KLRXO Stories

Chapter 78: Mom’ll-fuck-zine

Chapter 78: Mom'll-fuck-zine

Mom'll-fuck-zine By Klrxo

"Introducing, 'Mom'll-fuck-zine,' a revolutionary new drug for boys to use on their moms. Just one dose will make your mother hornier than you've ever seen her. Just pop open the capsule, discreetly pour its contents into her beverage, and watch her become a complete dirty-talking slut for your cock. Get ready for the best sex of your life, since specially formulated blockers focus your mother's uncontrollable lust on ONLY YOU, her son."

"Do you really think it'll work or is it just a gimmick?" asked Tanner as he and his friend Lane sat on his bed looking over the bottle of 'Mom'll-fuck- zine' that they had ordered off the internet.

"There's only one way to find out and that's to try it on our moms," answered Lane.

"If it works on OUR self-righteous mothers it'll work on anyone."

The boys came from religious families and both their mothers were active at the local church. "That's true," said Lane. "I've never even heard my mom swear before. She's as wholesome as they come."

"We have to go about this at the right time. If it does turn our moms into sexual zombies, we can't just give them a dose when other family members are around."

"True. Maybe we can both fake being sick and stay home from school tomorrow. That way everyone's out of the house except for us and our moms."

"Wait, our moms are best friends though. Won't that seem suspicious if both of us stay home on the same day?"

"Okay, then one of us stays home today and the other one stays home tomorrow. Since I know both of us are dying to try this out, let's flip a coin

to see who goes first," suggested Tanner, grabbing a quarter from his side table. He flipped it in the air. "Call it!"

"Heads," said Lane.

Tanner scowled in disappointment as the coin landed. "Heads it is! I guess you're going first."

"Can you imagine if this actually DOES work, like it claims it will? Dude, we could actually be fucking our moms!" Lane exclaimed with an anxious smile.

"Or kicking ourselves for actually being na?ve enough to pay eighty-bucks for a bottle of sugar-pills."

Sloane Richards was at the stove cooking dinner when her son, Lane, walked in the door. She glanced back at him, her long, fiery red hair brushing across her shoulders. "There you are. I was just about to call you to come home and set the table," said Sloane.

"Why can't Amy do it?" Lane asked.

"Your sister has a history exam tomorrow so she needs to focus all her energy on studying."

Lane actually didn't mind helping out in the kitchen too much. It gave him a chance to take sneak peeks at his beautiful mother. Today she wore a Bohemian-style sundress with a V-cut neckline that showed off a surprising amount of tit-cleavage, especially for a mom who was so prim and proper. Sloane's tits were the type that most boys dream about snuggling up between; huge and all-natural. Even under the confines of a snug bra, her mammary meat would tremble and wobble heavily with her every step.

"I think I might be coming down with something," said Lane, already setting his plan in motion. "My throat's starting to get scratchy."

"Oh, you poor thing," Sloane cooed, fetching a thermometer from the kitchen drawer. "Let's take your temperature and make sure you don't have a fever."

Her breasts trembled beneath her gown as she stepped over to the table near her son. "Sit down here for a second, sweetie," she directed, pulling the chair out from the table for him to sit on.

Lane's cock began to harden even faster beneath his jeans as his mom leaned over, placing the thermometer in his mouth. This allowed him to see the deep canyon between her dangling tits. He had a difficult time prying his eyes from her fat melons even as Sloane straightened upright.

"It would be a shame if we had to keep you home from school tomorrow," said the mother, hovering over her boy as she waited for his temperature to be taken.

Lane stared straight at the crack of her cleavage, imagining that he was being smothered by her huge bra-busters. His mom snapped him from his tittie-trance by clearing her throat. "Sweetie, you really shouldn't be looking at me that way. It's inappropriate," she sweetly scolded.

"Sorry," he blushed, looking away.

It wasn't the first time she had scolded him for gawking. Sloane knew her boy had a fascination with her body, but she just hoped it was a phase that he would quickly get over as he dated girls his own age. She removed the thermometer from his mouth and looked it over. "Well, your temperature's normal. After dinner you should probably lay down. Rest and plenty of liquids is probably the best thing for you right now," she advised.

The 'rest' part didn't come easy for the boy. He was simply too damn anxious to try out the new drug on his mom. However, he knew that if he did get to fuck her, he'd probably need all the rest he could get to have plenty of sexual energy the next day.

He wasn't sure about Tanner, but he himself had been preparing for the possibility of fucking his mom for weeks. He knew it would take plenty of skill and stamina to wow the hell out of such a beautiful woman, who'd been having sex longer than he'd been alive. First, he started a L-arginine supplement, which he learned played an important role in increasing the diameter of blood vessels, which promoted blood flow in his cock, making it as hard as it could possibly be. Then, Lane put himself through a daily regimen, tying a weight to his erection and lifting it up and down with just the strength of his boner muscles. He wanted his dick as strong as possible, especially at its root, so he could send his mom to the moon if he finally got to fuck her. Lastly, he worked on his staying power, edging his cock for over an hour, each time he masturbated, so he could develop the type of stamina that the guys in porn movies had, and make his mom cum like an absolute whore.

"How are you feeling...any better?" Sloane asked from his doorway, wearing a silky robe.

"Not really," Lane answered, still laying in bed. "A little worse actually." "I'll call the school and let them know you're taking a sick day."

"Perfect!" Lane blurted, then realized he seemed a little to anxious. "I mean...not perfect, but I really shouldn't go to school feeling this way."

"I agree," Sloane stated. "I'll bring you in some breakfast once I get your dad and sister out the door."

Now that the first part of his plan was accomplished, Lane focused on how he'd slip the 'Mom'll-fuck-zine' to his mother without her suspecting anything. He knew her morning protein shake was the best chance he had, since she rarely drank a full cup of coffee. "How the hell am I gonna get it into her shake though?" he thought.

Lane knew he had to get to the kitchen before he blew his chances of getting the drug into her system. He took a capsule from the bottle and looked at it confidently. "All my nasty hopes and dreams are counting on this little pill," he said out loud. He waited until he knew his mom was the only one home, then headed to kitchen.

"Can I help you out, mom?" Lane asked as Sloane stood at the stove scrambling him some eggs.

"No, sweetie. You should really be in bed. I got this."

"You do enough around here," he stated, heading for the fridge. "Let me at least make your morning protein shake for you."

"Actually, I'm skipping my shake this morning. Me and a bunch of other moms from church are going out for breakfast so I'll just get something there."

Lane's stomach sank with disappointment. His whole plan had just been foiled. "Back to the drawing board," he thought to himself, hanging his head.

"If you need anything though, just text me. I'll only be across town," his mom stated.

