core to be the demonization method, and the bone pillar to be the antenna that controlled the monsters," explained Arthur, but the head looked at him confused. "Oh, right. This world does not have antennas. You can call it a control relaying system that the dark mage used to control all of you."

"That makes sense," said Dal before he was struck with realization. "Then, I can go back to my former body without turning into a demon?"

"There is still a little demonic energy left inside it, but I will dispel it now," said Arthur as he raised his hand, summoning the black lightning. "Reattach yourself to your body the moment the demonic energy leaves it. Otherwise, it would die."

"…I cannot repay this debt, ever," said Dal as he closed his eyes. Tears streamed down them, and Arthur just smiled and placed his hand on the body. The black lightning crackled before it coursed into the dead body, and foul energy began to escape it.

Dal snapped his eyes open, and the skill, Unseparated, began to bring the body back together. The once headless creature reunited with his head, and the vessels began to reattach themselves to each other. Arthur watched the two become one, and Dal began to move his hand around as soon as the fusion finished.

"I… returned," said Dal with an emotional face. "After an entire year of being just a head waiting for his body, I stopped… being helpless."

Tears now covered the tall warrior's face while touching his body as if for the first time. Arthur watched him fall to his knees as his fingers dug into the rubble. Although taller than Arthur himself, Dal wept rivers because the nightmare was finally over.

"You have given me more than just a body," said Dal toward Arthur as he bowed down to him. "I cannot call this a debt, even. From now until the end of my life, please allow me to serve you."

"I have no lack of followers," said Arthur with a smile before he walked toward the tall man and patted his shoulder. "Set yourself free from all the chains, Dal. There is no need to commit yourself to another life of serving."

"I have witnessed your greatness, sir," said Dal as he raised his snot-covered face. "Please let me follow you and live a life of pride."

"…fine, just wipe your face first," said Arthur with a chuckle before he turned back the way they came. "I do not intend to let you sit around. If you want to follow me, then prepare to work around."

"Anything, my lord," said Dal as he rose from the ground. He was at least two meters tall with an impressive body. Then, he began walking back behind Arthur.


Although the soldier believed he needed to reject this delusional woman, he still thought that such a rejection might make her do something dumb. For example, if she tried to assassinate Alexie, all of them would die.

"This is not the place for us to do this," said Joey as he caught her hand and raised it from his thigh. "Let us survive this place, and I will make you mine. Until then, I will make sure no one hurts you. Just do as I say."

"I understand," said Nixie, bobbing her head like a puppy. "What do I do first?"

"Just act normal, and let us observe the situation first. There are still two floors in this dungeon, and we can use that time to gather intel about him. If you notice anything, then report back to me."

"Got it," said the archer before she leaned forward toward him. Joey knew what she wanted, and he obliged by kissing her. After giving her a fake smile, the two left the room.

Joey did not enjoy using women for his missions, but he needed to make sure that this woman did not hinder him. As long as Alexie believed they were allies, he would reveal more of himself.

Every obscure power and trick he reveals would prove useful if his lady ever fights against this man. Thus, even if this mission ended with his death, then he must learn as much as he could about this man.

Once the two returned, they saw four figures waiting for them. Joey was confused before he realized that standing behind Alexie was Dal, looking like an impressive warrior with a giant build. He stood behind Alexie with such reverence that exposed the kind of relationship they had now.

"What is this?" asked Joey as soon as he returned, staring at Dal with confusion. "I thought we decided to kill him."

"I never said such a thing," said Alexie with a smile. "I helped him obtain his body again. We can use all the help we can get in the next room."

"Can we trust him?" asked Nixie with a frown. "After all, he lied to us before. He might still be working for the dark mage."

"Are you?" asked Alexie as he turned toward Dal, who shook his head in denial. Alexie turned toward them with a grin before giving the group a thumbs up, leaving them speechless.

No one could object to the strongest man among them, so it has been decided Dal would join them. Most of them had recovered by now and decided against waiting any further. After all, each hour decreased their chances.

The portal was different than before. Alexie suggested that it might lead to a demonic realm, since it was hidden inside the bone pillar controlling the undead. Thus, the group had to prepare themselves for the worst.

Joey was the first to jump forward and entered the portal. The next moment, he landed on a sandy landscape. His eyes scanned the surroundings and he was frozen in place.

Before them was a city covered in hellish flames. In the middle of the city was a giant tree, covered in green fire. Giant cubes floated around the darkened city while rubble fell from them. It was truly a scene from hell. As for Joey, he was standing atop a sandy hill that was pitch black.

The others arrived after him, and were just as shocked. Alexie was the last to enter the portal, and Joey noticed a strange expression on his face. Alexie looked surprised, shaken, and even terrified of the city.

"Is there something wrong?" asked Joey once he realized that something was off. Alexie took a few steps forward as he stared at the city with shaking lips.

"This is… Runera…" said the shaking man as if he could not believe it. "How did it arrive in this world? What happened here?"

"It might be just an illusion, Alexie," said Joey as he tried to warn him. "Even if this place means anything to you, this is not how it really is."

Alexie nodded after a few moments, but he still seemed off. The group decided to go down the hill and visit the city, which was the only destination they had.

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