Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 725 A New Journey (9)

Empress Iulia did not say Void 'magic.'

Right from the start, she referred to it as 'energy.' But who did not understand what she truly meant?

The surroundings were filled with energy, and using the correct runes would convert it to a specific type of magic. Humans who awakened their magic core could easily distinguish the magic energy corresponding to their innate magic. In order to manifest them, however, they had to use runes.

When Iulia mentioned the type of energy Kyran possessed as Void, it could only mean he possessed the most fearsome forbidden magic.

From this unspoken truth, the great mass was in an uproar.

One would think their reaction was due to fear. After all, Iulia just revealed that someone in the empire possessed the magic that only one person in history ever had— the Dark Sage.

However, their reaction was not out of fear that Kyran would become the next Dark Sage but contempt. Especially those whose families were persecuted after discovering they possessed forbidden magic. Some were killed without a chance to defend themselves, while others with low-risk forbidden magic were forced to work in the Royal Army and assigned to the most dangerous location in the empire— the southern borders.

Why was the Royal Family's treatment of Kyran different? Was it because he came from a clan known for upholding their moral code? A clan that did see and do things righteously?

Then again, could their clan be called righteous for hiding Kyran's magic?

A clan that truly upheld their moral code and did righteous things should have surrendered their own who possessed forbidden magic. After all, that was what the Royal Family that ruled over the empire for a long time had decreed.

A few members of the Royal Court could not help but sneer at Iulia's declaration. They were already aware of this and did not attempt to stop her from announcing it to the public. To them, Iulia was not a true Royal Family. The more her image was besmeared, the more likely Euan's reputation would fall because of their relationship. When that happened, it would be easy for the court to remove Euan from his seat and find a new emperor to rule.

Still, some members warned Iulia from disclosing the truth about Kyran. These people were primarily neutral and were genuinely concerned about how the great mass would react. They were also worried that the conservative court members would take that chance to remove Iulia's temporary power over the Royal Family and then impeach Euan while he was missing.

As for the court members that belonged to Iulia's side, they could only shake their heads in resignation. Like the neutral court members, they persuaded her not to announce this information publicly. However, she was adamant about it. Thus, they could only watch over her and do what they could to protect her from those conservative court members.

Iulia closed her eyes after announcing the truth about Kyran. Although she could not hear the great mass's reaction because inside the Palace Royal Court where she made her address, she more or less guessed them.

Whilst knowing this, she still decided to disclose the truth.

As a matter of fact, Iulia was initially reluctant even when Kyran gave his consent. But when she spoke to Cade about it, he only smiled and told her the whole Regis Clan stood by his son's decision.

Initially, Iulia did not understand why Cade said this. But now that she had said it, she seemed to have grasped something.

The Regis Clan had always been depicted as a reputable and righteous clan to the point some deified them. But Cade and the rest of the Regis Family wanted to change that.


It was not changed, but to correct that.

In the first place, the Regis Family grew into a clan after accepting people who could not find a place they could fit in to.

If a person who could not fit in finally found a place where they could, it would not be surprising if he or she ended up becoming indebted to the people behind that place. Some would even show unwavering loyalty to the point they were willing to die for the family.

That had been the case thus far.

But the Regis Family never wanted their clan members to sacrifice themselves for the family. At the same time, they did not want people from outside the clan to misunderstand their clan members' loyalty as an absolute occurrence once people joined them.

Because of this, the Regis Family was fine with showing the whole empire that, just like the rest, they were willing to go against the rule if it would mean saving their own.

If others despised them for doing it, they would only respond with a statement: "We managed to protect our own because we have the ability. Do not detest us for your incompetence in failing to protect your people."

This statement would undoubtedly incur the people's wrath, especially those who failed to protect their families when the Royal Army persecuted them for possessing forbidden magic.

But, so what? That did not concern the Regis Family.

They are only interested in protecting their own family. One could say that this is part of their 'moral code.'

Iulia opened her eyes and looked at the communication device transmitting her image throughout the empire.

After a long pause, she spoke once more.

"Your reactions are understandable. But let me remind you of what Emperor Euan had promised when he took the throne."

Her expression turned solemn as she uttered her following words, "Emperor Euan wanted to correct the wrongs not only inside the Royal Army but also in the Royal Family.

"One of these wrongs is our misconception regarding the Forbidden Magic.

"You heard me right. Our, which means I am included.

"Just like you, I, too, have a misconception about them. That as long as a person possessed forbidden magic, they were bound to go the wrong path."

Iulia paused as her expression turned gentle.

"But I've seen how the mages who possessed so-called forbidden magic strived to live each day. These mages I spoke of are the ones who chose to serve the army rather than die.

"They are also humans who happened to awaken innate magic that the Royal Family declared as Forbidden Magic.

"But if we look back on history, were all these magic called forbidden?

"Definitely not.

"The only reason they were now called as such was because of the mages who possessed them and did wrong. But what those mages did, does not justify how the mages of our time would become.

"Unfortunately, because of fear, we tend to shut our ears for reasons. And that happened when the first Ylfaen Emperor decreed several magic as forbidden.

"In any case, Emperor Euan wanted to correct that. You may not know, but because of him, plenty of those 'forbidden magic users' that had been ordered to serve at the southern borders had been reassigned to safer locations.

"Some of them were even promoted."

Hearing this, Kyran was reminded of Vera. The latter was still in a 'coma' and had not shown signs of waking up soon. He was waiting for her to wake up before leaving because he did not want to take her along.

Currently, she was still inside the Void World, recuperating.

The great mass was surprised to hear this. They did hear the Emperor speak of correcting the wrongs inside the army and the Royal Family. But most of them brushed it off as another empty talk.

Such were the words of an Emperor to them.

They did not expect Emperor Euan to act upon his words.

"I know what happened in the past cannot be undone, but the Royal Family, with Emperor Euan at the helm, will do everything to correct their wrongs and continue on the right path.

"I sincerely beseech you to give us a chance.

"You may think letting go of the Regis Clan's offense by not revealing the truth about their Young Master is still unacceptable. However, he is already doing his best to serve his due punishment."

The faces of the conservative members of the court grew distorted. They did not expect Iulia to turn the tables this way— by using Euan's inauguration speech to stir the masses.

The neutral members, as well as Iulia's people, were also surprised. They also wondered what she meant about the 'due punishment' that the Regis Young Master had to do.

Iulia paused to let the great mass digest her words. Finally, when she believed it was time, she announced, "The punishment due to the Regis Young Master, is to win back our beloved Crown Princess from the outsiders and bring her home."

Kyran raised his brows at Iulia's announcement. Then he chuckled and shook his head.

He did not understand much about public speaking and politics, but he felt Iulia had a gift for stirring the public's opinion toward a more positive outcome.

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