Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 738 Clue

"It would be good if that is the case," Axil replied with a sigh. "But there were peace-loving Sovereigns fro the previous war, and they also joined. We reckoned they were forced to. I am afraid the Human plane, now that it birthed its Sovereign while the next war is around the corner, will be forced to join too."

"You're not saying this to convince us to join, is it?"

"Of course not," Axil replied, shaking her head sincerely. "It is a possibility that you have to consider of."

"Humph," Zephyr snorted in disdain. "It is fine even if the Human plane does not join the war."

"Do you remember something?" Kyran asked, turning to him.

Zephyr looked back, shaking his head.

"No, master, but I know the Human plane does not conform to the rules of the Lower Realm. It is part of the Land of the Ancients, after all."

Kyran narrowed his eyes. He knew a little about the Land of the Ancients because of his training in the Tower of Tribulations. Most books that mention it also talk about the Heart of the Cosmos. Some even believed that the latter originated there.

Kyran did not know whether it was true because Zephyr said the Heart of the Cosmos, also known as the Shaiha, had been in the Dragon plane before the Dragon King took it to the Human plane.

In any case, the more he heard about it, the more he realized a time would come when he had to find the truth, not only because of his innate magic but also because he possessed the Shaiha.

Because of what Zephyr had said, Axil remembered something, and she began to contemplate aloud.

"There is a story that says the Land of the Ancients was from the Higher Realm," she started. "This might well be true if it does not conform to the rules of the Lower Realm. But if that is the case, how did it get here?"

"Trying to figure that out will get us nowhere," Loar reminded Axil. "Let's take things one at a time, shall we?"

Axil looked at him and nodded.

"You are right," she agreed. "Thank you, Loar. Since joining us, you have helped keep us on the right track. It truly helps to have an analytical thinker in the faction."

"That's not nice, Axil. You're putting a lot of pressure on me."

Axil only chuckled in response. Then she looked at Kyran and said, "Well, I won't waste your time. I have said what needs to be said and hope you consider our invitation. The matter about your friend, since Wing gave her word, you can expect some results."

Kyran only nodded in response. Honestly, he was not expecting much. But any information he could gather about the other planes would help him narrow his search. Besides, as he told Loar, he would not be idle while staying on his ship.

He planned to study more about Automatons from Loar while visiting the planes near the Human plane.

Kyran's visits were not to search for Cyneah but to gather resources. Of course, he would only target planes with no Sovereign ruling over them.

These resources would then be used in preparation for the war.  Zephyr might have said the Human plane does not conform to the Lower Realm's rules, but this did not mean they had to be complacent.

If the Human plane was not exempted from the war, Kyran wanted Nolan and the others to be prepared. Besides, he did not know when he would return. If the war started before he could find Cyneah, the least he could do was provide them with where to gather more resources.

After Axil left, their surroundings changed, and the room reverted to its original state.

Loar looked at Kyran with a wry smile and said, "It's been a while since we've seen each other, and I did not even arrange a proper welcoming. Sorry I am not a good host."

Kyran shook his head, "I'm not here on vacation. Besides, there are far too many things happening now that the War of the Sovereigns is near."

Loar nodded, "It's a little bit nerve-wracking since we don't know when only that it is near. For all we know, it could start tomorrow."

"Don't jinx it," Kyran groaned.

Loar laughed, "Don't worry. Though I said that, there would be obvious signs before it happens so there will be no surprises."


"Well," Loar paused and took a deep breath before saying, "I'll leave you to your devices, then. You also need to adjust your body now that you have left your plane."


Kyran watched Loar leave before he turned to Zephyr.

"Rest, too. We'll be leaving in a few hours."

Zephyr sat at the foot of the bed and looked at Kyran in puzzlement.

"Leave? Where are we going, master?"

"Check the nearby planes."

Zephyr's eyes widened in surprise. Then he thought of something, and his surprise was replaced by excitement.

"Have you decided to conquer planes now?"


"Eh? Why not?"

"I could barely support my father in protecting the clan, why would I want things like planes add to it?"

"That is only because you have too few subjects. Not only that, you don't want your subject getting hurt. You have to change that, master. Becoming a ruler meant you would have to let your subjects suffer. Only in this way can you expand your territory!"

Kyran frowned.

"Where the hell did you even learn that? Besides, I don't want to expand any territories. Did you not hear me just now? I could barely support my father in protecting the clan."

Zephyr sighed in resignation, "Master, you have little ambition. Is having the mistress return to your side enough?"

Kyran did not respond. He ignored his question and went to the table and sat.

"Please don't ignore me!"

"I'm not. I have to make preparations."

As Kyran said, he removed a few materials from his storage pouch. Then he created another long table before retrieving a body of a puppet.

When he was in the Regis Terram, he started creating more puppets. But he did not get to complete most of them because of Ames's arrival, followed by his grandfather's, who bore bad news.

Seeing his master had busied himself on his puppets, Zephyr could only sigh in resignation before lying in bed to take a nap.

In the following days, Kyran went into a routine. If he were not talking with Loar about Automatons or the situation on other planes, he would be in his room working on his puppets or another project.

After working, he would rest a bit, then he and Zephyr would leave the ship and look for a nearby plane.

On the first day, Kyran found three planes. But he and Zephyr did not enter. Instead, they only observed from the outside.

So far, they found two of these three planes were already ruled by a Sovereign. Thus, he stopped checking those planes. As for the third one, they did enter and check the time difference first.

Kyran confirmed that the plane's time was three times faster than the Human plane. Thus, he and Zephyr left after an hour of exploration.

The next day, they found another two, one of which was already ruled by a Sovereign.

Like the previous day, they entered the plane without a Sovereign and checked the time difference before leaving after an hour.

Finally, the third day, when Wing had promised to give Kyran an update, arrived.

Kyran met her inside the ship's huddle room. Loar did not join them as he was out to visit a Sovereign their faction was trying to invite.

"What do you have?" Kyran asked as soon as they were seated.

"A few planes we can check," Wing replied, waving her hand. In an instant, the projectors activated, and several images of planes appeared at the center of the table.

"Seven in total," she continued. "I could not verify the information because they all have Sovereigns ruling them."

"That's fine. If you had entered, even if you use an essence, they will notice and think you are up to no good."

"Yes," Wing replied. "That's why I could only give you this much."

"I'll verify the information myself."

Wing frowned slightly as she looked at him.

"I don't think that is a good idea."


"The Sovereigns are already on the lookout for you."

Kyran frowned. Before he could ask what she meant, she already continued.

"Apparently, Flos and Ruin had been busy trying to lure you out."


Kyran could understand Ruin, but why would Flos do the same? Should he be looking for Ruin?

Wing nodded, "Yes. I don't know what happened, but Flos and Ruin had a skirmish the other day. After that, Flos sent word to his members, prioritizing looking for you."

Kyran could not help but sigh in exasperation. He thought Ruin had bought him time, but the time differences in the Lower Realm only gave him a few days.

"I'll be fine, tell me everything you know about those planes."

"Fine. But don't say I did not warn you."

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