Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 34: Mistakes Have Been Made

Chapter 34: Mistakes Have Been Made

I was about to follow her, but Healia stopped me.

"So, you messed up. Pretty big" Healia let that trail off while giving me a knowing look.

"What are you talking about? What did I mess up?"

"Did you put points into your guild members?"

I froze and turned to her, and she was giving me a raised eyebrow as I slapped my face. How could I had been so stupid? I had just given Healia shit for trying to help me and look what I do, just to prove her point for her.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked, hating every word of it.

This was going to make me owe her something in the future. I knew it and so did she. Nothing for it, this would have to be my lesson in bullheadedness.

"You will have to force a level out of the guild. Meaning that you will have to rely on the shared experience that you will get from the Guild Members grinding the dungeon. The best way will be for you to take a party in and then you can take one hundred percent of the total experience as Guild experience," Healia explained.

"Won't the other not be happy if I take the experience, I mean if it's for the Guild it has to be that way but"

"No, they will get all their experience, but the guild will get the same amount. So it's like a double experience bonus. Don' worry, you're not the first person to need to use this feature. I know what you got, what you did and it was a good buy, but you have to remember about the growth. After you get a potions shop you should focus on your skills," Healia finished explaining.

"Thank you, that is a lot of help."

"You and I both know what I will ask something of you in the future that will make you take back that thank you, so don't bother. Plus, your success is in both our best interests. Go get food and then get a group together and go grind!"

Healia left me and went back to her seat at the single table. Maybe I would get my brothers to bring out more tables and chairs, spruce the palace up a bit. Healia was right, the others would be coming back from the dungeon soon so I should get going to try and get some more done, and maybe push another guild level.

I headed into the back to see what Lesha was doing, and she was cooking some steaks in a frying pan. Ugh, it smelled so good! I was excited to eat, but I went over and told Lesha about my mistake. She smiled at me and rolled my eyes when I told her that I owed Healia a favor.

"Who are we going to take?" Lesha asked me as she tossed in some mushroom with the steak.

"Mei, Gram, and Corbit. Five should get us some good experience."

"What? You want to take the old Guild Master? The Human Hairball?" Lesha asked in confusion.

"Human? Questionable at best, but yes. Gram is a very good Rouge and he would be a good addition with Corbit."

"And Me!" Gobby walking into the kitchen with Mei, and a very wary-looking Corbit.

"Ask as you shall receive. I am glad you are out of bed. Sorry about Healia, she can be a little much."

Corbit gave me a big smile, and then a thumbs up.

"No, thank you! Having my first kiss being from a goddess and being bedridden for a day will for sure boost me to earn my fame and fortune. How many men have lived to tell the tale? Plus, I just heard that we are going into the dungeon and I get to go with the two Guild Masters and your trusted team! I will be the most talked about person in this guild for years to come!" Corbit announced throwing his hand in the air.

"That is good spirit! I would also like while you are with us to know where you learned how to use words to use your mana?"

"To tell you the truth, and this will sound weird, but, you need to look inside yourself. I learned mine from doing some thinking after I had just received a sound beating from so many men that wanted to do the same as that other guy, just using me for bait in a dungeon, but I refused. Anyways, after that happened, I took a look at myself and wanted to try to dig deep to try to see if I was missing something. I guess I already knew something was different deep down, so when I dug for it, it came to me like nothing I have ever felt before."

I would have to look deep inside? Could I do that? How hard would it be? Food wasn't done, so I went and took a chair at the small table, and Mei came and sat on my lap, but I closed my eyes.

Deep, I just had to look inside, that's what Corbit and said, but what did that actually mean? Was I just trying to see into my mind or where did I start looking? I was starting to get frustrated and tried closing my eyes, but still, nothing, but then Mei spoke up.

"Try to look for her voice, that's how I found my word," Mei said leaning back into me.

"Who, Drania? I forget that she can talk to you, but I am supposed to look for her voice?" I asked Mei, pulling her closer to my chest.

"Where you think she comes from, that place deep inside. It's really hard to explain."

"No, I get what you mean, I think I, I guess that isn't bad?"

The sound that was spoken forwards and backward in my soul was, Bless{Sselb}!

Lesha was almost done with the food, and now I had a spell. all that was left was to convince Gram to join us.

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