Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 813 Kesiah

Chapter 813 Kesiah

Kyran wanted to finish his business with the Armakea as soon as the outsiders observing at a distance had left. However, Dryad had sent him a telepathic message that she had not located Cyneah yet.

While Kyran confronted the Armakeans, he instructed Dryad to search for Cyneah underground. While Comodo's Earth magic could be helpful in terms of sensing presence underground, Kyran thought Dryad's Tree magic was the better choice when moving beneath the ground and securing Cyneah's safety. Unfortunately, Dryad's roots could only reach as far as 100 meters, and apparently, Cynean's location was not within a hundred radius from where they stood.

Dryad had to get closer to the crater if he wanted her to find Cyneah.

While there was a possibility she had already moved, he did not think she could have gotten far.

No one in Somuli knew how to create an array. Thus, it was impossible for her to possess an item that could transport her out. Those items they called lost technology were rare, and as Kyran already confirmed, Eidums only had a couple of such items aside from the border, and it did not include a transportation item.

How Cyneah managed to go underground, Kyran had a few ideas, which included using the Macabre Glacier. Regardless of how she did it, Kyran did not care. All that mattered to him was to get her out of there as soon as possible.

For this reason, he had to drag his confrontation with the Armakeans. He only needed a few minutes because Dryad's roots were already within the crater's radius. It would only be a matter of time before she find Cyneah.

Kyran activated the Sigil's buff to grant Dryad access to his energy. With this, the maximum range her roots could reach had doubled.

Gaham's brow furrowed at the silver humanoid dragon's demand because it was unrealistic.

He was the Commander of the Armakea Borders, which meant the leader behind him was the King. He could not ask the King to come and negotiate for their lives. Even if he could, it would take them a couple of months before they could arrive at the Capital and request to meet the King. If he agreed, it would take them another couple of months to return to the border.

Gaham was suddenly caught in a dilemma. Would the silver humanoid dragon accept it if he told him about this? Or would he think he was making it up?


His train of thought was a bit off. What made him believe the silver humanoid dragon would even hear his plea? The silver humanoid dragon might kill them without hesitation if he said something that did not comply with his request.

Just as Gaham was mulling over this, a voice spoke at the back of their line.

"I am his leader, let's talk."

Gaham's complexion turned pale, and the rest of the Armakeans mirrored his reaction.

They turned their head slightly to look at the person who had spoken.

Kyran's eyes narrowed as he also looked at that person. He could not say he was surprised seeing that person because Gael had been observing them for weeks, keeping him up to date on their movements. Apart from that, Achim also confirmed that person's presence in the borders.

"You are the leader?" Kyran asked while looking at the person wearing the same full silver armor as the knights.

"I am."

"A little girl?"

Gaham's already pale complexion went down another tone as his face turned ghastly.

That was right. Their leader was a woman. When she stepped out of the crowd, the armor hid her gender. Also, she possessed a relic that allowed her to change her appearance and voice. That relic was considered among the most precious treasures of the Royal Family and could even be considered the King's property. The fact that she had it in her possession spoke volumes regarding her relationship with the King.

"As expected of a Supreme Being," the leader said, her voice sounding feminine. "I am Princess Kesiah, and I am the leader of the Armakea Border. I pray you do not take offense that I did not introduce myself early."

Kesiah stood in front of Gaham and also knelt on her knees.

Kyran looked at them in amusement. A moment ago, someone called him the Lord Dragon. Then, it turned into a Supreme Lord Dragon. Now, Kesiah referred to him as a Supreme Being. He wondered what they would call him if he demanded to meet someone with a higher rank than Kesiah.

Of course, Kyran had no plan to drag this farce longer and find the answer no matter how curious he was. Besides, he knew who Kesiah was.

She was Achim's sister and one of the two Armakeans that Kyran wanted to become the leader of Armakea.

"What do you propose we do about this situation?" Kyran did not bother with the formalities and asked at once.

"I beg for your understanding, Supreme Being, Dragon Lord. It may sound like an excuse, but we are under a spell just now..."

Kesiah then explained that although they planned to attack the Eidums, something or someone forced them to move early. She also mentioned taking the magical beasts to battle for a show of power only. They were not meant to make a move until the Eidum's trump card entered the fray.

The rest of the Armakeans looked at their leader with bated breath. They did not know if the silver humanoid dragon would believe her. But since the former appeared to be silently listening to her, they hoped they could make him leave without killing them.

On the other hand, all the Eidums who heard Kesiah were frowning deeply.

Everything she said did not seem to make any sense to them. Although they could more or less understand why they reserved the three magical beasts until Kyran appeared, they did not believe her when she said they brought them out for a show of power.

The Armakea did not need to do anything like that. Their advantage in power against the Eidums was as clear as day.

While the Eidums shared these thoughts, Kyran was no longer paying attention to her.

He lost interest when she mentioned the 'show of power' part and was already disappointed. To think he had considered this person to become the Armakea's new leader. Alas, he could not judge someone just by hearing what others say about them. He had to meet them in person if he wanted to know them.

'Should I kill her now?' Kyran wondered as he watched Kesiah speak, but none of her words seemed to register anymore.

'Let's kill her.'

Just as he thought this, Dyrad sent him a telepathic message that she finally found Cyneah.

Kyran's attention immediately shifted, and he instructed Dryad to ensure her safety at once. However, before he could complete his order, Dyrad told him that Cyneah's condition did not look good. Apparently, she had lost too much blood, and she had already fainted.

Ignoring everything else around him, Kyran lowered his head and stomped one foot.


A five-hundred-meter radius around Kyran was instantly destroyed and sent every Armakean within the parameter to fall.

Kesiah, Gaham, and the rest of the Armakean forces were shocked at the silver humanoid dragon's sudden attack.

The middle of the battlefield was once more covered in a thick cloud of dirt and rubble as the ground caved in.


To make matters worse, the Comodo and Basilisk moved and began their killing spree again.

Every Eidums were frightened at the scene before them.

Just a second ago, the silver humanoid dragon seemed keen on listening to Kesiah's explanation. But then, with a single stomp, he sent the Armakea forces into complete chaos.

Because of the thick cloud of smoke, it was impossible to see what was happening within. But from the scream of agony, they knew it was a scene they did not really want to see.

Meanwhile, Kyran took this chance to warp in the location Dryrad had told him.

According to Dryad, she could not secure Cyneah because she was enclosed in a barrier that her roots could not penetrate. She could not even move it with the Sigil's buff in effect.

Kyran appeared in a hollow space that Dryad created with her roots. When he looked up, he immediately saw the barrier that enclosed Cyneah.

'Neah!' Kyran's heart sank when he saw her lying on the ground.

A small pool of blood surrounded her, and her complexion was already deathly pale.

Kyran had already stopped circulating the Draconic magic before warping. Nevertheless, he did not activate the Shaiha in case it would act up if he got close to Cyneah and the Macabre Glacier was active.

Kyran easily destroyed the barrier with Void magic and ran to Cyneah. He took her in his arms, and without checking her condition, he warped them both outside.

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