Kiss Me Not

Chapter 166 - Anticipating That Kiss

Berry and Mitch couldn't believe what they had just heard from Brione. They were still in their state of stupor when Keira, Luo, and others started congratulating the two women.

"Congratulations, Berry and Mitch! You both deserve this promotion!"

"Let's have another toast for Mitch and Berry," Xander said, raising his beer.

The others also lifted their drinks for a toast.

Berry and Mitch were truly surprised by this shocking news. They had never imagined that they would be promoted to higher positions in the company.

"Eh, wait... Is this true? You are not joking, Boss, aren't you? COO of Cooper? Hehe, don't prank me like this Boss," Berry said, still in disbelief.

Mitch also had the same reaction. She refused to believe it. She also giggled while waving her hands.

"Me? The New CEO? Ahem, you are just kidding us, right?"

Brione nodded her head to confirm it. "This is not a prank. I am not joking as well. Gavin, Loli, and I discussed this and we believed that the two of you are suited for the positions. Berry, Mitch, we trust in you. You can do it!"

"Loli will give you a briefing tomorrow. We didn't tell you right away since Brione wanted to surprise you tonight." Gavin said with a faint smile.

"Oh my gosh, can you pinch me, Mitch? Tell me I'm not dreaming," Berry mumbled, turning to Mitch who was sitting next to her.

The group burst out into a peal of laughter because of Berry's remarks.

"Gavin, Brione, are you sure about this? Do you really think we qualify for these positions?" Mitch asked them worriedly. CEO and COO were not simple positions. It held a greater responsibility.

"Yes, of course. We are a hundred percent sure about this. We know you can perform well. You both deserve these positions. So stop doubting yourselves! I need your help in managing the company. Will you lend me a hand?" Gavin spoke up from the bottom of his heart, asking Mitch and Berry for their support.

Hearing the sincere words from Gavin, Mitch and Berry were finally convinced about this turn of events.

"Thank you so much for trusting us, Gavin. Rest assured that I will do my best to do my job well," Mitch responded, accepting her new role in the company. She really appreciated Gavin and Brione for believing in their capabilities.

Berry also thanked them and she promised to help Gavin to the best of her ability. She knew that she would also learn much from taking this bigger role.

Everyone continued the celebrations. Lively music reverberated in the garden area. They ate and drank to their heart's content. They also danced and swayed with the music. The villa was filled with laughter.

Brione, Gavin, and others were enjoying this simple gathering and bonding moment. While everyone was busy catching up, Mitch and Berry got the chance to talk privately when they went to the comfort room.

Berry approached Mitch to apologize to her. She hooked her hand around Mitch's arm and put on a puppy-eyed look.

"Mitch, about what happened in the office, please forgive this poor soul for interrupting you from kissing the guy you like. I didn't mean to barge in."

Mitch pinched her cheeks. "It's alright. But next time, can you seal your mouth and not say a single word. Your words made the situation more awkward between us." She slightly scolded Berry.

Berry bobbed her head frantically. "I promise. I will try my best to control my mouth next time."

"Okay. Just don't mention it anymore and forget about it. I feel embarrassed just recalling the scene. Sigh. I tried to initiate the kiss. I wonder what Kevin is thinking about me now." Mitch took a deep breath, feeling dejected.

Berry smiled at her teasingly. She patted her back to console her. "Don't worry, Mitch! You will find another opportunity. I know Kevin will not mind it at all. You are making good progress. Just keep it up."

"I hope so…"

The Barbeque Party ended at around 10:00 pm. Everyone bid farewell to Brione and Gavin. Kevin was the one who drove Berry and Mitch to their places.

The three of them were silent during the entire journey. They didn't talk about the incident that happened this morning. Kevin dropped Berry first at her place before sending Mitch.

When they were left alone, Mitch suddenly felt conscious and nervous. She wondered if Kevin would confront her about the interrupted kiss this morning.

Mitch was still lost in her thoughts when Kevin broke the silence.

"Mitch, congratulations on your new position," Kevin softly mumbled. He didn't get the chance to greet her a while ago.

"Thank you, Kevin," Mitch responded, smiling faintly at him. She felt a little bit awkward because she was still embarrassed about what happened this morning.

Unknown to Mitch, Kevin could sense her uneasiness. He was stealing glances at her a while ago, silently observing Mitch. He wondered if it had something to do with the interrupted kiss this morning.

Kevin could no longer stand it so he stopped the car and parked it on the side of the road. Mitch glanced at him in puzzlement.

"Kevin, why did you stop? Is there something wrong with the car?"

Kevin shook his head. "Mitch, can I ask you something?"

"Eh? Hmm, sure…" Mitch said, feeling a little bit tense.

Kevin turned to look at her, staring straight into her eyes.

"Are you nervous around me? Am I making you feel uncomfortable?" Kevin asked Mitch.

There was a hint of worry in his eyes. He was afraid that Mitch would try to avoid him again. He didn't get any response from Mitch this morning since Berry had interrupted them. So he didn't know how she felt after confessing those things to her.

Meanwhile, Mitch chewed on her lower lip, thinking about how to respond to Kevin.

"No, Kevin. It's not like that. I'm acting like this because I'm so embarrassed about what happened this morning." Mitch said truthfully, looking away to avoid his gaze.

"You don't have to, Mitch… In fact, when you held my face, I was anticipating that kiss to happen."

Mitch: "..."

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