Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Chapter 206.3 - Tragedy

Chapter 206.3 - Tragedy

I see,that the shorty isn't a mere child, he is a monster user!

Zorubu, remu, dzudabava(Rem, catch this guy)


When The shorty said something to the arachne on top of the tree, the latter obediently replied. Yes, the arachne had been put under his control.

We were screwed, I couldn't do anything if I ended up caught in spiderweb like this. I couldn't break free from the thread that entangled my body.

And yet, the ground was right before my face. If only my feet was on the ground



At that moment, my son moved.

He was the first son between me and my childhood friend.

It seems he wanted to save me after seeing me hung upside-down. Maybe his anger toward the human had awakened his ancient goma instinct.

My son raised a warcry and ran straight, wielding the knife that I gave him in his hand


My son crashed against the wall and fell to the ground. A black wall appeared out of nowhere before me.

Or not, that was an axe. A huge, axe with a black blade. My son crashed right on to it.

Momo, bazabugeruda(Be careful, Kotaro-kun)

What the heck That big human was the owner of that black axe. Their physic resembled that of a govu, but the powerful presence emanating from them rivaled that of a gogma.

They were a monster, like that human who wielded the sword of light.

The reason they were standing by right beside the shorty Was by no means a trap. This was a carefully planned ambush.

A~h, zongorobagido(A~h, just kill those goma brats)


The axe wielder trampled down my son underfoot as if they had crushed mere bugs. Their feet literally trampled on his head.

My sons scream stopped along with the sound akin to a crushed fruit. Yes, stopped because his head was crushed.


I screamed at the top of my lungs, and yet as if the scene of my dear son trampled to death right before me wasn't cruel enough, I had to witness another.

The one who screamed even louder in the forest was the mother of my son.


She rushed to the corpse of her son whose head had been reduced to smidgens of stains on the ground while raising heartrending cries,

Guba, zorudagia(We don't need the female either, kill her)

Thus, her body got sliced in two by the black axe right before she reached her son.

Since it wasn't a strike with the body of the axe blade, the axe's sharpness added to its massive weight, raised its killing power, and bisected my childhood friend in half vertically.


I was at a loss for words. I lost both my wife and son in just a moment.

Everything happened so fast as if I was witnessing a nightmare.

However, I snapped out of my daze the moment the bisected body of my wife rolled in front of me. Mixed with dark red entrails there was a round

Buge, dabagugizudo(Geh, that egg is gross)

That was the fruit of love between me and her. They were the new life that should have been born after this.

The egg rolled out from her cleaved stomach.

N, zobabigo Giruda(Uhn? It became a fetus?)

The shortys cold gaze was on the wriggling little flesh drenched in her blood.

N-No way, that's no that child Is blessed!

The blessed child that was born without the eggshell was a natural-born govu. They were so rare that even in the capital only one was born in a year. Since he was born as a govu, his growth rate was incomparable to that of your average goma. He would become a gogma upon reaching adulthood.

To think that blessed child born between her and me, who received a blessing from god Was the greatest blessing for goma. Alas, it dropped me into an even greater despair.

The fact that the child inside the torn stomach known by humans was nothing but a nightmare for me as a father.

Yet, I had no idea that this was only the beginning of a true nightmare.

Damagure, zoa Ginburudoa(It's a child instead of an egg huh That's worrying indeed)

The shorty grumbled about something. Naturally, there was no way I could understand a human's remark.

But then, soon enough, I finally understood what the human was going to do.


In a single word, his word sent a chill running down my spine as he looked at my beloved wife.


At that moment, a huge black armour helmet appeared behind her.

It was the powerful and terrifying demon of armor helmet who appeared once in a while in the ruin. Naturally, it was not supposed to appear in this kind of place. That guy was also familiar with humans, similar to arachne.


She raised a loud shout the moment she saw the black armour helmet And got caught.

The rugged steel hand mercilessly grabbed her beautiful face.



And yet, I couldn't do anything but scream as I watched them. No matter how much I tried to muster my strength, I couldn't free myself from the spiderweb.

I couldn't do anything other than being hung upside down.

Then, the arm of the armour helmet grabbed her big stomach


And tore it, much too easily.

Several lumps of meat dropped out accompanied by her wail of despair.

Her guts dropped on the ground like a waterfall along with her egg that smashed as it fell on the ground. None left, all of our children were smashed before they were born.

M-My My child

She murmured while blowing a bloody bubble from her mouth as the light vanished from her eyes.

Dead. My beloved wife The daughter of Ouma-sama, the princess of the kingdom had

Giaba, zendagobu(That's all the egg, huh)

The human turned away from the corpse of my wife, having completely lost interest in her corpse. The next moment, the armored helmet cast away her corpse to the shrub as if it were trash.

Momo, goragerubuu(Kotaro-kun, the kids managed to escape though)

By the time we arrived at this point, the children had already left. It was by mere coincidence that everyone scattered around.

That's right, please, even if it's just one of you, please survive

Joba, gonguruzeba(Don't worry, the high zombie will take care of them)

The shorty twined the cane with skull decoration in his hand, then a magic circle appeared as he raised a terrifying scream. Then, from within the magic circle came the repulsive demonic corpse.

There were seven of them. The exact number of my kids who managed to escape from this place.



The dead familiar then ran into the forest in great spirit. The result of this game of tag was obvious when considering the legs of the kids with the dead familiar who had endless stamina.

The cries of my children reveberated inside the forest along with the roar of the dead familiar.

Zaba, buguzondagia, garuda(Well then, it seems the village has also been taken care of, let's go back)

Juba, govu, gizuda(What are you going to do to that govu?)

This is too much.

This despair is too much.

My heart couldn't take it anymore. How did this happen? Where did I go wrong? What kind of sin did we commit to bring us such suffering?

The short and tall humans were pointing at me while talking about something.

Honestly, I don't care anymore, kill me. Please just kill me.

Giva, donvarugoga(That guy will become a lab rat for poison experiment).

Kill me, just kill me now!



Journey of The Childhood Friend Who Got Betrayed by Sword Saint

The Protagonist of Isekaied Story With Cheat And Harem Has No Idea That All Of The Heroines Has Already Been Stolen By Me~Urgh, My Stomach Is Killing Me~

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