Lane's phone vibrated in his hand. It was a text from Tanner. "How's it going? Have you tried the drug on her yet??" it read..

"Not yet. I was gonna put it in her shake, but now she's going out to breakfast with the ladies from church ," Lane replied.

"Looks like I might be the first one to try it out after all ."

"Don't count me out yet. I just thought of something," Lane texted. The teen knew his mom was trying to shed a few extra pounds and was always looking for the easy-fix when it came to weight loss.

"Thanks for making me breakfast, mom, although I may not eat it after taking my pill," stated the boy.

"Your pill?" she curiously asked.

"Yeah, it's an appetite suppressant pill and it works amazing. I just take one in the morning and I don't feel hungry at all."

"Lane, sweetie...why are you taking pills like that? You don't have an ounce of fat on you."

"Yeah, but if I wanna STAY trim, I definitely gotta watch what and how much I eat. These pills I take totally make that easy."

"What are the pills called? I may have tried them before," said Sloane, scooping his breakfast onto a plate.

"I don't recall, but from what I've heard they're the best on the market. Do you wanna try one?"

His mother thought about it for a moment. "Well, I know I'll be tempted to get a big breakfast when I'm out with the ladies so maybe I should," she answered.

Without thinking, Lane held out the mom'll-fuck-zine capsule that he had in his hand. "Here you go," he eagerly stated.

"You had one with you?"

"Oh, yeah...um, I figured I better take it now, while it's still early, but I can get another one for me. I have a whole bottle of them in my room."

He got his mom a glass of water, eager to watch her down it. Sloane smiled at him gratefully. "I'm always willing to try something different when it comes to shedding a few extra pounds," she expressed, then popped the tablet into her mouth, washing it down with a few gulps of water.

Lane's heart rate increased excitedly. He didn't think his mom needed to shed an ounce. She was wonderfully voluptuous, and the only place Sloane seemed to carry a lot of extra weight was her tits, and he certainly didn't want her losing those. "Now, I wonder how long I wait?" the boy thought

to himself.

After showering and getting dressed, Sloane shouted down the hall to her son's bedroom. "I'll be back in awhile, sweetie. I might do some shopping after breakfast. Text me if you need anything."

"Bye," Lane answered, frowning in disappointment. "I knew it!" he thought. "I knew those pills were a sham."

It had been nearly an hour since his mom had gulped it down and she wasn't exactly begging him to fuck her like the ad claimed she would.

"Dude, I think we got scammed ," he texted Tanner.

"Why, what happened? Did you give it to her?" his friend texted back.

"Did I give her the pill, yes. Did I give her my dick, no! I watched her take the capsule an hour ago and not a damn thing happened."

"Maybe it takes more time to kick it ," Tanner suggested.

"I hope you're right, but I have a feeling we got bamboozled."

Lane got up and took a shower. He certainly wasn't gonna waist the day in bed dwelling on how his hopes had been dashed. After a long, hot soak beneath the spray, he dried off, wrapped a towel around his waist and headed to his room.

Startled, he nearly collided with Sloane as she stood out in the hallway. He felt like he had Déjà vu. Only a week ago his mom had almost collided with him as he tried to spy her taking a shower. For a moment, he wondered if she were trying to peek in on him. "Mom, you scared me! I thought you were going out for breakfast?" Lane asked.

"I was, I just...felt really strange, so I thought I'd come home and lie down."

Lane could tell there was something different about the way she was looking at him. Almost like a fan girl who staring at her favorite, sexy movie star. "Oh, um...alright. Do you need anything?" he asked, trying to show concern.

"Yes," she whispered as her eyes traveled hungrily down his chest. "I mean, no...I just need to lie down for a bit and shake this off."

Lane watched her sashay to her bedroom, her bubble butt undulating deliciously beneath her dress. Sloane gave him a teasing look from her doorway. "You look sexy in that towel, by the way," she stated, then gave him a blushing wink. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

After his mom closed the door, Lane stood there a bit shell-shocked. His mom had never made such a flirty comment to him before. "It's working," the boy whispered under his breath. "Holy shit, it's starting to work!"

He went to his room, combed his hair and sprayed some cologne on. Lane didn't bother getting dressed just yet. He decided to stay in his towel, since there was still a chance he could be getting laid. After waiting a short time, he began to have doubts again. "Maybe she really wasn't feeling horny for me," he thought. "Damn, what if she's having side effects from the drug that are making her sick?"

Just when his mind began racing with "what ifs," he heard his parent's door open down the hallway. A moment later, there was a light tap at his door.

"Sweetie, can I come in?" asked Sloane, slowly pushing his door open. "Sure, mom."

Lane gasped as he saw his mom step inside his room wearing a black,

semi-sheer teddy. She closed the door behind her and locked it, letting her boy's eyes feast on her rounded ass-globes. He licked his lips, staring at the dark fissure that separated her butt cheeks, clearly visible through the transparent fabric. He knew then and there that his dream of screwing his mom was about to come true.

"Lane, I've been thinking about you and I all morning," she confessed as she turned towards him, making her heavy, braless hooters wobble on her ribcage.

"You have? What about us?" he asked, staring at the fat melons that stretched the fabric of her teddy to its bursting point. He could just make out their dusky-pink caps beneath the mesh fabric.

"I've been thinking that we should be closer...a lot closer," she stated. "Maybe even have sex together."

"Really?!" the boy grinned, his heart pounding a mile a minute. He could see his mom having an inner conflict so he realized nothing was a done deal quite yet."

"No, I didn't mean sex," Sloane regressed. "What I meant was...well, maybe sex. Yes, sex would bring us a lot closer, wouldn't it?"

"You think so?"

"No...I mean...yes!" she nodded, staring at him lustfully. "You're so young and, um...wonderfully handsome. I'm sure you could fuck me really hard and make me cum."

Lane gasped in shocked. He had never heard his righteous mother say a single swear word, letting alone the F-bomb. "I could do that...if you want me to," he stated.

"You won't think I'm horrible?" she asked, her blushing face still showing signs of reluctance. "Cheating on your father and fucking my own son?"

"I won't think you're horrible at all, no matter what."

Sloane shook her head; still conflicted as she backed to his door. "No, I shouldn't...that would be incest, the ultimate taboo," she reminded herself.

Lane knew he had to keep encouraging her. She was like a fish hooked on his line that he just needed to continue reeling in. He pulled his towel open, exposing his rigid boner. "Are you sure you don't want to?" he asked.

Sloane gasped, squeezing her tits between her forearms and making them balloon out obscenely. Her areolar rings were clearly visible through the sheer fabric, as were the hardened teats that protruded from their centers turgidly. Her pretty eyes fixated on her boy's long teenage erection, following the bulging, blue steaks of cock-veins, which ran down the length of his stalk like bolts of lightning. His knob looked like a juicy plumb that was made for deep cuntal exploration. "You're so...beautiful!" she sighed

as her tongue inadvertently peeked from mouth, slowing swiping across her top lip. "Your cock is so big!"

