King of Kung Fu in School

Chapter 257 Just Pretend

Chapter 257 Just Pretend


"Kevin, do you really think my sister is so desperate to be your girlfriend that you're the only man on earth?"

"I don't think so."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Nothing, Amy is very good. She's beautiful, good—figure, and not bad in martial arts." Elsa raised her eyebrows and said. "You actually evaluated my sister's martial arts as 'not bad'? Although she is indeed inferior to you, she is definitely better than 'not bad'. Kevin, don't take yourself so seriously." Kevin said. "In that case, what's wrong with a peaceful breakup?"

"Kevin. you are not the only man in this world, so breaking up is not a solution. The point is, you've agreed to be my sister's boyfriend in public, but it's only been half a day and you're about to break up. What will people think of her. a joke, huh? And you think you are so cool? If you don't like my sister, that's fine. No one will force you to. But you broke up with her right after you said yes. You are really trampling on my sister's dignity here. Who would do things like that? If you don't like her, why would you say yes in the first place? " Kevin was speechless for a moment. "Say something. Kevin." Kevin resigned. "I said yes because I wanted to give Amy a way out of such an embarrassing situation. I'd planned to explain to her afterwards."

"But others won't think that way. They only know that you accepted my sister's confession." Kevin nodded, "Alright, it's my fault I didn't think it through. What do you think I should do?"

"I don't know. What do you have in mind? But remember, whatever you're gonna do, break her heart and I'll kill you." Kevin said, "Since that's the case, how about I just pretending to date her and wait for the right moment to break up for a good reason, say. 'not getting along'? What do you think?" Elsa wanted to refuse, because it was not fair to her sister.

However, Amy hurriedly walked out from behind the cabinet and said, "Okay."

Elsa sighed and thought that although she was the one who suggested it, who knew how much Amy was into him. But it's fine as long as she was happy about it.

Kevin looked at Amy and nodded. Amy continued. "Then before you break up with me, you can't treat me indifferently. You have to act like a good boyfriend." Kevin nodded and said, "Alright, but I have to remind you that I'm not interested in you. When the time is right, we'll officially break up."

"How long are you talking about?"

"I don't know. Let's see." Kevin sighed. "Alright then. Wait for me at the entrance of the station. I haven't had lunch yet. You have to accompany me."

Kevin walked out of Elsa's office.

After he left, Elsa hurriedly said. "Amy, why are you treating yourself like this? Kevin obviously doesn't like you. Why? Break up with him if that's what he wants. You'll find someone better than him. In that case he won't dare put on such airs "

"Sis, since he compromised, why not let it be. Dating a few months is still not bad."

Elsa was mad again. "This Kevin, it just pisses me off even my sister couldn't impress him."

"How about this, Amy, you date him first. I'll help you see if there's anyone better than him. When the time is right, I'll bring him to Kevin and let him defeat him in public. Then, you'll break up with Kevin in person, and be with that more outstanding boy instead. Let's see if Kevin still has that airs on him."

This move was amazing.

Not only was Kevin defeated, Amy would break up with him herself and be with a better guy right in front of him. Just imagine how mad he will be?

Amy frowned, "Sis, isn't that too mean? What if it really upsets him?" Amy was still considerate towards Kevin in her heart. What could she do when she truly liked him?

Elsa rolled her eyes, "He wanted to break up with you, yet you are speaking for him."

"That's not true! I just think that what if Kevin can't take the blow? What if he commits suicide?"

"Come on! People arrogant like him will commit suicide? Alright, I have the final say in this. Kevin dares to be so picky. He won't know he is actually a loser unless we show him that."

"Oh." Amy didn't say anything more. She didn't want to hurt Kevin, nor did she want to break up with him. She didn't even blame him for breaking up because they hadn't spent much time together anyway. It was normal he had no interest in her.

"Sis. I'll have to go. He was still waiting for me outside." Amy said. Elsa nodded and said, "Remember, don't hold hands with him. Don't kiss him, either."

"Alright." Kevin was waiting at the gate. He couldn't do anything about this situation. When he agreed to be Amy's boyfriend this morning, he hadn't thought it through. It was indeed inappropriate to break up with her right away. All he could do was to pretend to be in a relationship with Amy for now. After a few months when the time was right, he would post on the Facebook saying that they weren't right for each other and broke up.

In this way, everyone else in the school would not be suspicious. In current situation. Kevin was unlikely to fall in love with Amy. This was also unfair to her, because Kevin obviously could not fall in love with anyone right now. Of course, it was not that Kevin was so arrogant that he looked down on any woman who was inferior to his junior apprentice partner. Fiona, with whom he grew up together. It was a relationship

nothing could compare. Moreover, Kevin's future in this world was still unknown to him. Perhaps after a year and a half, he would leave this place for good. Perhaps after a few years, he would return to his hometown. And the people here, be it Lily. Charles, or Elsa, would be gone forever. Just as Kevin was lost in his thought. Amy quickly walked out, with a delighted face. "Kevin, sorry for the waiting." Amy smiled. "It's fine."

"I haven't had lunch yet. Have you?" Amy asked. "Yeah."

"Can you still accompany me to the diner? Since you are my boyfriend now, we have to dine together right?" Amy said. Kevin shook his head, "I don't know: it's up to you. I'll do what I have to do. It's my duty" Amy nodded happily. She immediately held his hand and said, "There is a diner in front of us. Let's go in there to eat."

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