Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Chapter 141: Guardian Beast Decoy Plan

Chapter 141: Guardian Beast Decoy Plan

Between preparing everything and rehersing our spells over and over, three days went by. All thats left is to pray. Amen, Ruinhilde-sama.

On our last supper, which sounds more ominous than it needs to, I used all the remaining preserved boar meat and we enjoyed this feast before the big day.

Lets go

I sat my 2shade clone on Raptor while I went on foot. We exited the square and double checked on all the traps while we carefully made our way through the path where that stupid cloud creature ambushed us.

We never did encounter that bastard after the first time coming this way. It could have a long respawn time or could have been a unique monster too. Anyway, the fact that we cant predict monster encounters, this randomness factor will work for us in this operation.

We quietly walked while being wary of any monsters. Nobody felt like talking. We were all getting increasingly nervous as we approached the fairy square Reina was holed up at.

This is my stop. Good luck on the rest, guys

Sure, dont sweat it

Yeah, you work on convincing Reina-san

Dude, this plan is pretty much perfect, well buy the time you need

Momokawa Save her. Promise me youll save Reina-chan

Yeah, I wont let you down

I took in everyones well intended blessings and replied through a cool facade. You guys too, dont die on me.

I then put on my white ghillie suit and sat down against the wall in a small depression near our destination. I laid still, closed my eyes, and concentrated on controlling the clone.

I have visual

Uoh! Dont talk so suddenly with that thing

Kinda feels a bit gross with two Momokawas around

Eh~, seriously? Im hurt

Looks like they got a fright when my clone that was still bobbling on top of Raptor suddenly came to life.

Though I admit having two of the same person in the same place would creep me out too. This clone is neither transparent nor has any sort of Player 2 tinting, so appearance-wise at least, you cant tell the difference.

Wait, what if they see through this fake with the flow of mana or a 6th sense or something. I suddenly got concerned if the plan will really work.

But Im already in standby mode, and theres no way we can backtrack now. Well reach our field of battle in under 30 seconds.

There she is


The door was ajar and we confirmed Reinas presence, as always, flirting with SOUMA. Ive seen this for three days now so Im used to it, but Yamada was devestated at the scene.

Its his usual immature jealousy, but Ill be glad if it will work in fueling his hate towards guardian beast SOUMA in this fight.

Ok. Operation start

I call it, the Reverse Ama-no-Iwato! Its pretty similar to the story you hear in grade school: When Amaterasu the sun goddess stayed reclusive in her cave, everyone threw a grand party outside which caused her to be caught when she curiously peeked out. But instead of catching her interest with fun, well be acting as villains to coerce her into coming out. Basically, were threatening her.

Alright, time to get my villain on.

I stood at the entrance to the square, inhaled, and loudly declared war.


Reina, in a cat-like reflex, instantly shifted her head towards my yell in a fluster. That goes the same for SOUMA who was embracing her.

You lazy spoiled brat! Ill beat that uselessness out of you if its the last thing I do! You better be ready!

I was shouting my heart out.

Its meant to be threatening, so I can really go all out, and the others wont bat an eye.

Now, everyone together

Reina-chan! Come back to uuuss!

Youre better than thaaat!

The Souma-kun is a fake you knooow!


Yamada was similarly speaking his heart, so at least he gets a pass on intimidation.

Now, whatll she do

NO WAY! Why, why does everyone keep getting in our way! I hate this, I hate you, get out!!

Sure thing Reina. I will, no, we will quickly remove these pests for you

As expected, Reina cried out like a mentally unstable child. And heeding her emotions, SOUMA stood to face us. At the same time, the space left and right of him lit up in magic formations.

One, a torus that blazed like an inferno, and the other a square that crackled with purple lightning. These were of course, the summoning circles that called forth Reinas primary battle force: The infernal lion, Engard, and the thunder hawk, Ramdane.

Just as I thought, she isnt calling Seyram, her water spirit.

Yuu-kun, En-chan, Ram-kun protect me ok

Of course Reina. Id never forgive anyone that made you cry. Ill be back right away after quickly defeating them

SOUMA, still looking the exact replica he was, put on a refreshing smile while Engard and Ramdane roared their fury.

Looks like shouting wont do anymore. Its unfortunate we couldnt get Seyram out too, but we can settle for this.

Whats wrong beasts? Scared of losing to us superior humans! Youll make fine pelts after were done with you!

On my cue, Rem launched an arrow. I didnt tell the others, but Id instructed Rem to aim first and foremost at Reina.

Now if only we could get a one-shot kill here Of course, we wont.

I will remove anything, that hurts

SOUMA silently cast wind magic to steer Rems arrow staggeringly off course. Theres no time to fire a 2nd.

My Reina

Get baaack!!