"Thanks!" Lane replied, making his boner flex on his loins, grabbing her attention even more.

"What is happening to me?!" Sloane asked herself as the last bit of conscious she had slowly dissolved. She reached back and touched the door handle, but made a lousy attempt at turning it. The mother quickly thought of her loving husband and their marital vows. "David, I won't betray you," she whispered to herself, still staring at her boy's erection wantonly.

Lane leaned back again some pillows, which rested against his headboard. He gazed across the room at his conflicted mother, peering over the huge, meaty spike of his cock. "Come let me take you, mom," he stated as if he was a hypnotist who had her under his spell. "I can give you lots of pleasure."

Still leaning against the door, Sloane began to peel off the teddy as if her body and mind were on two different teams. "I want you!" she whimpered as a shameful tear ran down her cheek. "I need you...so fucking bad!"

"I'm right here," Lane chuckled. "Come get me."

Sloane shed the teddy quickly, and slowly strode towards her son like she was still engaged in a mental tug of war. Her eyes traveled his young, lean body hungrily as she crawled onto his bed; her huge udders heaving and wobbling as she mounted his midsection. "I can't resist you," she helplessly whispered.

"Then don't resist," answered Lane. The boy took a big nervous gulp as his mom reached down and grasped his boner at the base, pointing it upward. His eyes widened, staring at her motherly pubis. A tiny, neatly trimmed patch of fiery red pubic hair crowned her vulva. Sloane's labial lips were engorged with arousal, splayed open slightly like a flower just coming to bloom.

"Auuugh!" the teen gasped, watching her squeeze the crown of cock into the moist entrance to her inner sanctum. Quickly, his eyes darted up to the huge tits jutting out from her chest above him. "Damn...I'm gonna get lost between those motherfuckers!" he wondrously though, staring up through the huge canyon of Sloane's cleavage.

His eyes returned to the action as he felt the hot snugness of her middle- age pussy begin to sheath his erection.

The last bit of guilt and hesitancy all but melted away with the feel of her son's fat cock squeezing into the depths of her vagina. "Does it feel like home, sweetie? It should. You spent nine months up there," mewled the mother as she pushed the leaky tip of his dong against the small donut- shaped head of her cervix, mashing her outer labium against his cock-hilt.

"Oh my Gosh, I love it!" the boy answered, flexing the muscle and sinew at the root of his cock, just like he did while doing his penile weight-lifting.

His mom whimpered in delight, feeling the strength of his teenage boner stretch her uteri.

Sloane rolled her hips up and back, feeling her boy's spike plow inside her clutching tube like a sturdy stick-shift with a nice, rounded handle. "You lay in here at night and dream about fucking your mom, don't you?" she asked her boy.


"Well, here I am, baby. No more dreaming."

Sloan began to plunge her horny cunt up and down on the meat of her son's cock-shaft, finding a nice steady fuck-rhythm. The rounded buns of her naked mommy-ass quivered each time they smacked against his crotch. Lane was seeing her tits in a way he'd only fantasized about as they leaped wildly to her tempo, swinging like buoys in a rough sea.

"I don't think I've ever felt a cock so fucking hard!" the mother panted. Her boy's penis felt like a rigid slab as it pumped through the hot tube of her vagina, stimulating her most sensitive nerve-endings.

Lane's cunt-smothered glans tingled as they glided along the encapsulating snugness of her slippery pussy-flesh. His mom's vaginal lining had well- pronounced pleats, causing exquisite friction on his penile flesh. Particularly his flaring coronal ridge as it carved its way through her pink collapsing walls, bumping the ring of her cervical head on every plunge.

"Yes, Lane...fuck me like an animal!" the horny mother cried out, riding him like a cock-hungry slut.

The boy's bed whined and jerked as their bodies danced in heated intercourse. Sloane felt a burning, exquisite heat blooming in her pussy. Quickly, the pleasure spread through her entire heavy-titted body so her nipples throbbed, her asshole pulsated and her engorged pussy lips sucked tightly around her son's cock.

"Oh, God, Lane...I'm gonna fucking cum!" she shrieked. "I'm gonna cum on your fucking cock!" Feverishly, she bucked and shuddered on top of him, fucking her cunt down on his unyielding hardness as fast as she could. "Unggghhh, yes! Aww, God, yes! Fuck me! I'm Cuummiinng!"

Lane was treated to quite the spectacle as his mom gushed on his

oversized penis. Her huge breasts were bouncing and rippling, and her face was red and contorted with pleasure as she experience a tremendous, full body climax.

For Sloane, if was one of the greatest orgasms of her life. The wonderful cuntal friction her boy's steely cock was creating, compounded with the

thrill of fucking such a handsome teen stud was causing her pussy to ejaculate girl-cum for the very first time.

Quickly, Lane grabbed his mom's arms, tugging her upper-half down against him. Because he was reclined and not laying flat, his face was level with her giant, bobbling tits. He sank into her squishy cleavage, while he bucked his ass from his mattress, meeting her frantic fuck-thrusts with one's of his own.

The boy's testicles jumped up and down in his nut-sack as he pounded his meaty pecker up into the contacting tube of his mom's pussy. Having his grimacing face wedged in her squishy, quivering cleavage only added to the thrill he was experiencing. In fact, if it weren't for the conditioning he'd done over the past few weeks, Lane would certainly be spurting his wad inside his mom as she gushed her sweet, hot fuck-oil on his tireless prick.

Next thing he knew, the boy was sprawled on top of Sloane as she quickly rolled them over so they could screw in the missionary position. "Fuck me this way now, baby," his mom's excited voice requested. The teen settled down on top of her, crushing her fat jugs under his chest, his cock was still buried deeply in her smoldering, vaginal grip. Then, he started fucking his naked mother, moving his hips with skillful rhythm, pummeling his fuck- organ in and out of her juicy cunt. Sloane met his rhythm immediately, showing her sexual mastery as she shamelessly pumped her rounded booty off the bed, frantically fucking her pussy onto her son's fucker as hard as she could.

"Oh, shit, yes...you REALLY know how to fuck a girl, don't you?!" Sloane exclaimed, harnessing her luscious legs around his waist, using them as leverage to lift her quivering buttocks off the bed even faster.

Their naked bodies thrashed together on the bed like a well-choreographed horizontal tango. Sloane's sexy legs were wrapped up around her boy's young frame like a fleshy harness, the muscles in her thighs flexing and staining from their furious sexual union.

