Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 809 Humanoid Dragon

After hearing Cyneah's response, the gray figure, resembling a three-meter tall, lanky gray hooded mage, pulled back its head in a burst of soundless laughter. Looking at its shaking figure, it looked creepy and menacing at the same time.

The air around them shook as the mist converged toward the gray figure before scattering in several directions.

Cyneah ignored the figure as it left the hollowed space. Even when she responded to its request just now, she did not let her concentration waver even for a second. She continued to use her magic sense to maintain her connection to all the high-ranking members of the Armakea forces. It was no easy feat, especially when she had to control more than a hundred individuals at the same time.

But she could not afford to relax. If she did and her connection to these people was severed, then she would no longer be able to protect the Eidums. It would also backfire on her because the spell she performed had been severed prematurely.

Cyneah was not afraid of receiving a backlash and suffering. After all, she was already numb to such torturous pain. What she was afraid of was the Eidums' suffering because of her failure.

Just as she thought this, a silhouette crossed her mind. It was Kyran's silhouette, and while she knew he would not allow anything to happen with the Eidums, she also knew he would not be participating in this battle. She knew him too well to know he planned for the Eidums to gain experience in this battle.

But Cyneah knew the impending danger that would befall the Eidums this day. She also guessed if Kyran could use his magic sense well, he would have known about that danger.

Alas, it seemed his control over the magic energy in the surroundings was limited, resulting in him being unable to use his magic sense fully.

Cyneah had the opportunity to tell Kyran about the danger but hesitated mainly because she was not ready to impart all her deep, dark secrets. She could not very well tell him that she realized the Armakean's plan simply by spying on them using her magic sense. If she did, he would have asked when she spied on them and how she managed it. And lying to her benefactor was something she could not do.

It was ironic how she got angry when he kept things from her when she had her own and was even unwilling to impart them.

'You say that. But after this, did you really think he will not know the truth?' 

A voice very similar to her own fleeted in her mind's eye.

Cyneah immediately blocked the voice out from her mind and kept her focus.

If there was one thing she learned after arriving in Somuli, it was that she must never allow herself to be distracted by her thoughts. Because those thoughts were only her conscience nagging. In a situation where any move could spell her death, would her conscience keep her alive?

The answer was no.

For this reason, Cyneah could not allow distractions, and  she had been doing well.

'Until he appeared.'

As her conscience kept nagging her, the more Cyneah killed off her emotions. She could not do it alone, but it was fine. The array formation she created would do it for her. It was this array formation that helped her survive all those years.

Alas, the more she strived to survive, the more she attracted the attention of the Nobles. Finally, it led to that faithful day when she got captured and almost died.

She would not really die. The Macabre Glacier's sentient—  that gray figure—  would not allow that. If the Abbot had not stepped in to save her, then the mirror's sentient would have revealed itself and consumed every complete being that dared kill her.

Whether it was a good thing or not, the Macabre Glacier had already accepted Cyneah as its master. Thus, it would not allow her to die.

'It is futile. Deny all you want, but you know after this day, he will come to know your secret, and he, like the others, will scorn you.'

Cyneah continued to ignore the voice that kept fleeting in her head.

Her mirror-like eyes continued to glow as she focused on a white light that hovered before her eyes. This light was not really physically present but only a projection from the array formation she set up.

Several other lights like these danced before her eyes, but this white light, in particular, belonged to Lady Chrysanthemum. Silver-like threads were connected from Cyneah to those lights, but the one connected to Lady Chrysanthemum was particularly thicker.

Currently, Cyneah was controlling Lady Chrysanthemum's every movement. As for the other lights, which belonged to the high-level members of the Armakea force, she restrained their movements.

To be honest, Cyneah could control every being on that battlefield. However, her time, as well as the pills she concocted, were limited. These pills were necessary to establish the connection with the array formation.

When she left the border earlier, she went to the Armakea's side and controlled one of the low-ranking officers guarding the border. From that office, she made her way, albeit consciously, inside their HQ and distributed the pills to the Armakea's high-ranking members.

However, there was an officer and a group of knights to whom she failed to give a pill. But it was alright because they left afterwards. She was also running low on pills then, and it was a good thing she had one last to give to Lady Chrysanthemum, who at that time was hidden in a very powerful sealed cargo.

Cyneah watched the battlefield from Lady Chrysanthemum's eyes. She continued to control the magical beasts, whom she could not connect with, through Lady Chrysanthemum's magic.

She watched with emotionless eyes as they massacred every beast, beast-like and complete being. She was not a fan of such brutality, but it was something she had gotten used to in her first three years in Somuli.

To be more accurate, she was forced to get used to it.

When Cyneah was about to command the three magical beasts to start firing friendly fire on those high-ranking members behind the enemy line, an ominous, almost suffocating pressure befell the battlefield.

Cyneah's eyes widened in shock. She was well deep underground, yet she also sensed the pressure. This showed how much power whoever caused that possessed.


The gray figure, absorbing the death auras of the fallen on the battlefield, let out an excited, almost frantic shriek when the pressure appeared.


Following that pressure, a glowing silver figure landed with great ferocity before the Comodo. It destroyed the ground and covered more than a hundred-meter radius in a thick cloud of smoke.

The hollowed space where Cyneah was shook; its ceiling threatened to cave in. In the end, the barrier she put up managed to keep the space from getting destroyed. Still, that was not the same with the array formation on the ground.

Although the tremor just now did not destroy it, it almost made her lose her connection with the Armakeans and Lady Chrysanthemum.

Nahir and his group were already near the Eidum's border when the glowing silver figure descended on the battlefield. Though they were quite a distance away, they still felt the stifling presence it exuded. Not to mention its pressure from before had not lifted yet.

"Don't just stand there! Get inside the border!" The Abbot barked his command after sensing great danger from the newcomer. Judging by that person's aura, it was an outsider. He feared that it was one of those outsiders that Kyran had told them about. If it was, then the situation was already out of their control.


The Comodo roared at the glowing figure, undeterred by its towering presence. It raised one of its front claws, wanting to slice the figure into thin pieces.

"Pipe down."

The glowing figure's voice reverberated on the whole battlefield. It was deep and not even loud, yet all of them heard it.

As the figure spoke, the Comodo froze in place, and something seemed to snap from within. Its frenzied eyes cleared as it gazed down at the figure.

Just then, a powerful gust of wind blew around them, clearing the cloud of smoke.

Because of this, the Abbot, Nahir, and the rest of the Eidums, who had better eyesight, could finally have a better view of the figure.

Judging from the figure's voice, they already knew the figure was a male. Looking at his back, he was tall and very imposing. He was covered in silver armor, which explained why he initially seemed glowing.

But the color of the figure's armor was the least of their worries because they were attracted by its design.


The figure's armor did not look like a simple design. It felt as if it was an extension of who he was.

To them, the figure looked like a humanoid silver dragon.

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