The guardian beasts rushed us, and I immediately ordered a retreat.

Everyone, ready and reacting instantly, turned and ran like their life depended on it. It was now Tag, youre dead.

Aqua Shield dwaahh!?

The enemy simply had more speed. So to slow them down, Shimokawa quickly cast Aqua Shield but it was instantly nullified by Engards fire breath.

Damn, this is looking tougher than Id planned. At this rate, we might lose one of us before we all escape.


I shouted from Raptors back. Im the only one guaranteed to be safe, and theyre already running desperately as is. Obviously, Im being redundant.

Shimokawa-kun, get ready Rotten Bog!

My curses work fine even as a clone. But its through a proxy so it feels slightly different. The casting speed falls a bit and since I have to maintain the clone, I have that much less mana going into the curse. If I push too hard with the curses, the clone wont break from the pressure, but it will break from the lack of mana.

Anyway, Im the decoy so Ill have to do enough to make it believable.

Awwright, eat shit, Acid Shieeellld!!

Trap number one. We waited till they were close enough to a spot I previously dropped my blood on, and Shimokawa erected an Acid Shield.


Thanks to Shimokawas superb timing, Engard, whod been the closest saw that he couldnt blast it away with fire from so close, probably thought a mere shield like this was childs play for him, and attempted to bust through physically.

And, there! With a loud sizzling particular to rotten bog, toxic scarlet scattered everywhere. That of course was the sound of Acid Shield that couldnt withstand Engards powerful tackle and dispersed.

But the acid should have had some effect.

I hope

Engard emerged, roaring furiously, from beyond the shower of acid and deluge of white smoke. He looked like he hadnt taken any damage But he was a bit slower.

Only temporarily though, as he quickly regained his vigor and continued to give chase.

Hes tougher than I thought. Looks like well have to really squeeze through this one

We were treading on thin ice, so anything to slow their assault was helpful. Right as Engard got out of the Acid Shield, Rem shot another arrow, causing it to flinch. It wasnt meant to damage but merely surprise, and it worked.

But we werent so lucky that they would only be chasing us. They had magic too.

Aqua SheyaAOU!?

Uoh! Close call!!

SOUMA launched wind blades, and Ramdane used thunderbolt. Shimokawas spell was interrupted, and Yamada skillfully blocked the deadly attacks with his high defenses.

Fuck dude, theyre really laying it on us Aqua Shield

Having escaped that close shave with death, he cast his barrier spell anew. But this wall of water spread out to block the passage was also instantly broken.

This time it was a large Aer Sagitta from SOUMA that cut apart his shield. This strong It must have been a mid-tier variation.

Oi Momokawa, they catching uuup!?

We gotta do something dammit!

The pressure emminating from our pursuers was intense. Ueda and Nakai, who werent supposed to do anything but run, cried out impatiently. I feel the same, to be honest.

Well soon be at the widest area on this path. Its the place with that pink gas.

Come this far into the passage, and the guardian beasts had to consider their attacks so they didnt hit friendlies. That goes double for Engard and Ramdane since, if they used big AOE attacks, the whole cavern could be scorched or electrocuted. Doing that was a sure fire way to beat us, but they could hardly stand damaging their friends against small-fry like us.

Theyre underestimating us, but thats good. Otherwise, we wouldnt have gotten as far as we have.

But the place were about to reach is pretty wide. Once there, theyll lose the handicap of accidental friendly fire. And worse. They could use the area to split up and surround us.

Engard, who was the biggest of the bunch, was first in the line and covered almost the whole width of the passage while SOUMA and Ramdane were following behind in single file. The ceiling wasnt too high so Ramdane couldnt shoot down at us either.

But that too would end once we enter the next area. They can and will come at us with the full range of their strength and dexterity once we get there.

Honestly, its not like we were going there without knowing the risks. But we didnt have a better choice.

Momokawa, were toast if we go there like this!

Shit, this isnt looking good at all

Shimokawa and Yamada were yelling in despair. Theyre right, at this rate, theyll catch up.

Alright, guess its time.

Rem, youre up


Wed gone inside. Rem dropped her bow and drew Masarus sword, her figure oozing with determination.

Ill have to leave behind not only Rem but also Raptor here. Rem would be insta-killed against 3 guardian beasts, but the two of them should get us some time.

Go get em you two! promise Ill get you even better bodies next time!

Leaving some proverbial last words, I rolled off Raptors back and started running.

I didnt look back as I made a break for it. My clone body has no concept of stamina, so I could run at top speed indefinitely. From a pure speed perspective, the clone that only needed mana to move was clearly superior to my real self.

So even a low-energy boy like me could maintain a steady pace.

Were out of here!

This time was critical, and we all knew it. We ran across the large area without a thought to spare.



