Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 801 Attack (1)

While Kyran and Nahir met at the borders, Cyneah arrived in front of her room. When she left Kyran's room, she made a short trip to her personal chamber in the Infirmary before going to her room.

Cyneah entered the room, closed the door and leaned on it while heaving a long sigh. Frankly, she waited for Kyran's return so they could continue their interrupted conversation at the border.

Alas, she could not muster the courage to bring it up and their conversation went to a different direction. Although Kyran said something that could have led back to their earlier conversation, in the end, Cyneah did not follow through on it and feigned ignorance- all because she felt insecured.

Besides that, she was afraid of misunderstanding Kyran's intention even though he mentioned he was being clear about it.

Cyneah's insecurities was not limited to the years she and Kyran had spent apart and her being older than him now. There was more to it than than and it had something to do with her experience in the first three years in Somuli.

Cyneah heaved another sigh before walking over a table at the corner of the room.

She placed the items she took from her personal chamber on the table and her expression gradually changed.

On the table were several crushed herbs, and liquid materials in a variety of colors, in different-sized bottles. There was also a small silver cauldron, and a unlit portable furnace. From these, it was not hard to imagine what she planned to do.

'I only have a few hours to get these ready,' she thought and went to work at once.

As Cyneah focused on her work, a faint gray mist started to whirl behind her.

Two hours before the planned sneak attack to the Eidum's side, all involved Armakea: beast-likes, complete beings, a number of beasts, and a dozen knights, marched out of their border's HQ from the back gate. This group was led by a man in his late twenties with short blonde hair and bluegreen eyes- Captain Hohen.

Meanwhile, another group with another dozen knights, a horde of beasts, and three magical beasts gathered by the front gate.

The Armakea commander stood at the top of the wall and looked at the group below with a stern expression.

These group would start their attack in half an hour. While the group leaving from the back would rendezvous with the Prince of Armakea's group.

While the Armakeans in the border were preparing, Achim had also gathered all the knights and were getting ready to leave their camp.

On the other hand, Nahir and all abled Eidum fighters were inside the assembly hall. He had round them up, except for those who were still patrolling or on guard duty, and briefed them on everything Kyran told him.

All Eidums wore a grim expression while listening to Nahir's briefing. Those who heard about Kyran's sudden departure were able to glean that what Lord Nahir was telling them had something to do with what the former discovered: The Armakea was planning an attack.

After being silent for more than a week, finally, they were on the move.

The Eidums trembled at the thought of confronting them again in battle. But surprisingly, even though they were afraid, a part of them were excited. They wanted to know how they would fare once they applied what they learned from Kyran.

Nahir had mixed feelings while seeing everyone's expressions. Last month, when he stood before them and addressed them about a possible attack from the Armakea, he saw their fear. They tried to mask it, but the heavy atmosphere that lingered in the hall was too evident to ignore.

But that was no longer the case. Yes, there was still a lingering fear in them, but more than that, there was confidence. 

If this had been before Kyran's appearance, Nahir would account their change in their accumulated experience. After all, they had been guarding the border for a few months now. But because of Kyran, Nahir knew their confidence stemmed by the things they learned.

Nahir no longer cared about the Eidums utilizing what Kyran taught them. He already witnessed the difference it did after the mock battle earlier and admitted that the younger man's teachings was indeed effective. It also lowered their consumption of energy, thus, allowing them to fight for prolonged period.

"According to our intel, the Armakea will launch their attack in two locations," Nahir continued to address the crowd.

All the Eidums listened to him attentively. Wondering if Nahir planned to split their forces to confront the Armakea's forces.

"But we will not split our forces," Nahir told them, much to everyone's surprise. They could not help but glance at each other. And almost each and everyone of them could see the confusion reflected on each other's faces.

Even Azikh and Gidan, standing a few feet behind Nahir, could not help but look at him in confusion.

"We have confidence in our border's defenses," Nahir continued, the memory of watching Kyran working on the border's array formation in the receiving room flashed through his mind.

To be honest, Nahir was somewhat knowledgeable on how lost technology worked because even among the Eidums, they had ongoing research on lost technologies they discovered. He even had the opportunity to participate in some of the actual dismantling process. For this reason, when he watched Kyran worked on the border's array formation, he was confident he could learn something.

Alas, trying to learn from about lost technology while watching Kyran worked was actually a wrong move. After all, his knowledge was far too advanced and his ways were no longer considered 'normal' in any way.

Nahir knew that if one wanted to change a lost technology's formation, they had to know all the ingredients used to create it, as well as how each of these complimented and worked together.

However, Kyran did not utilize this concept. What Nahir saw was him moving his hand while several rune writings in different formations danced around the core. It was a spectacle to look at.

Nahir did not know that one could actually change the lost technology's formation at will as long as they knew how it worked.

Of course, this was only Nahir's misconception. After all, the reason Kyran did not need to prepare any ingredients when he improved the border's array formation was because his Void magic could easily fill in the necessary ingredient. As long as Kyran knew what he needed and that plane had that particular ingredient then there was nothing his Void magic could not produce.

Nevertheless, because of this misconception, Nahir's evaluation of Kyran improved. Of course, the older man would not be caught dead admitting that before the younger man.

"Thus, there is no need for us to concern ourselves in that group," Nahir continued to say.

The Eidums looked skeptic at Lord Nahir's declaration. In the end, they had no choice but to throw their doubts and put their faith in his words.

Since only a few Eidums had witnessed Nahir's defeat in Kyran's hands, most of the Eidums still revere his every word. Not that it would really change if word about his defeat came out. After all, none of them saw what happened and would only account his defeat for giving Kyran face or something along that line.

"Nar has taught you how to utilize your magic these past week or so, thus, I expect great things from you."

All of them were stunned at Nahir's words, especially those who knew how opposed he was toward Kyran's teaching.

Without delay, Nahir gave the floor to Gidan so he could discuss their strategy.

The strategy was something the three, including Kyran, discussed prior to the assembly.

After letting Gidan continued, Nahir left the stage and went to the back room where Kyran was.

"You should have shown yourself," Nahir told him.

Kyran only smiled and said, "There is no need. Besides, what they needed now are their leaders. And since we are on that subject, I did not see Neah."

"She is still in her room," Nahir replied at once. He even sounded a little gloatingly. As if knowing something that Kyran did not made him superior.

"Is that so," Kyran replied, retaining his usual tone and composure.

Nahir could not help but frown at this. He found Kyran's indifference inconsistent to his claim of her being his mistress.

"Nar, just to let you know. I have no plans on rescinding the pact."

Kyran looked at him and raised his brows in surprise. "How random."

"Maybe. But I only want to let you know as soon as possible."

Kyran did not respond. He only tilted his head with a smile before turning to leave.

But before he went out the door, he paused and said, "Not rescinding the pact doesn't really matter. If I want to, I can void it any time."

Not waiting for Nahir to say anything, Kyran left.

Contrary to what Nahir thought, Cyneah was not in her room. After she finished concocting all the potions and pills she needed, she slipped past the Eidums guarding the border and jumped down the steel wall.

Gael was actually lurking in the shadows but he also failed to see Cyneah.

As Cyneah landed on the ground, she made her way to the middle of the battlefield.

With each steps she took, the gray mist that circled her feet increased. Soon, it had already formed into a human silhouette that hovered behind her.

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