Determined to make his mom cum again, Lane pried his hands down beneath their humping bodies and grasped onto to her ass-cheeks, his fingers sinking into their fatty flesh as he intensified his savage thrusting. His cum-filled nuts slapped against her asshole, and several minutes of hard-core fucking this way got just the results he was hoping for. Sloane squealed beneath him and her fuck-slit erupted in orgasm, sucking spastically around her boy's pounding boner as delicious orgasmic contractions shot through her entire body.

"Oh, damn!" Lane gasped, as the intense cuntal friction caused the hot jizz to pulse through his spermatic cords, rocket up his urethra and spout out

the pinkish-purple crown of his cunt-smothered prick. He continued driving his cock into her, draining his balls inside the sucking, pulsating wetness of his mother's cunt.

Their writhing bodies gradually slowed to a stop, still intimately entwined. "You have to keep it stiff so you can fuck my horny pussy again, baby," Sloane breathlessly pleaded, then fused her lips against his for a deep French kiss. The duo were far from being satisfied. They were both sexual athletes in their prime that could certainly spend hours beating their bellies together in a raging fuck.

"Can I fuck you from behind this time?" the boy asked raising to his knees. His still-erect cock slipped wetly from her cunt, glistening with their love- juices.

"Oh, God, yes...I love it that way!" his mom answered, quickly getting on all-fours and pointed her rounded ass-meat back at her boy.

"Damn, mom...you have the hottest ass on the planet!"

"Come make it beat against you then!" she grinned, wagging her buns invitingly.

Lane certainly hoped the 'mom-fuck-zine' drug didn't wear off any time soon so he could continue fucking his beautiful mom all day. He crawled up behind her, grasped his cock and rubbed its spongy knob up and down her juicy fuck-slit a few times, teasing her pussy and clit.

"Oh, baby...I need it!" his mom shuddered, wagging her ass anxiously. "Fuck me!"

Lane obliged, jabbing his prick to the hilt inside her clinging vagina. He grasped onto the rounded contours of her derriere and began thrusting like a fuck-hound, ravaging her doggy-style. The lewd sound of Sloane's thick ass beating against the boy's midsection filled his bedroom.

The mother's tits dangled from her chest like udders and swung to the rhythm of their deep, steady thrusts.

Lane was shocked at how quickly he made his mom cum this way. She bucked her ass back on him like a bitch in heat, while her cunt-tube

chewed at the flesh of his pummeling penis. He spread her ass-globes, exposing the crinkled ring of her throbbing asshole. Then, he stopped thrusting and just let his mom beat her ass back against him, fucking his rigid dong with her horny sex-sheath. He grinned and panted lustfully, watching her fatty ass-meat ripple every time it smacked against his cock- hilt. "Oh, Lane...I just love that big fucking dick!" she cried out, staring back and watching his vein-encrusted pole jab into her. "Slap my fucking ass and make me cum again!"

The boy could never deny a request like that. He drew his open hand back, then smacked her delicious ass, making it ripple wonderfully. For nearly a half-hour he beat his dick through the tube of his mom's pussy, doggy- style. Finally, after his mom had cum for a full minute on his cock, he felt his nuts draw up close to his body. "I'm gonna cum again, mom!" his shaky voice announced.

"Yes...gimme that fucking nut-batter! Blast it into my unprotected pussy!" Sloane squealed.

Gritting his teeth and letting out a primitive grunt, Lane fucked his mom's pussy as hard as he could, exploding out a sticky load of hot cum that coated the inside of her quivering cunt.

"I don't know what came over me, Lane, but we can NEVER do this again!" exclaimed the mother as the drug finally wore off. By this time they had fucked without a break for several hours and the mother had cum more times on her boy's sweet cock than she could count. "I mean it. What we did today was pure evil."

"Whatever you say, mom," he answered, knowing full well she didn't have a choice in the matter. There were plenty more mom'll-fuck-zine pills in his bottle and he planned on using all of them. The teen watched her snatch up her clothing and hurry out of his room in shame.

"Dude, I can't believe it worked! She actually fucked me!" Lane exclaimed as he spoke to his friend by phone.

"How did her pussy feel?" Tanner asked. "Did you suck on her big titties?"

"Hell yes, I sucked them...they were bouncing around all over the place, and her pussy felt incredible. She let me fuck her for like...three hours!"

"Three hours...seriously?! Damn, I can't wait to try it on MY mom this morning!" said Tanner.

"You have to be patient. It takes a bit to kick in, but once it does she'll be all over your cock."

"That's great, but I have one big problem, unfortunately." "What's that?" asked Lane.

"I found out my dad's working from home today. How the heck am I gonna give my mom the horny pill and fuck her ass off if he's here?"

"It's simple...just get her out of the house. Go for a car ride or something," his friend suggested.

"I'm suppose to be sick, remember?"

Yesterday, the two boys had flipped a coin to see which of them would be trying the drug on their mother first. Lane won and ended up ejaculating three times inside his mom's horny cunt. Now, it was Tanner's turn.

"Look, just slip your mom the pill," Lane urged. "Once it's kicked in, she'll figure out a way for the two of you to be alone together, trust me."

"Any suggestions on how to get her to take the pill?"

"Actually, yes. I told my mom it was a new diet pill. You know how moms are always searching for the quick and easy solution for weight loss."

"Our moms have perfect bodies, dude!" Tanner expressed. "Beside that, my mom's pregnant. She's probably not thinking too much about diet right now."

"Tell her it's a nutritional supplement then and that it might be good for her AND the baby."

"That's a great idea. My mom takes all sorts of those and might be open to trying something new."

"Well, you wouldn't be lying to her," said Lane. "It's a fuck-supplement, something to help her get more cock."

Both boys laughed. "I'll let you know how it goes," Tanner stated, eager to get this wicked plan in motion.

On his way to the kitchen, the boy paused by his parent's doorway, which was cracked open slightly. Often times he'd get lucky enough to see his mom in a partial state of undress. Lucky for him, today was one of those days.

Destiny Jenkins was a thirty-six-year-old blonde. She'd gotten pregnant with Tanner during her senior year in High School and her and the boy's father, Lenny, had married just after graduating. Since then, the stay-at- home-mom had two other children, and number four was due within a matter of weeks. Tanner could see his mom near her vanity, brushing through her long mane of platinum-blonde hair. She was only wearing G- string panties, which were wedged deliciously between the cheeks of her meaty derriere.

Tanner reached down and squeezed his blood-engorging pecker through his pants. Even though his mom's back was to him, her tits were so Goddamn big that he could still see their creamy contours sloping down off her chest heavily. Her pregnant belly was perfectly round and ripe, making it look as though she could pop a baby from her pussy at any moment.

