Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 727 Sovereign Of Automa (1)

Kyran and Iulia talked for a little while before the former left. He did say he was leaving the plane that day. But before that, he had a few errands to do.

The first of his errand was meeting the representatives of the Courtenay, Lumley and Montgomeray Families.

He was not meeting their patriarchs because they were all busy with many things pertaining to their family or the announcement they made. Suddenly disbanding the Three Noble Families was no small matter. Many other patriarchs from other noble families wanted to meet with them about a 'joint venture' now that there was no longer the 'Three Noble Families.'

Because of this, the Courtenay, Lumley and Montgomeray patriarchs had to set straight the record. They disbanded the Three Noble Families to create a new 'nobles faction.' They were serious when they announced wanting to follow the Regis Clan's example.

A few noble families were also interested in forming a sort of alliance with them. This alliance was not the same as the one announced by the Aureole, Conclave and the Templar Code because they would mainly focus on the development of the empire and assisting the Royal Family— or, to be more precise— Emperor Euan and Empress Iulia's ideals.

Of course, realizing ideals was no easy feat. It would not happen overnight, either. One could even say that a lifetime was not enough to make it happen. Nevertheless, these noble families had experienced too many betrayals and seen too many ulterior motives to last them a lifetime. What they wanted was to see the Emperor's 'right the wrongs' happen— not for them but for the new generation.

When Kyran met the representatives from the Courtenay, Lumley, and Montgomeray Families, his brow made an involuntary twitch.

Because all of them were all women.

Kyran had nothing against having a woman represent their family, alright. It was just that it was one thing to send a woman but to have their age close to his— those patriarchs definitely had ulterior motives.

Claudias, Mimi, and Zuri.

Shaking his head inwardly, Kyran tried to reason they were here because they were also present during the meeting with Iulia. Besides, he did not interact much with them in the first place.

Right, maybe that was not the case with Mimi.

In any case, Kyran did not beat around the bush and went straight to the point. He told them his plan to leave that day and gave them a device that would allow them to contact him in an emergency.

Kyran made a point to emphasize the word 'emergency,' even giving them the impression that they could only use the device once. Of course, this was not the case, and if a good Array Specialist checked the device, he or she would realize this.

After that, Kyran told Zuri that White Lily had returned to the Spirit World and would continue to recuperate there. He asked her to have the Montgomeray members with contracted spirits to keep an eye on her. He also told her that his mother, Rin, would continue to be White Lily's contracted human. Thus, she would visit the Montgomeray Family every now and then.

Zuri did not say anything and only nodded in response. However, Kyran sensed her relief after hearing about White Lily.

Although she saw the latter in his Void World, the fact that she had to stay there for some time and could not leave worried her and the Montgomeray Family, knowing that White Lily could return was truly a relief.

After talking to Zuri, Kyran turned to Claudias next.

Claudias might not show it, but he knew most Lumley family members still harbor hidden resentment. The Regis Clan might have saved their family on the brink of destruction, but that would not have happened had Kyran not wiped out their high-level mages.

Kyran did not try to correct their misconception since Neo was his creation, and the latter killing Tobias, Mattias, and most of the Lumley Family's high-level mages was a solid fact.

Before Kyran could address this subject, however, Claudias stopped him.

She said:

"I am not fond of Mattias and Tobias's way of doing things and how old-fashioned most of the leaders of the Lumley Family had been. I say good riddance. You helped the family uproot the weeds growing from within for a long time."

Claudias's words surprised not only Kyran but also Mimi and Zuri. After all, they knew how prideful the Lumley Family was. Apart from this, they were the family that replaced the Regis Family as one of the Three Noble Families.

Then again, maybe it was their way of telling Kyran to let bygones be bygones and to start anew.

Most likely, the remaining members, as well as their patriarch and elders, already weighed the benefit they would receive by following the Regis Clan.

Since Claudias did not want to discuss it anymore, Kyran did not pursue it either.

Finally, Kyran looked at Mimi and addressed what she was likely concerned about all this time.


With a flick, Kyran threw a ring in Mimi's direction. The ring looked similar to any storage ring, but when Mimi caught it, she felt how profound it was and could even be considered a rare item.

Kyran then said, "She's inside. I 'treated' her, but whether she returns to her old self would entirely be up to how the Courtenay Family will treat her from now on."

Mimi did not need to ask to understand what he meant.

Millie was truly 'ill.' In a sense, she developed another personality because of how she was treated by most of the Courtenay Family. Because of this, she became ambitious. Wanting to use other people for her own benefit.

That had been the case with Kyran. After realizing she could not use him, she wanted to get rid of him.

Unfortunately, Millie picked the wrong person and ended up exposing her 'illness.'

Eoin and Ernst let Mimi look after Millie, hoping she could affect her and turn over a new leaf. Alas, it did not happen, and it seemed to have worsened.

In any case, Kyran already realized this after checking her memories. He felt getting rid of her was not worth it. Besides, he saw her talent in Array and found her useful in assisting his father in creating the Warp Formation.

Mimi held the ring close to her heart and smiled.

"Thank you."

Claudias and Zuri were oblivious to the exchange between the two. But they felt how grateful Mimi sounded and sensed whoever was inside that ring was likely someone very important to the Courtenay Family.

After that, Kyran gave each of them storage rings, where teaching scrolls that could help them recover their military strength were.

Claudias, Mimi, and Zuri were initially lost to what Kyran meant. But recalling his knowledge of different branches and forms of magic, the 'teaching scrolls' sounded even more precious than the device he gave them at the beginning.

What they did not know was the teaching scrolls Kyran prepared for them were to improve not only their family's magic knowledge but also their level. One could say that reading and understanding these scrolls could help them attain enlightenment, which could help them achieve a breakthrough.

After meeting them, Kyran went to Stella.

As soon as he arrived inside her quarters and saw the expression on her face, he knew she already guessed why he was there.

In a way, Kyran would not have gone there like that if it was not to say he was leaving.

Stell smiled bitterly and said, "So this day finally came."

"Did you know this would happen?"

Stella shook her head, "From now on, the things that would happen is no longer part of any future I witnessed."

Kyran only gave a short nod.

He preferred it this way. Because having others know and try to dictate what would happen to his future did not sit well with him.

Stella closed her eyes and asked, "When you look for her... can you also look for them?"

Kyran did not ask who she meant because he knew.

It was not announced. But the ones who went missing, along with Malek, were three other Conclave council members he knew well.

Noir, Sigma, and Callan.

"I will."

Kyran did not hesitate to answer because he did intend to look for them.

It was contrary to what he told others, but he did not want them to think that he was being biased— which he was.

Of course, he would also let his father know if he found any news about Euan. But at the moment, he would prioritize those three.

As for Malek.

Kyran sighed inwardly. He was not fond of him, but he was Stella's right-hand man and did a good job at what he did. Besides, he owed Stella a lot. Finding another one did not hurt.

After a short pause, Stella suddenly asked, ".... Can't I go with you, instead?"

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