Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 95: And Beat You With Them

Chapter 95: And Beat You With Them

I started to run back into the city, and my group of me followed. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them for now, but I need to get a hold of Granvel before he gets away.

'He is dangerous and you need to deal with him before he gets close to the girls,' -Drania.

She was right, and that made me turn up my speed, and the men behind me picked up their pace as well. This group was strange, and I was having a hard time trying to figure out what I was going to be doing with them.

I looked back, and then back forward again with a cringe. I hadn't really noticed how bad the wounds were, but none of them were bleeding.

All the men's eyes were grey with no pupil or iris, and if I stopped, then so did they. I wondered how long they were going to stay like this?

'Until you tell them that they can pass on. For now, you hold them between the cusp of life and death. Yours and Lishtani's powers are not like a normal vampire or necromancer. Given enough time and provided you heal them before they actually die, they will recover.' -Drania.

Did that mean that I was forcing these men to stay alive? I wasn't sure if this was a good or bad thing, but a familiar shout and a scream made me speed up.

Ahead in the square, I could see that Granvel had Trinity and Candi by the back of their neck, but with my vision, I could see that the girls weren't concerned. In fact, it was Mei's scream that I heard, but she must just have been surprised.

I ran into the center of the square, but that was when Granvel screamed at me to get back. Candi had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot, and she did not look impressed.

Trinity was letting her weight pull Granvel's arm down forcing him to hold her in the air. While she floated, Trinity pretended to run in the air.

"I have your girls now so don't you dare come any close you bitch! Get her boys! What are you waiting for?!" Granvel screamed at me.

"K, will you clean up if we make a mess?" Candi asked, not paying any attention to the giant of a man's hand clutching the back of her neck.

"Yes dear, but let me say a few things first," I said to Candi, looking around at the people gathered. "Do you all see this? This is the kind of attitude and people that your so-called God wants to rule and watch over your city? People that will try to cheat you and steal from you. They do this just because they think that is there right because they are stronger?"

I looked out around and the people were shaking their heads and starting to murmur among themselves. Granvel started to look around and began to get a panicked look on his face.

"Fine! I take theseAAHHHH" Granvel screamed as the girls ripped both his arms off.

I focused and collected the spraying blood, but I wasn't able to bleed him dry while he was still alive. Though from the expressions on the two girls' faces that were still holding the twitching arms, that didn't look like it was going to last long.

"ENOUGH!" Boomed the echoing voice of Dyster.

"Shield/Dleihs!" I called out, placing shields around each of the girls, and I burned platelets for a new shield.

The God slammed into the plaza, but the shields I put up also protected the people from flying stone and debris. The God's eyes were burning sickly green flames that ran down his face, and he looked furious, good.

"Tell your dogs to," But Dyster was cut off by a hammer of light that hit him in the face, sending him to careen and bounce off a shield.

I stood up straight from my follow-through and turned to glare my own twin Blood Moon eyes on the God as he stood. I was starting to feel calmer than I had before, and I would end this God here and now if I heard another insult.

"This may be the city that you have claimed, and you may be a God, but I am watching you. Insult my family or the members of my Guild, and my hammer is what you will wish for me to use," I said coldly to the God.

"You think that you are strong enough to fight me? Give me the challenge and we will start right now in the middle of the city! Then I can kill two birds with one stone, you and this shit hole city! You may have won the Guild, but I still control two of the other three! Watch you back, Guild Leader Kiada," Dyster said, green flames still pouring out of his eyes.

Dyster came up to me, and then bent over the crying Granvel, placing a hand on each of Granvel's bleeding stumps. Sudden green fire poured from his hands and Granvel screamed like a stuck pig, then passed out from the pain.

Dyster picked up the armless man, but then dropped him, grubbling. He reached down and dug into Granvel's pocket pulling out a Waystone, then he walked over to Trinity, who was a two and a half meter tall werewolf now, and reached out his hand.

"Can I have that, please? You can have it back to chew on after, but I need something from it," Dyster said in a frustrated tone, but Trinity handed it to home and then shrunk back down to her normal cute girl form.

Dyster took the arm that had the black Guild tattoos and whispered some words, making the ink disappear. Then he dropped the arm, and walked back over to me, handing me the Waystone.

"I link this Waystone to you as a patron of my city," Dyster mumbled and then tapped my arm that had my own Guild tattoos. "I also confirm that you are the new Guild Leader of the Ground Pounders."

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