Destiny belt over to fetch something from the floor, making her G-string all but disappear between her rounded ass-globes. The panty-gusset

stretched around her pubis so snugly that it formed a wonderful camel toe, and her hairless flanges began to bulge out the sides of the hem. The sight of this made Tanner gasp much too loudly, startling the mother and causing her to quickly lift a towel to her body.

"Tanner, come back here, this instant!" she shouted a moment later, then stepped from her bedroom. Her son was attempting to make a quick escape down the hallway but wasn't fast enough.

"I was just heading downstairs, mom," he answered, trying to conceal his erection.

"Come over here...and don't make me ask you a third time, young man!" she patiently demanded.

As her son shamefully made his way over, Destiny could clearly see that he was hiding a fully erect cock-bulge beneath his pants. It wasn't the first time he'd had erection around her, so she certainly wasn't shocked, however, the fact that he was peeking through her doorway deeply disturbed her. "Were you peeping through my doorway just now...be honest!"

"No, I was, um...just passing by."

"Would you like to tell me the truth or would you like the two of us to go down to your father's office and bring him in on this conversation?" Destiny sternly asked.

Tanner knew that he was more likely to be grounded if his father found out, so he decided just to fess up. "I did look through your doorway, but I didn't know you were getting dressed, sorry."

"Was that so hard to admit?" his mother asked. "I'll not have a peeping Tom living in this house, understood?"


"I thought I asked you to stay in your room today. You're sick. If you need something just text me and I'll bring it to you."

"I was just getting some water...to take my pill," the boy stated, holding his hand out and showing his mother the 'mom'll-fuck-zine' tablet.

"Pill? What type of pill?" Destiny curiously asked.

"It's a vitamin supplement. Some of my friends take it and they say it makes them feel incredible."

"Hmm, what's the name of it?"

"Mom-ll-fu..." he blurted, then stopped himself as his face turned a shade of red. "Um...I forgot the name actually."

"Well, I suppose it certainly can't hurt you, especially since you're sick and could use all the nutrients you can get," Destiny stated.

"The guys tell me a lot of their moms take it too. It's for men and women. Wanna try one?"

"No thank, hun...I've already taken my supplements this morning, and your father just made me a protein smoothie. Get your water and head back to your room, ok?"

"Alright, mom."

Tanner hung his head in disappointment. He was hoping his mom would be willing to try something new, but it didn't appear that she was at all interested. When he arrived in the kitchen, his hopes were revived as he saw her half-consumed smoothie sitting on the counter. Without hesitation, he rushed over, popped open the capsule and mixed it into the remaining liquid she had left.

"How is it going? Any luck yet?" Lane texted as Tanner lounged anxiously in his bed a half-hour later.

"I slipped it into her protein shake, but I'm beginning to think she didn't drink the rest of it," he messaged back.

"Give it more time. Trust me, she'll be all over your dick soon."

"What if she did drink it, but noticed how much different it tasted?! Dude,

if she found out I put something in her drink she'll ground me for a year!" "Trust me, she'll be too fucking horny to even care ," Lane texted.

"I hope you're right."

Tanner was about to give up all hope. He had nearly fallen asleep when he sensed someone inside his bedroom with him.

"I didn't mean to disturb you, baby," said his mom. "I thought I'd come collect your laundry and tidy up your room a bit."

"Alright," the teen answered, his eyes widening as he took in what she was wearing, which was a black sheer mesh bodysuit. The fabric clung obscenely to her pregnant, heavy-titted body, showing off its every

luscious detail. Tanner was flabbergasted beyond belief as she stopped at his bedside and hovered over him. Destiny's huge, pregnant tummy and giant, milk-engorged tits ballooned beneath the fabric, stretching it tightly around their contours. Tanner's eyes fixed on the wide, pinkish-purple caps of his mom's tits, clearly visible through the sheer fabric. They were thickly textured and dotted with Montgomery tubercles. The nipples protruding from their centers were the fattest he'd ever seen.

Destiny peeked down over her swollen rack and smiled at her fascinated teen. "How are you feeling?" she lovingly asked, then bent over, resting her huge, soft udders on his chest as she felt his forehead.

"I'm, um...ok," the teen answered, peering down at the enormous canyon of her cleavage that was clearly visible through the fabric.

"You feel a little warm. Why don't you take off your shirt," Destiny suggested, then helped her son slip off his t-shirt.

She immediately brought her tits down against him again, sandwiching their fatty softness between them. Tanner couldn't believe how warm and

soft her breasts felt; even better than he imagined they would. Her rubbery teats poked stiffly against his chest showing his mom's arousal-level.

"That's better," Destiny whispered, gazing at the boy with her radiant green eyes. "Is there anything else I can do to help you feel better?"

Even though he was thinking it, Tanner certainly wasn't gonna ask his mom to fuck him, especially with his dad home and his door wide open. "I like being this close to you," he confessed.

"Do you?" his mom asked adoringly.

"Yes," the boy replied as their lips drifted closer.

"Then maybe mom should crawl under the blanket with you...and give you some sick day snuggles," she suggested, her lips closing in on his.

"I'd love that, but should we, um...close my door first, since dad's working from home?"

"Good idea. We don't need your father interrupting us," said Destiny. She gave her son a quick peck on the lips. Then, she stood up and sashayed towards the door. Tanner's erection flexed on his loins, tenting the blanket up obscenely as he watched his mom's undulating ass-meat. He licked his lips lustfully, imagining his face wedged in the deep crack that separated her curvaceous buns.

After closing the door, Destiny made her way back over to her son. Her humongous tit-melons quivered heavily with her every step. She paused, gazing down at the obvious protrusion in the blanket. "Oh, baby...you have boy-wood! Has mommy made you all rigid?" she wickedly asked.

"Yes, um...sorry. I just REALLY like what you're wearing."

"Well, it's natural for a boy your age to get hard. We haven't really had our mom and son, birds and bees chat yet, have we?"


"Maybe we'll do that while we snuggle. We can't have you walking around with a big love-hammer and not know what to do with it."

"True," the boy answered. He already knew a lot about sex, but certainly wasn't gonna tell his mom that.

"Why don't you take your underwear off that way you can be naked and comfortable for our chat," Destiny suggested.

She certainly didn't have to ask the boy twice. Tanner quickly removed his briefs, causing his cock to tent the blanket even higher.

"That's better," Destiny grinned, rubbing her baby-orb with her hands through the mesh fabric. "Now you can push it against my pregnant belly while we talk about sex."

"Alright," Tanner gulped, his heart rate increasing by the second.

"Have you ever had a girl kiss your neck, baby, and grind her body against yours?"

"Not really."

"Well, perhaps that's a good place to start then," said the mother as she pulled the foot of the blanket up and began crawling underneath it, onto the bed.

