Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 732 Invitation (2)

Loar led Kyran, Cade, and Nolan inside the ship's deck.

On their way there, Loar made small talk, telling Kyran how his creation evolved after fighting him.

Just as Kyran expected, True Void's 'mechanics' inspired Loar to make beast automatons that could shapeshift. He even made them shapeshift into humans.

That was was right. The human automatons that entered the Human plane could turn to beast automaton.

Cade, and Nolan did not see these automatons change. However, they were Array Saints. Subtle clues from the arrays included in the automatons' coatings would have been easy for them to figure this part.

As for Kyran, he figured it out after using his magic sense to probe at the human automatons standing by the sides along the hall. He could tell that the wiring inside their external frame were formed and placed in a way that it would be easy for them to change form.

Still, even though these automatons could shift into beasts, its form could only remain in the same size as their human counterpart.

That was the limitations of an Automasmith's creation.

Unless they could integrate Void into their creations, which possessed the nature to distort space, then they could easily placed pockets of Void that would add more parts into the human automatons once it shapeshift into beasts.

Of course, if Loar succeeded in that, he would not have used 'Automa' as his Sovereign name but Deus ex Machina. Because only a Deus ex Machina could integrate the Void into his creation.

Frankly, Loar could still use that name if he wanted and could aim to learn integrating Void in his creation along the way. But he chose not to. To be accurate, he could not because he was convinced Kyran was this generation's Deus ex Machina.

It was also for this reason that he hoped to invite Kyran as an ally in the coming War of the Sovereigns.

Because there was a record in their plane that talked of an earlier War of the Sovereigns, in that war, the Automa plane had its first Deus ex Machina and won the war.

It was said that he used thousands of millions of automatons to overwhelm the other Sovereigns' armies.

Unfortunately, it was unknown if that record was accurate. After all, the fact that the 'Dark Sage' had always won the war was true.

After walking for a few minutes, they finally arrived in front of the huddle room of the ship.

The room was not that big. But it could have up to twenty people and would not look cramped.

A long table was placed at the center of the room with ten chairs on each side. No chairs were placed on the north and south sides. Instead, there were metal tablets with runes glowing on their surface, facing the table.

Based on the runes on the tablet, Kyran guessed they were a projection device. He found it interesting because these projectors could easily work just from those runes. The materials that made the tablet did not affect the projection itself. As a matter of fact, the tablets only served as a holder for the runes.

As the five sat, with the three men on one side and a man and a woman opposite, they immediately went to business.

"I know what you want to know," Loar said, leaning forward while looking at Kyran. "And I can provide that intel. However," he paused dramatically before smiling mischievously, "If you want it, first you have to consider our invitation."

Nolan scowled at Loar's brazenness. It did not matter to him if this guy was Kyran's friend. If he took advantage of the latter's situation to make him join their faction, and forget about being courteous, he would destroy this ship and wage war then and there.

Of course, this was only Nolan's thinking. He would not act on it, mainly when Cade remained silent beside him.

In any case, Cade's silence did not exude a fit of silent anger. He was genuinely calm at Loar's brazenness.

Kyran raised his brows and leaned back before saying, "Considering it won't be a problem. I thought you'd demand me to join if I want your intel."

Loar chuckled, "I'm not in a hurry to die."

Cade could not help but laugh at Loar's comment. It appeared the latter viewed his son as an impatient and unreasonable man.

On the other hand, Nolan snorted and also leaned back, crossing his arms across his chest in agreement with Loar's comment.

"I won't kill someone over such a reason," Kyran replied with a slight frown.

"Maybe," Loar agreed. Then he shrugged and added, "But based on our intel, the person you're searching for is part of your family. And so far, anyone who crossed your family seemed to have ended in a bad way."

Kyran smiled, "Good, your intel is quite accurate."

Loar laughed.

"I won't offer it if it's not."

The woman sitting on his left frowned before turning to Kyran and chimed in the conversation.

"Tell us if you agree with our terms, or we will not hand over the intel."

"There is no need for such threats, Wing. I'd rather he consider it without putting in too much pressure."

"Then what was the point of even offering it?"

"That is because-."

"Can I answer that myself?" Kyran asked, cutting Loar mid-sentence.

Not taking offense to Kyran's interruption, he gestured for him to continue.

"I have already given my response," Kyran told the woman Loar called Wing. "What else do you want me to consider?"

"Obviously, you do not understand what 'considering' our invitation entails."

"I don't, and I have no plans in knowing. Now, can we continue?"


"Alright, that is enough, " Loar cut off Wing's attempt to argue and smiled at Kyran. "You can ask any question, and I will try to answer them based on the intel we have."

"Flos," Kyran replied at once.

Cade and Nolan did not ask why Kyran first considered asking for intel on Flos.

Given the current situation, finding out the latter's whereabouts was the first thing they had to know. Knowing the fate of Flos would also provide some information on Cyneah and Obstruction.

"Not so fast," Wing interrupted before Loar could answer. "You have not even heard what we want you to consider and you're already demanding our intel."

Loar sighed inwardly. He did not want to argue with Wing because the intel came from her side.

"Fair enough," Kyran agreed with a slight nod. "But I am not negotiating here. Besides, knowing what you want from me is not that important. As long as you give the intel I want, then I will consider anything you ask— unless it will affect my bottom line."

Unfortunately, Wing stopped listening to what Kyran was saying the moment she heard, 'I am not negotiating.' At that moment, she believed Kyran only wanted to take and not give.

That did not sit well with her.

"I'm sorry Loar," she said, her tone turning serious. "You may consider this boy as your friend, but I don't. If we don't get anything from this negotiation, then I won't hand over the intel."

Kyran looked at Wing. But instead of feeling annoyed at her opposition, he found her amusing. He already expected opposition on Loar's side once they began talking business. Which was why he was prepared to put anyone to their rightful places if they so much as challenged him.

Fortunately, there was only one with Loar. Convincing one person was far easier than several people.

Unfortunately, it appeared the lone opposition Kyran had to deal with was someone who had a higher position in Loar's faction. If not, the latter would have already asked her to stop adding oil to the fire.

Apart from this, judging by her words, it seemed she was the one who had the intel.

"What do you want then?" Kyran asked before Nolan or even his father made a move.

But his concern was unnecessary because he saw the two looking unconcerned at the exchange between the two.

Wing looked at Kyran from under her black veil for a few seconds before saying, "An assurance that we gain something from this exchange."

"You will gain a favor," Kyran responded. "Even if I don't 'consider' your invitation, is that not enough?"

"Humph," Wing snorted in disdain. "You're not even on my level. What favor can you even provide? You may be rumored as the new Dark Sage but I am the Sovereign of Wings."

An awkward silence followed her statement, which resulted in her cheeks turning bright red. Good thing she was wearing a veil, or her bravado would look like a child's tantrum.

"Right," Kyran replied after a somewhat lengthy pause. His expression remained the same, but somehow he also appeared confused. "Sorry, I have not heard about you in the planes I've been."

And that was what it took for Wing to snap.

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