Legend of Dragon Son-in-law

Chapter 194 - 193 Irving Harris Visits_l

Chapter 194: Chapter 193 Irving Harris Visits_l

Translator: 549690339

One Irving Harris was enough of a headache for Miguel Abbott, and now with Cesar Pendleton, it became an even bigger problem.

“Quick! Take me to see Mr. Reed!”

In his urgency, Miguel Abbott thought of Julius Reed who was still inside the

Pearl on the Water, and he immediately felt a bit more confident.

Whatever the case, this was his last straw!


Several bodyguards turned around and immediately led him upstairs.

Since the electricity had been cut off, the elevator was completely sealed off, and so Miguel Abbott had to take the stairs with his men.

Shortly after, they arrived at the door of Julius Reed’s room.

Taking a deep breath, Miguel Abbott knocked on the door.

Soon after, Elize Yarrow opened the door from inside and invited them in.

Julius Reed was sitting next to the table, leisurely sipping tea.

“Mr. Reed, we’ve got a big problem! Irving Harris and Cesar Pendleton…”

Before he could finish, Julius Reed interrupted, “I saw everything from upstairs.”

“Then… then what do you think we should do about this?”

Miguel Abbott was somewhat anxious.

Before, when all parties kept each other in check, Irving Harris and the like weren’t as brazen as they are now.

But now, the Leopold Family was preoccupied with their own issues, and the Potter Family was also drawn into the struggle, making all the major factions in Five-river Province hesitant.

The previously scorned Irving Harris had transformed into the most powerful boss.

“Let’s go down and meet them!”

Julius Reed stood up and, after straightening his clothes, walked towards the door.

“Absolutely not!”

Miguel Abbott immediately blocked him, “Mr. Reed, they’ve surrounded this place, partly wanting me to give in and cede some interests. The other matter, I fear, is that they’ve come for revenge against you! There’s no need to go into detail about the animosity between you and Cesar Pendleton.”

Pointing outside the door he said, “Neither Cesar Pendleton nor Irving Harris are good news; their collaboration surely targets you!”

When he saw Cesar Pendleton make an entrance, he knew there was nothing simple about this matter.

Truth be told, when Julius Reed humiliated Cesar Pendleton back in the day, he had considered intervening to prevent it.

Among these people, Cesar Pendleton had always been a rogue, acting unpredictably and being sinister and vicious.

And now, as expected, he was taking advantage of the situation to loot in the midst of chaos while Irving Harris caused trouble.

“I’m not afraid, what are you afraid of?”

Julius Reed gently pushed him aside and strode toward the elevator, “Take me down.”


The bodyguards were uncertain what to do for a moment.

“Do as he says!”

Miguel Abbott steeled his nerves and followed behind Julius Reed, “If Mr. Reed insists on going down, I will risk my life to accompany him!” After speaking, he gestured, and the bodyguards immediately called the elevator.

Julius Reed did not say anything.

It was a simple matter, and it was far from a life-and-death situation.

The descent of the elevator was swift, and without any interruptions on the way down due to the control room’s operation, it reached the ground floor directly.

“You still have the guts to come down?”

Davonte Cook raised an eyebrow at Julius Reed, a malicious smile playing on his lips.

After having been mixed up with Irving Harris for so long, he had never been beaten by anyone.

Moreover, suffering such humiliation today was worse than death for him!

So Davonte Cook had sworn long ago that today he would make Julius Reed wish he were dead!

Now that the latter had delivered himself into his hands, Davonte Cook licked his lips and strode over, “Tell me, how do you want to die?”

His face was adorned with a contented smile, as if avenging a great wrong and already envisioning Julius Reed begging on his knees, writhing in agony.


Without a second word, Julius Reed slapped him across the face, sending the once haughty Davonte Cook tumbling to the ground.

With so many standing behind him, it never occurred to Davonte Cook that he could be on the receiving end of a slap!

Taken completely by surprise, he lay on the ground, his head buzzing, unable to recover his wits for a long time.

The other employees stepped forward but didn’t dare to make a move.

Boss Abbott, standing to one side, was dripping with cold sweat, his heart in his throat.

This was Davonte Cook!

The Davonte Cook who had hundreds of men at his back!

When there were just a few men before, a fight would have been a fight, as after all, he was just a dog belonging to one of Irving Harris’s employees. But now, with overwhelming manpower, it clearly wasn’t the time to show off bravado.

As expected, after being helped up from the ground by his employees, Davonte Cook wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said viciously, “Kill him for me!”

“Hold on! I am Miguel Abbott!”

At this point, it was no longer possible for Miguel Abbott to stay out of it.


Davonte Cook eyed the middle-aged man before him, asking, “You’re Miguel Abbott?”


Irving Harris’s employees were unlike others; they didn’t care who held power in Five-river Province but rather focused on how to make big money.

Being none too scrupulous themselves, and backed by Irving Harris, they acted even more rampantly.

They didn’t care who you were; provocation meant insane retaliation!

Irving Harris obviously condoned such behavior, and would even take matters into his own hands if his employees couldn’t handle a situation.

It was for this reason that Irving Harris’s faction had a notorious reputation.

“Indeed! I, the humble one, am Miguel Abbott! Davonte Cook, after all, I hold a position equal to your boss’s, and now you’ve surrounded my hotel with men— what is this supposed to mean?”

In the group, rank mattered.

In a strict sense, Davonte Cook truly wasn’t qualified to speak with Miguel Abbott.

He was, after all, just an employee of Irving Harris’s, and under normal circumstances, would never have had the chance to meet with Miguel Abbott.

But the situation was different now, wasn’t it? With his own men surrounding them, why should he be afraid?

“Boss Abbott! That’s not very sportsmanlike of you!”

Davonte Cook sized up Miguel Abbott, snorted coldly and said, “When he hit me just now, you just stood there watching! What’s that supposed to mean? Enjoying the sight of me being beaten up? I may not be a big shot, but I won’t let myself be bullied like this! Let me be straight with you—I’m not buying what you’re selling today, Boss Abbott!”

Remembering how he had just been humiliated, with Miguel Abbott standing by doing nothing, Davonte Cook’s anger flared up even more.

But Miguel Abbott could only be spoken to by his own boss, so he had to swallow his anger.

As for Julius Reed, he had no such reservations.

“Finish him off now! Anyone who dares to stop me will end up the same!”

Davonte Cook extended his hand, and immediately an employee handed him a club.

But just at that moment, a commotion arose at the door.

“The boss is here!”

No one knew who shouted, but everyone turned in unison to look behind themselves.

At the entryway of the Pearl on the Water, a middle-aged man in black clothes slowly approached, leaning on a cane, wearing dark sunglasses, and sporting a goatee, surrounded by a crowd of bodyguards.

“Irving Harris?”

Upon seeing the newcomer, Miguel Abbott swallowed, whispering anxiously into Julius Reed’s ear, “That’s Brother Elias Cook, Irving Harris. He’s not a good person, and he’s capricious.. You must be careful!”

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