Tanner's breath quivered as he felt his mom's lips give his bulbous knob a tender peck as she slithered up his body. He felt his pecker glide between her meaty mounds and across her baby-swollen belly, the mesh fabric accentuating the divine sensation against his tender cock-meat.

Destiny brought her heavy-breasted body right down on top of her boy and immediately went for his neck, showering it with butterfly kisses. "Auugh!" the teen gasped, aroused tremendously by the feeling she was providing.

His mom's fat, squishy breasts and prenatal belly felt unlike anything he had ever experienced mashed up against him. She might as well have been naked the way her breasts were sloshing around between them.

Destiny went from kissing to light passionate licks on his boy's neck. She marveled at the heat and rigidity of his erectile meat as it pressed against

the contour of her belly. She engaged in tender neck licks without a word for several wonderful minutes, letting her boy enjoy being blanket by pregnant female flesh.

"Do you feel your sister's fetus crushed between us, Tanner?" Destiny asked between kisses to his neck.


"That's what boys dicks are made for...to create babies. Have you ever pumped a hot load of seed inside a girl?"

Tanner knew that normally his mom would be upset if he confessed to such a thing, but since he used the pill on her, these weren't exactly 'normal' circumstances. "Yeah...I have few times," he admitted.

"When you do that, you create billions of little microscopic hunters that swim up inside a girl's body in search of her egg," Destiny explained. "Once they find it, one of them will pierce her ovum and you'll create an embryo together."

"Sounds like a fun process," the boy admitted.

His mom brought her face up, so it hovered over his, which slid her body up some too, so his boner resting snugly against her mons. "It's the most wonderful thing that a man and woman can do together. It's called making love, and it makes your body experience unimaginable pleasure."

"Not just MY body. Women love it too, right?"

Destiny got a huge smile, her pussy throbbing as she put more pressure against her son's cock. "Oh yes, we do! If a woman could have it her way, she'd be with a man that could give her sex all the time. Even after a woman gets pregnant, she loves to feel a hard, throbbing dick thrusting rhythmically through her hot pussy."

Tanner couldn't help but blush at the filth that was spouting from his mother's mouth. Never in a million years did he imagine he hearing her say such nasty things.

"You don't have to blush, baby," Destiny whispered as she began subtly grinding her vulva against her boy's hardened cock. "There's no shame in talking about something so natural."


"There's also nothing wrong with a mother showing her boy just how hot and wet a pussy can get," she added, drawing the length of her son's penis into the moist slit of her cunt with only the thin layer of fabric separating their genital flesh.

Tanner winced and threw his head to the side, focusing on the amazing sensation his mom was giving his hard prick. Pre-cum bubbled from his piss-slit, smearing onto the gauzy fabric and mixing with the juice that had saturated the gusset of Destiny's body suit.

"Ohhh, you're so hard!" the mother cooed, her eyes also closed as she concentrated on the delightful rigidness of her son's teenage cock-muscle. His erection pried her fleshy prepuce back with every dry-hump and scraped exquisitely against the nub of her grape-sized clit. She fought to resist the growing urge to reach down, tear a hole in the crotch of the

fabric and let her boy bury his fruit to its base inside the smoldering hunger of her vagina.

"That's only the outside, baby," Destiny whispered. "This inside of my pussy is where the real pleasure is."

Tanner snarled in lust as his mom went to work on his neck again, darting her pink tongue all around his erogenous zones. His body began to writhe hornily beneath her, his ass rising up and down as he countering his mom's fluid humping motions.

"Oh, Tanner," Destiny gasped between kisses, feeling his hunky cock dig against the dripping mouth of her vagina. "You're gonna be SO good at making babies!"

"Thanks," he replied. Then, his mom said something that he never expected to hear.

"Maybe I'll let you pump baby number five inside me. Would you like that?"

Tanner's heart skipped a beat. "Really?!"

"Yes, after I give birth to your sister, maybe you and I could start trying to make another."

"What about dad?" Tanner stupidly asked.

"Fuck your father!" she answered, feeling his organ pulse stiffly against her smothering pussy. "I think you've clearly shown me who the alpha-baby- maker in this house should be."

"Damn, that would be hot, mom! Maybe we should start practicing now," he brazenly suggested.

Destiny giggled and looked into her son's eyes. "Yeah? You think we should start letting you blast your ball-goo into my pregnant pussy?"

"I sure wouldn't mind. That way we'll be really good together once it's time to get you pregnant again."

The mother grinned from ear to ear. "Yes, I think you're right. Long, passionate sessions of lovemaking can produce healthy loads of ejaculate, giving us a smart, healthy baby."

She showered him with a barrage of sexual kisses. "Are we really gonna do this, Tanner? Are we really gonna fuck each other, right here on your

bed?" she breathlessly asked. "Uh-huh...we are!" he answered.

Destiny suddenly sat upright, straddling her boy like a horse. "Damn!" gasped Tanner as he stared up the huge, jutting breasts resting atop his mom's pregnant belly.

"Do you see a couple things you'd like to suck on, baby?" she teased, then rocked her shoulders, making her udders swing back and forth beneath the fabric.

"I sure do!"

"Then you'd better get this tit-candy out of its wrapper. Rip it off of me!" the mother eagerly stated. Her son wasted no time tearing open the thin

body suit, unwrapping her like a Christmas gift. Destiny rose up, so he could peel the fabric from her crotch. Tanner's tongue nearly hung from his mouth as he stared at his mom's naked, shaved pussy hovering over his cock. He could see the fat bulb of her clitoris bulging lewdly from its fleshy prepuce.

As soon her shredded body suit hit the floor, Destiny lifted her boy's steely prick from his abdomen, pointing it up and aligning his fat knob with her slit. "Holy shit!" her boy hissed, squirming anxiously at the thought of his own mom sheathing his boy-cock with her tight, dripping pussy.

"Let me show you how fun and pleasurable baby making can be," said Destiny.

Tanner watched her puffy vulva lower to the tip of his pole, so his glans split her vulvar lips open. "Oh, yes!" he gasped, feeling his crown slip past the remnants of her vaginal membrane and into the scalding heat of her cuntal pit. His mom's pleated lining smeared her slippery fuck-oil along his shaft, lubricating it for their maiden union.

"OH, TANNER!" Destiny squealed loudly, feeling the fat meat of his cock stretch the lining of her pussy. The overly horny mother took him all the way to the base, fully penetrating their love-organs together. Tanner's engorged knob mashed against her cervical head, allowing his mom to feel his excited heartbeat through the throbbing tip of his prick.

"Wow, baby...I don't ever think I've had a cock this big inside me," Destiny confessed.

"It feels great!" sighed Tanner, enjoying the slippery heat of her encapsulating vagina around his erectile meat.

Suddenly, they were both startled by a knock at his bedroom door. "Hunny are you in there?" her husband asked.