Behind, I could hear Rem and Raptors war-cries, followed by booms of fire and crackles of lightning. It was the sound of a genuine face off against the guardian beasts.

Their strengths were leagues apart after all. Even the best Rem Id constructed from Tendou-kuns collection paired with Arachne were instantly beaten by just Engard and Ramdane. A simple raptor and a Rem made with raptor parts were even more hopeless.

But maybe that dishonorable defeat became important experience for Rem. Those two were lasting longer than I thought.

Theyd lasted a whole 10 seconds. Which, as it happens, was more than enough time for us to get out.

You did good, Rem!

We were out of the danger zone and back to running through the passage. The goal was in sight.

Awesome, heres the last one Acid Shield!

We practically leaped into the fairy square with Engards roar behind us.

Almost at the end game now.

Once in, Ueda and Nakai split up and quietly hid behind the few remaining fairy walnut trees. Shimokawa and Yamada did the same.

As for me, I alone ran to the center of the square, and boldly stood in front of the fountain.

End of the line

With a cluster of wind blades, the Acid Shield set at the entrance was broken down. As one of Reinas he probably knows that this place is a dead end. SOUMA entered the fairy square with a composed gait.



After him, Engard entered with with a low growl, his fur slightly unclean from continuously bashing into acid, and Ramdane let off sparks as if to intimidate me.

Heeey, relax man. Lets talk about this

Its great that they arent in a hurry to kill me. So I used this chance to strike up a random conversation with SOUMA hoping to drag this out as long as I can.

Momokawa, you are an enemy. We kill enemies.

No Im not. Im Reinas friend you know? If I died, shed be missing a lot of conveniences, right?

Reina wishes for it. So you must die

Dont you see? I was intentionally playing the heavy role of villain, for her. You guardian beasts are strong, Ill give you that. But can YOU cook a variety of delicious food and instantly prepare a hot bath? If Im not there, Reina wont have any of that luxury in this dreary dungeon. Who knows, she might not even be able to survive without those you know? Ah, I got an idea, flash of inspiration really. Youre a fake but youre still Souma-kun right? So maybe shell listen to you if not us? Tell you what, you go back to her right now and tell her to listen to what I say. How about it? If she comes here and give me a genuine Im sorry, I might just start thinking about kind of slightly forgiving her. You get my flow?

Reina only needs me. Anyone who interferes is an enemy. You are an enemy. I will kill you. Here, now.

Hmm. Guess no more talky time.

This guardian beast SOUMA may look and talk like a human, but deep inside, its the same dumb monster as the others. He couldnt even consider what Reina, as a human being, needs in order to survive in the dungeon. He only acted on her wishes with no semblance of a will. He was less her dog and more an unthinking slave.

Our back and forth just now happened probably because, as SOUMA was made to feel human, he was instinctively compelled to hold conversation. He came here under orders from Reina to kill us, and probably didnt possess any thoughts besides that. He was not angry thinking how selfish my speech was, nor could he think I may have a point. He didnt have a heart to consider Reina from; practically, like a robot.

In the end, he was still that cloud creature that Reina forced into servitude with her Spirit Master powers. Its better for me if he isnt too bright.

Alright, have it your way, faker. You, that stupid mutt, and the dumb bird too. Youre in for an ass whooping

I talk smack to get the three guardians ready to focus only on me.

I didnt need to though. Theyre primary target was me to begin with since Reina hates me the most out of all of us. So these beasts that are so in tune with her must hate my guts just as much.


Engard leapt at me before any of the others.

Looking back, he was the first guardian beast I had the misfortune of meeting. When Id killed Higuchi and activated the sacrifice portal, it was this mangy mutt that attacked me as Reina stole my portal. The next time when we encountered Reina in the jungle, the bastard again attacked me and turned superior Rem into ash. Quite honestly, Im itching to tear him a new one.

And I make due on my grudges



Yeah, guess I should mention this. I have no real way of actually beating this thing.

Engard pounced at me like a real lion, not with magic, but with its teeth and claws. I couldnt do anything to stop the huge but agile monstrosity.

I was easier than a baby deer. Easily knocking me down, Engard buried his claws into my body, and bit down on my neck with its large maw lined with razor-sharp teeth.

I would be literally dead, if I wasnt a clone. Theres no pain. Obviously theres no pain.

That in itself is a tremendous plus, but the lack of Pain Return would be a minus. That and Intuition Pharmacy and any other curse that uses my body, I couldnt use with the clone.

But its enough to do the job. Ive completed my role as decoy, so I calmly gave the final go-ahead.

Its all on you now, guys

With that, my windpipe was chewed up and my link disconnected.

The clone now destroyed, 2Shade was over and I immediately woke up in my real body.

Im coming for you, Reina


TL: Scallop

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