Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 818 Oppression (3)

Chapter 818 Oppression (3)

"Die!" Kesiah shouted as her body glowed with a fierce red light.


The Basilisk hissed in pain as he thrashed his body around to get her off his head. However, with one of her feet digging into his head, it proved to be a taxing endeavour. He also suffered many fatal injuries, and thrashing his body made him lose blood faster than he would have liked.

As the light that covered Kesiah grew brighter, her foot went deeper into the Basilisk's head. Just a little bit more, and she could ground his brain and kill him.


"Princess Kesiah!"

A dark blue and purple glint flew toward Kesiah, seemingly keen on going past her neck.

A few knights nearby saw the glint even before it neared her and immediately shouted to warn her. They also moved, with a few with long-range weapons as their Divine Armament, aiming at the incoming glint.

Distracted, Kesiah caught sight of the glint at the corner of her eye. Unlike most nearby Armakean officers who only saw it as an incoming glint, she saw what it truly was.

A dark blue and purple sword filled with killing intent.

Judging from the incoming sword's trajectory and speed, Kesiah believed she could evade it without jumping away from the Basilisk. With this in mind, she bent her body backward at an almost impossible 90-degree angle.

But before she could complete her movement, her eyes widened in shock as the incoming sword, which appeared to be 30 meters away from her, seemed to have disappeared and reappeared a foot from her neck.

Kesiah's eyes glowed as she reflexively willed her Divine Armament to focus all its defences on her neck.

The dark blue side of the sword's blade hit the side of her neck.


The sword collided with Kesiah's armor, and from the former's momentum against the latter's steel-like defences, it managed to cut an inch into the armor but failed to go through thoroughly. With the sword's momentum stopping, it was thrown to the side with a loud clang.

Kyran, who witnessed his sword throw fail to cut Kesiah's head, narrowed his eyes.

[Seriously, you. Are you doing this on purpose? You are, aren't you? You are, aren't you? The last time I regained consciousness, you were fighting a Sovereign. And now, you are in the middle of a way between two nations? Can't you stay put for a moment and let me wake up in a more peaceful setting?]

A small smile tugged at the corner of Kyran's lips despite the seriousness of the current situation. He did not want to admit it, but he had missed True Void's nagging voice.

A few minutes ago, when Kyran felt conflicted yet knew he had to decide soon, True Void suddenly called out.

To be precise, True Void yelled in shock after seeing Cyneah. His reaction was quite reasonable. Before losing consciousness, he had tried his best to save Cyneah and prevent her from being taken. Ultimately, he failed, and the last thing he saw was the young mistress willingly entering a rift. Then, the next moment he opened his eyes, he saw the young mistress— err, more like a more mature young mistress— lying on a bed with a very weak life force.

Kyran had no time to explain everything to True Void and could only ask him to assist him in battle.

True Void initially wanted to complain but sensed the severity of the situation simply by sensing Kyran's mood.

Kyran took True Void's silence as a silent consent and immediately went to the border.

Upon arrival, True Void did not wait for Kyran's instruction to change and immediately turned into an armor to cover him. Now that he recovered his real body, he could change into anything at will as long as it would not hinder the nature of his magic energy. He could even turn into a massive weapon of mass destruction. But he opted to change into armor because, in his opinion, Kyran was already a weapon.

After turning into armor, True Void realized the shape-shifting plates he once used as a temporary body were still connected to him. But they did not become part of him and remained a separate material. He guessed the reason behind this was that the shape-shifting plates were not made entirely of Void magic but with actual materials from the Lignum plane.

In the end, True Void willed the shape-shifting plates into two swords that Kyran could use.

Kyran probably did not need them, but after seeing the number of enemies on the battlefield, True Void surmised an additional weapon he could use or throw would be useful.

After True Void did all these, Kyran was quite surprised. He did want to ask True Void to turn into armor so he did not have to create the Void Armor. As for the shape-shifting plates, he also thought of turning them into a dual weapon since their quantity was not enough to make armor.

Kyran could not use the shape-shifting plates after True Void fell asleep. But he reckoned, now that True Void was finally awake, maybe he could use them now.

And he was half right. Half because he could use them now, but half missed because True Void apparently was the one who could control them.

Back to the current situation, Kyran was impressed at Kesiah's Divine Armament.

Although the part of the blade that hit her armor was the dark blue side, which was mainly made from Lignum beasts' blood and parts, they were considered one of the most solid materials in existence. For it to only leave an inch-deep cut on her Divine Armament was a testament to its hardness.

Of course, that would have been a different story if the purple side of the sword blade was the one that cut through her Divine Armament. It would have been sliced into two easily, like tofu. After all, the purple side of the sword had Void property.

Because Kesiah was forced to strengthen one part of the Divine Armament, the power on her foot that pierced the Basilisk's head weakened.

The Basilisk then took this chance to shake his head and throw Kesiah off. Before he could succeed, though, she already went down and jumped back a few meters away to provide herself some distance.

As Kesiah stopped, she saw the terrifying sword that nearly cut her head on the ground a few feet away. She glowered at it before turning her attention toward the location where it came from.

Kyran raised his right hand, and the sword reappeared in his hand. He then sensed the Basilisk's condition and frowned inwardly. Even without circulating the Draconic magic, he could still sense his Sigils but could not share his abilities. He did not want to circulate the Draconic magic energy with the Void magic energy because he still felt the strain on his body after using more than the maximum percentage he could utilize of the former. If he did and could not control them well, a repeat of what happened when he was close to the Chaos Palace might occur. While the Shaiha could prevent that, Kyran still did not want to risk it. Not when he was in the middle of something very important.

Ultimately, Kyran could only ask the Basilisk to retreat.

The eyes of the nearby Armakean officers and knights who saw the Basilisk's condition turned red. They wanted to take the chance to kill it while in a weakened state.

But before they could move, the Comodo let out a powerful roar that shook the battlefield.

After that, the ground around the Basilisk shifted and formed into a small dome, completely sealing him inside.

Gaham, who was fighting the Comodo, could not help but frown. He was fighting in what seemed to be a tight competition, yet it still managed to spare some energy to rescue the Basilisk. He was peeved at thinking the Comodo had held back its strength.

But Gaham managed to contain his anger and divert his focus on strengthening his attack. His speed and strength increased as he continued to bludgeon his morning star at the Comodo.

The Comodo countered by summoning earth spikes. Sometimes, he used his front claws to swat away Gaham's weapon. However, it was clear that he was nearing his limits.

It was no surprise. After all, he had been fighting for some time, unlike Gaham, who had stayed at the back of the formation until now.

Meanwhile, Kesiah frowned after finally noticing the newcomer. Initially, she had thought the silver dragon had returned, but after looking at the newcomer, she found it hard to sense his presence.

Kesiah recalled the report about the Eidum's mysterious helper, and her frown deepened. She had hoped to recover their side's momentum before the latter arrived, but it seemed time was not on their side.

While thinking this, Kesiah noticed the mysterious helper's side was devoid of fighting.

Only then did she realize that most of the beasts near him had stopped attacking and kept their distance. As for her people, she saw them on the ground, lying in their own blood.

Her eyes turned red in fury. Those officers might be low-ranked, but they were still her people. She looked at the newcomer, her whole body glowing with a fierce red light as her Divine Armament shifted and changed its design.

Earlier, her Divine Armament looked like a hardened red crystal armor. Now, it turned into a flowing red dress that hugged her beautiful body. After that, two red scimitars appeared on her hand.

"I'll kill you," she declared.

Kyran hearing Kesiah's declaration, only smiled.

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