"What the fuck does he want?" Destiny huffed, making sure all but her and her son's heads were covered by the blanket.

Before she could answer, Lenny opened the door and saw his wife laying on top of their son beneath the blanket. "What's going on in here?" he

asked as his wife and son looked at him like deer caught in a vehicle's headlights.

"I was just talking to Tanner about the birds and the bees," his wife answered.

"While laying on top of him?"

"Yes, it's important for a mother to feel close and bonded to her boy during such a discussion," Destiny answered, tightening her fuck-muscles around Tanner's stiff cock.

Lenny noticed his son's eyes roll up in their sockets. "Are you alright, Tanner?" he asked, unaware that his boy's dick was buried to its root in his wife's tight cunt.

"Yeah, I'm fine, dad."

Lenny drifted over to the bed and stood next to them. "Do you have any sex questions that maybe your mother couldn't answer? Perhaps a male's view on the subject would help you too," he asked.

This drew a giggle from his wife. "Hunny, I know WAY more about sex than you do. Just go back to work."

"All I'm saying is—"

"Lenny, if you want to learn to play piano, you're not gonna go to a drum instructor. Tanner needs to learn how to fuck hard and create babies. Only a woman can teach that."

Lenny was a bit taken by his wife's language. He had never heard her use the F-word in their eighteen-year marriage. "Well, you don't have to be so crude about it," he stated.

"There are times to be crude and one of those times is when you're teaching boy how to fuck pussy and get a girl pregnant."

Lenny was baffled by his wife's choice of words. He noticed the shredded bodysuit on the floor and could almost smell his wife's sexual secretions on it. His boy's shirt and briefs lay next to them. He looked at the lump of their stacked bodies beneath the blanket and began to become suspicious

of why only their heads were peeking out. "Are you two dressed under there?" he asked.

"Lenny!" his wife blurted loudly, glaring at him sternly. "Go away!"

The husband knew not to fuck with the woman of the house. He went to the door then turned to see them still staring back at him. He could tell by the position of his wife's ass, bulging from beneath the blanket, that she was straddling their son's midsection. "We could have discussed this first you know," he stated.

"Lock the door, please!" his wife answered. "I'll be out before the kids come home."

Tanner looked over at the clock on his wall. It was only noon, which mean his mom intended on fucking him for three hours before his siblings got home from school. After his dad closed the door, he smiled up at his beautiful blonde-haired mother. "That was awkward," he uttered.

"Naturally. Maybe if HIS mom had taught him right, he wouldn't be such a lousy fuck," Destiny stated.

"Dad's no good in bed?" Tanner snickered.

"He makes me cum with his fingers much more than he does with his dick. Unlike yours, your father's cock is only averaged-sized so he never makes me cum as hard as I'd like to."


"He couldn't even pump a baby into me the proper way," Destiny confessed. "We had to go to a stupid lab to get me implanted."

"Well, if you give me the chance, I'll implant you the right way."

"Mmm, I know you will, baby," Destiny smiled. "You'll put plenty of healthy seed inside mommy's sweet, tight cunny. You'll knock this woman up the right way."

"For sure!" the teen added.

"Why don't we start practicing that right now," suggested Destiny, raising her tits off his chest. "You can pound your big penis through the hole who came out of and make me soak your cock in girl-honey."

Crazed by the effects of the drug and the feel of her boy's deliciously big cock, Destiny began bouncing her twat on his throbbing tool.

Staring down beneath her rounded belly, Tanner could see his thick rod sliding in and out of his mom's widely stretched labium. Her cuntlips were sucking against his slippery pink dick as the pregnant mother's juices coated the length of his raging boner. The lewd sound of her hot swollen slit pumping up and down over his rigid fucker only added to their excitement.

Tanner took a moment to admire his gorgeous mom as she rode his cock. The way she was gasping as his sex organ stabbed up into her tight pussy allowed him to see her in a whole new way. Her huge tits quivered as they leaped up and down, streaks of blue mammary veins running just beneath their skin. Over the past nine months, Destiny's melons had become a literal milk factory and soon delicious nectar would be erupting from her swollen teats.

The mother flexed her pelvic floor muscles, compressing her vaginal sleeve around the thick slab of her boy's prick.

"Damn, mom...your pussy feels even better than a slippery fist jerking me off," the teen confessed.

"There's nothing like pussy, baby," she answered, plunging her fuck-sleeve up and down over the glorious, youthful hardness of his prick. Being this pregnant provided both her and her son a higher level of pleasure.

Destiny's vagina was enhanced due to the increase in vascularity and nerve supply in preparation for childbirth. For her, this meant stronger, full body orgasms and for Tanner, a tight, pinkish-purple pussy-sleeve with well- pronounced pleats along its lining, sucking wetly around every ridge and vein of his cock as it glided along its length.

Tanner humped his ass from his mattress, watching his mom's big, oversized tits bounce and jiggle wildly as she rode his lurching loins. He'd certainly never fucked a pregnant girl before either and the sight of his mom's huge, round belly looming right in front of him was a giant turn-on. He reached out and rubbed the soft fetus-packed orb, knowing that some day soon he'd have his own baby growing in there, one that he and his mom's orgasmic love-juices had created together.

"Oh, wow...that feel crazy-good!" the boy gasped, looking down and watching their crotches grind together as Destiny swiveled her hips fluidly in full penetration. He wasn't sure what the fuck he was feeling deep inside there that was slipping wetly across the knob of his cock, but it sure felt amazing.

"I'm cumming, Tanner!" his mom's voice squealed with tit-quivering intensity.

Over the next minute or so a violent climax shook his mom's prenatal body. Destiny did her best to suppress her screams, since her husband was just across the house working. Even if Lenny did suspect that they were

fucking, she certainly didn't wanna announce it.

"Auugh, damn!" groaned the boy, feeling his mom's cuntal walls contract tightly around his cock. His meat made a lewd creamy sound as it pumped through her juiced-up pussy-tunnel. He had somehow managed to ward off his own orgasm and fuck his mom steadily through hers.

"Can I suck on your titties, mom?" he brazenly asked, licking his lips as he stared at her giant jugs.

"Of course, baby...that's part of lovemaking."

As Destiny began fucking her son again, she leaned forward, grasping his strong shoulders and letting her dangling milkers swing around her boy's wonder-stricken face. Tanner kissed and licked on the warm softness of her breasts, stuffing his face up into her gaping cleavage. He let his lips drag along the soft underside of her left tit then latched on to the swollen nipple before it could brush past his mouth.

"Mmnnff!" the teen whimpered, spreading his lips around the middle of her giant areola, suctioning her rubbery teat deep into his mouth. His face completely disappeared into the meaty melon of her tit as he sucked like a baby at its nipple.

