Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 723 A New Journey (7)

In the next couple of days, Kyran busied himself with strengthening his Sigils while creating an item that would allow them to access the Sigil's effect remotely. In this way, even if he was far away, they could tap into it, and he could provide them with additional blessings. It would also let him know if an emergency happened in the Human plane.

His Sigils would never need its effect if they could resolve the situation alone.

Nolan gave Kyran a device to contact him, but since he was the new Sovereign, he could not say anything about internal matters in the Human plane. Besides, Kyran was sure Nolan would never contact him. Even if Kyran initiated the call, Nolan would probably only talk about things he could.

Such as matters regarding the War of the Sovereigns because it involved the future of the Human plane.

As a matter of fact, when Nolan and Cade met with Iulia, he only joined the discussion when the outsiders were involved. When the topic veered toward the internal affairs of what transpired between the Crown Princess and the Emperor, Cade was the one who led the discussion.

While Kyran was busy dealing with his own matters, everyone who took part in the secret meeting with Iulia also started doing theirs.

In that meeting, Kyran focused on uniting all nobilities in the empire. He did not aim to dissolve the nobility because it would cause a rebellion. Instead, he aimed to gather all nobles and support the Royal Family without hidden agendas.

Of course, there was no guarantee that the nobles would follow such a request. Even if Empress Iulia made the plea, the other noble families would never listen because she did not hold absolute authority in the empire. The Emperor was the only one who could decree such a thing.

Unfortunately, Euan was currently missing.

Nevertheless, there was still a chance for the noble families to follow her plea. That was if the Three Noble Families supported it. As such, before the day Iulia appeared before the public, the Courtenay, Lumley, and Montgomeray Families announced the disbandment of the Three Noble Families.

They also announced their intention to follow the example of the Regis Clan in upholding their moral code.

Their declaration surprised the noble families and the great mass because they knew how the two other noble families, which were part of the original Three Noble Families, plotted to remove the Regis Family among them.

Because of their move, the great mass became more interested in what Empress Iulia was going to announce. Apart from this, everyone wanted to know the three questions she would answer.

Just as everyone's attention was drawn to this, another announcement appeared.

This time, the announcement came from the three major factions in the empire: Aureole, Templar Code and The Conclave of the East.

In their announcement, they declared the start of their alliance to support the empire wholeheartedly.

This forced the great mass into an uproar.

It was one thing for the Aureole and the Templar Code to form an alliance, but for the Conclave— who had been neutral all this time— to join spoke volumes.

If that was not enough, in that declaration, they belatedly realized that the Regis Clan was also part of the alliance.

This caused the great mass to recall the rumor about their involvement in the recent events, especially the one they called 'Young Master.'

After this announcement, the Aureole, Templar Code, and the Conclave opened their doors and invited other small or medium-sized factions to join the alliance.

Because of this, many of these factions showed interest. After all, it was rare to have all three work together, not to mention open their doors to other factions.

Nevertheless, some of these factions also had ulterior motives for joining the alliance. And that was to know any inside news about the Regis Clan.

Unfortunately, when the three major factions opened their doors, there was no mention of the Regis Clan doing the same.

Whether the reason the Regis Estate remained closed was that it was where the 'last' battle happened, and the remnants of that war still lingered, no one was sure.

Finally, the day of Iulia's address arrived.

Almost everyone in the empire made time to listen to her.

Most people in small towns gathered together to listen.

Using the magic detectors in almost every part of the empire as a transmission devices, Iulia's silhouette appeared above every city. As for those towns too far to see the projections, the Royal Army provided communication devices for them to listen and watch the address.

The address was very straightforward.

Iulia did not bother with formalities as she went straight to the heart of the matter.

The truth about the Crown Princess's coup and the disappearance of the Emperor.

Iulia started by telling everyone about the existence of other planes.

This shocked most people, and dared not believe her. However, some had witnessed how a huge hole appeared in the sky of Meliora. Others also witnessed a ball of flames from who knew where crashing down on that hole.

Many unexplained things crop up, and Iulia has just started. Because of this, many were sceptical but could not deny the possibility of her words.

After that, Iulia talked about the change that happened to Haylee after her Inheritance Ritual.

When this was brought to light, many were able to guess what followed. And as they expected, Iulia confirmed that during that ritual, an outsider from another plane managed to brainwash their beloved Crown Princess.

Then the story went like this:

The first one that outsiders made contact with was Gael, the Grand Marshal of the Royal Army. Along with a few other noble families, they were manipulated to awaken a powerful relic sleeping in the depths of the Royal Army's HQ.

Finally, the outsider found a very good source of magic energy they could use to awaken that relic. And this good source happened to be inside the Regis Estate.

For this reason, the Royal Army raided the Regis Estate. The only way for them to stall whatever the outsider was plotting was to let one of their own leave the estate with that 'source of energy.'

And that was where Kyran Regis came into the picture.

Those who were aware of the truth could not help but smile bitterly at this.

In the end, the Royal Family chose to save the face of their Crown Princess and blame everything on the unknown 'outsider.' 

But few knew that the Royal Family did not come up with this story. The one who asked Iulia to say this, was Kyran.

Obviously, he did not want the image of the empire's Crown Princess to be smeared. How could Cyneah live peacefully after returning to the Human plane if she was branded as the one who went against the emperor? A traitor?

Even if the great mass did not know what the Crown Princess looked like, there were those who knew, and her image had started to circulate.

Kyran could not very well have Cyneah wear a mask for the rest of her life, right? Besides, even if he asked her to stay in the Regis Estate, there was no guarantee she would agree.

There was also the possibility that Cyneah would be stressed out and eventually want to leave again.

Of course, Kyran also considered the possibility of several years passing in the Human plane before their return. Finding Cyneah would also take him years.

The Lower Realm was vast, and there were plenty of planes out there. There was no way for him to know where she was unless she tried calling for him using the token he gave her.

For this reason, Kyran wanted the image of the Crown Princess to remain intact.

Following Iulia's explanation that the Crown Princess had been manipulated, she veered toward how the young lord of the Conclave found the recent bounty requested by the Royal Army was too suspicious. She then ordered her people to investigate.

During an investigation of two exemplary mercenaries, they met with Kyran and starting from there; the latter had been taking refuge in the Conclave.

When the outsider got hold of this, he manipulated someone to attack the Tower of Conclave and take him in custody.

This person was the one who attacked the Tower of Conclave, resulting in what was once known as the most powerful defensive array being destroyed.

How this person destroyed the Conclave's defensive array was a testament to how powerful outsiders were.

Then the rest of the story continued, and finally, the Crown Princess bore her fangs when she recognized Kyran during her visit to the Conclave.

She used the Joint Military Activity to gauge the Conclave and force Kyran out.

Ultimately, that happened, and Kyran used the events in Noser to divert their attention.

Kyran did not care if his image was smeared. Thus, he did not try to change the truth of what transpired in Noser.

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