Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 820 Oppression (5)

Chapter 820 Oppression (5)

[See? You see now? Since you chose to ogle at her, she managed to change tactic by going range!]

Kyran's brow twitched. As much as he missed True Void's ranting in his head, he found it somewhat frustrating. In the first place, it did not matter if Kesiah attacked him at a distance. because he could warp directly at her. The only reason it appeared as if she had even out the odds against him was because he chose not to. As a matter of fact, he did not want to use magic to deal with her and her forces.

Earlier, when he closed in on her, he only used his natural speed. At the moment, he had to refrain using Draconic magic and though he was circulating Void magic energy, he only did so in support of True Void. After all, the magic energy that True Void had absorbed only allowed him to recover and wake up. To ensure he stayed awake, Kyran had to share his own magic energy.

Kyran rolled to the side to avoid the relentless attack from Kesiah's Divine Armament.

One could say that their role somehow got reversed. A moment ago, no matter how Kesiah attacked, Kyran did not budge in his spot. Now, it was her who did not budge while the latter was forced to roll or jump around to avoid the drill-like tips of her dress and two scimitars.

[Why are you not warping? And how come I can barely absorb any magic energy in this plane?]

'This plane has thin magic energy. Instead, most inhabitants uses mana or produce their own magic energy with their Divine Armament,' Kyran patiently explained while cutting the incoming drill-like tips of Kesiah's dress. As he did, the two scimitars that she controlled at a distance flew toward him like two boomerangs.

Kyran bent backward, landing both hands on the ground before hoisting his body upward. He then kicked the incoming scimitars out of the way before landing on all fours. After that, he dugged the soles of his feet to the ground and propelled himself forward. He then swung his swords to the sides in preparation to cut his way toward Kesiah.

Seeing the mysterious helper's unexpected charge, Kesiah waved her hand and jumped back. Her dress split into countless strips, with their tips looking like drills. As she waved her hand, these strips moved in accordance with her will and aimed at the mysterious helper. She also willed the scimitars, which flew out of course after getting kicked, to fly back and aim at the mysterious helper's legs.

Kyran did not falter when he saw the incoming flurry of attacks. He evaded them without slowing down and even hacked at a few using the purple side of his swords. Even when the two scimitars slashed their way at his legs, he simply swiped his swords to each side and deflected them.

Kesiah continued to retreat while attacking the mysterious helper.

[Just what is this Divine Armament? How come no matter how many times you cut it, it does not seem to decrease in size? It's not regrowing, though. That much, I know. It is impossible for it to regrow after being cut with Void.]

Kyran was also wondering the same thing, which was why he continued to attack Kesiah. He wanted to figure out more about Divine Armament and the secret of why hers was different.

The reason he wanted to know this was to see if he could help the Eidums with ineffective Divine Armaments change their form into something more practical. Besides, knowing more about the intricacies of Divine Armaments was always welcome. It would allow him to better deal with out-of-the-ordinary ones.

While Kyran was mulling over these things, Kesiah was reeling in disbelief.

The truth behind her dress's continual reproduction was not because it was immune to Void's nothingness nature. It was simply her reactivating her Divine Armament as soon as she realized the cut parts could not be reattached. However, doing this drained her energy faster than she would have liked. If this continued, she would end up exhausted and at the mercy of the enemy.

With Kesiah keeping the Eidum's mysterious helper busy, the rest of the Armakeans slowly gained the advantage back to their side.

Meanwhile, Nahir finally finished assigning the Eidums to new groups. He then observed the battlefield and frowned upon confirming that the Armakeans were building up their momentum. If they wanted to stop them, now was the time to move.

However, Kyran had yet to subdue Kesiah. Seeing how the two were still engaged in what appeared to be a close fight, the other Eidums started to feel apprehensive.

If the real leader of the Armakea could fight Kyran without being disadvantaged, did it mean they possessed equal strengths?

"The magical beasts are showing signs of exhaustion," Gidan remarked, prompting Nahir and the others to glance at the two magical beasts.

The Comodo was still engaged in battle with Gaham. However, its scales were now riddled with injuries, and it was bleeding profusely.

The Dryad was not fairing any better. With the combined strengths of several knights, the number of roots it could summon had decreased. Not to mention, they no longer showed the same momentum and strength as before.

"Shall we go and help them first?" Gidan suggested, looking to Nahir for his opinion.

Nahir believed they needed the two magical beasts if they wanted to win this war. However, he knew that those two were only fighting based on the silver humanoid dragon's instructions. They were not fighting because they were protecting the Eidums. If they went down and assisted them, there was no telling if they would consider them as allies or attack them the same way they did with the Armakeans.

Nahir looked toward Kyran and Kesiah one more time before looking over the healers among their ranks. He then said, "Healers, provide assistance to those two magical beasts."


The healers did not question his command and healed the magical beasts at once. They also cast support spells to strengthen their defences and allow them to hasten their energy-replenishing abilities.

Magical beasts did not possess any Divine Armaments. They could not generate magic energy by themselves. Instead, they absorbed the plane's mana like how beast-likes do.


The Comodo and the Dryad let out a fierce cry as their wounds healed at a noticeable pace. Their natural mana absorption abilities also improved, allowing them to produce more effective attacks against the Armakeans.

Gaham scowled at this. He caught sight of the Eidums at the corner of his eye, healing and buffing the magical beasts as if they were allies.

Because he got slightly distracted by this, he could not avoid the Comodo's strike altogether.

"Tsk!" He gritted his teeth as he retreated. He looked at his forearm and saw claw marks on the surface. His armor was thick enough to block the claws, but he still received shallow cuts underneath. The cuts were not painful, though, and they did not stop him from wielding his Divine Armament.

The Dryad summoned more roots, and because most of the Armakeans were caught off guard at their sudden recovery, a few low-ranked officers were skewered alive.



Cries of agony filled the surroundings as the magical beasts managed to even out the odds against the Armakeans again.

The remaining horde harassing the rest of the low-ranked officers also received buffs from the Eidums.

Nevertheless, though their wounds were healed and their mana absorption improved, the fatigue that built up in them after fighting for so long was still there.

That was something even the most potent healers could not cure.

[Oi, Void Halfling. Her energy...!]


Kyran replied with an inward nod as he, too, noticed the sudden drop in Kesiah's energy. He also noticed she started to breathe using her mouth and that beads of sweat trickled down the side of her face.

One would think that Kesiah was already exhausted from battling him, but Kyran had a different take on that.

They had barely started fighting, and even if Kesiah had fought the Basilisk before him, it was not enough to exhaust her. Considering all these, Kyran was convinced that maintaining her Divine Armament was the true reason behind the sudden drop in her energy.

'Maintaining her Divine Armament meant she exhausted her energy faster than what is necessary,' Kyran thought.

True Void inwardly scowled after hearing Kyran's thoughts.

[Don't tell me the only reason you're fighting her is to figure that out? Isn't it obvious that she would exhaust herself if she continually used her Divine Armament?]

Kyran did not respond. He knew it was not as simple as True Void said. Thus, he opted not to answer. Instead, he dropped all pretense of fighting Kesiah on equal grounds and swooped in for the kill.

Kesiah was shocked when the mysterious helper ignored her attacks and closed the gap between them in an instant.


Suddenly, a horn sounded from behind, bringing a smile on Kesiah's face.

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