Destiny's naked bubble butt bobbed up and down, her ass-meat rippling as she fucked her son earnestly. She couldn't explain her sudden explosion of horniness today, but she felt no regret, no shame as she fucked her experienced vagina on the satisfying stiffness of her son's teenage cock.

After a few more minutes of cunt-pummeling sex, Tanner felt his mom's pussy tighten up like a velvet vice around his prick. The fatty flesh of her tit began to ripple around his face as his mom convulsed on top of him in a powerful climax.

He snarled like a pleasure-induced animal, feeling her birthing tube chew at his penile meat. His mom's pussy let out an obscene SQUELCH and he felt her female ejaculate splatter out along the base of his prick, running down over his hips and onto the bed.

His own cum-load quickly boiled up from his balls from the divine friction of her slippery ribbed walls squeezing along his tender dong. There was

certainly no shame in him cumming. He'd been fucking his mom like a porn star for nearly a half-hour now and given her two mind-numbing orgasms.

"SHIT!!" he gasped, slobbering around her swollen areola as a raging jet of cum hosed from his meatus and splattered through his mom's quivering vagina. His tit-smothered voice grunted with every pulse of his cum- spewing prick as he delivered a huge, creamy load inside his mother.

Satisfied that she had drained every drop of Tanner's cum with her cunt muscles, Destiny rolled him over on top of her. The mother's soft naked legs wrapped securely around his body. "Fuck me this way now, baby" she whispered, then locked lips with her boy for a fiery French kiss.

Despite having just cum, Tanner's cock was still fully erect. He was a healthy, hot blooded teenager after all. He began to thrust it through her vagina, while Destiny threw her crotch up to meet every plunge of his stiff cock. The friction of his raging boner against her blood-engorged clit was driving the mother absolutely wild. "Oh my God!" her voice quivered between kisses.

The fact that he was giving his own mom such tremendous pleasure boosted the boy's confidence. He knew with one cum out of his system he'd be able to fuck his heavy-titted mother like a savage. "I'm gonna fuck you hard and deep, mom!" he panted.

"Yes please, baby! That's just the way I like it!"

Tanner drilled his cock through her slippery hole. His torso felt like it was melting into the squishy softness of her giant breasts and pregnant belly. His mom's turgid nipples were digging into his flesh as her huge, luscious boobs rippled wildly under his heaving chest. "Go faster!" his mom squealed, clawing her long nails down his back. "Fuck me faster!"

The teen gave her a barrage of violent thrusts, his big balls beating on her upturned ass. His entire bed was rocking and creaking wildly, and he hoped to hell his father couldn't hear them going at it this hard.

Destiny let out a sharp huff as her son thrust his cock all the way in and held it there. The boy whimpered in ecstasy as he felt her tightly pleated pussy tunnel grasp and suck around the throbbing meat of his member.

"Oh God, I'm gonna fucking cum on you!" his mother groaned, frantically clinging to her boy. She arched her back beneath him and tossed her head from side to side, whipping her pretty blonde hair around in ecstasy.

Tanner began humping like a madman again and Destiny tightened her naked thighs around her son's body as her handsome boy increased both the tempo and depth of his heavenly thrusts. He raised himself up on extended arms while he fucked, so could watch his mom cum for a third time. He loved how her beautiful face was distorted with wild pleasure. He could tell she was trying to suppress her screams, so his father didn't hear her cumming mindlessly.

"You like that, mom?" he asked. "You like how I'm fucking your pussy?" "I love it!" she panted.

The teen's eyes drifted down to her breasts and watched her tremendous melon-meat roll and ripple crazily. "Goddamn, those are big tits!" he blurted, then plopped right back on top of her, crushing those huge hooters between them. He locked lips with his mom so she could squeal into his mouth while he continued to skewer her with his rigid meat.

Destiny wormed her tongue deep into Tanner's mouth, delighting in every rhythmic thrust of her boy's hard, sinewy cock. The pleasure in her loins intensified with every powerful plunge of his prick. She loved the animalistic way her son was grunted and panted into her mouth as his lean, virile body bucked against her, making her hot mommy-pussy ripple and gush with unbelievable pleasure.

On and on they fucked, their naked bodies becoming slippery with perspiration as they beat their bellies together tirelessly. "Suck my titties, baby!" the mother urged.

The boy was more than eager to oblige. He loved masking his face in the dough-like softness of her oversized breast and gorging himself on the peak of her tit. As Destiny neared another orgasm, she extended her lovely legs into the air in a wide V, so her dainty feet were pointed to opposite sides of Tanner's bedroom. "Oh, baby, I'm cumming again! How are you making me cum again so fast?!" her frantic voice quivered.

Destiny clenched her toes, and her legs began to quiver as a full-body orgasm began to sweep through her mature frame.

With his mom's pussy rippling wetly around his pummeling cock, Tanner began thrusting into her with all his strength. He clamped his teeth around her rubbery teat, grimacing as he felt his ejaculation start up through the length of his shaft.

Destiny wrapped her silky legs back around her boy, locking him in a fuck- harness as she bucked lustfully from the mattress. Their bodies writhed like two wild animals fused together in a furious fuck. The mother's climax carried her to a pinnacle of exquisite ecstasy that she had never experienced before, even with some other the other hot guys she had fucked in High School.

As hot ropes of teenage cum gushed into her spasming fuck-hole, Destiny screwed her cunt-lips up around the root of Tanner's spurting cock so he could wash the head of her soon-to-be-dilating cervix with his virile cream. "That's it, you dreamy cunt-fucker...fill me with your baby-makers!" she squealed.

For several glorious minutes they wrestled in body-trembling ecstasy; the world around them seeming to vanish away as their minds focused only on the magnificent friction of their ejaculating genitals.

Finally, Tanner rolled off his mom, his soaking wet cock flopping back against his abdomen. "Wow, that was quite the lesson, mom!" he sighed.

She rolled over against him, letting her squishy boobies crush against his chest. Then, she gave him a sensual kiss and looked him in the eyes pleadingly. "Do you think you'd be able to go again?" Destiny asked.

Tanner reached down and gave his youthful cock a few rejuvenating strokes. The drug had made his mom even hornier than he imagined it would. "I'd love to go again!" he smiled.

As he climbed to his knees, the boy watched his mom position herself on all-fours in front of him, pointing her rounded ass back for a doggy-fuck. Her creamy, pink flanges were splayed, ready to be stretched open by his cock again. Tanner wasn't sure when the 'mom'll-fuck-zine' drug would

wear off, but he planned on taking full advantage of his mother sexually until it did.

"Here I come, mom!" said the boy, then mounted her meaty haunches, spearing his eager prick to its hilt inside snug furnace of his mom's pussy.

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