Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Chapter 136: Dream Come True

Chapter 136: Dream Come True

Th-this is Im not

We returned to the room with the gas traps, and after attempting to search the left-hand side passage, we soon found Yamada.

No, really Please, keep this a secret, from Reina-chan

Right, no problem. You can rest assured that I wont tell her about you committing illicit acts with elementary school girls

Wed found defendant Yamada surrounded by multiple cloud creatures,


He shouted, clearly deranged, and we quickly subdued him. Upon further investigation, the accused made such claims as, I dont really remember, and even started to repeat nonsensical gibberish such as, Im their onii-chan and theyre all my cute little sisters after all, his pedophilia, lolita complex, was quite chronic it seemed.

That was expected though.

Now we just need to get Yamajun and Ayase-san

Yamada looked dead in the eyes as he listlessly followed us in our search.

So many forks

Looks easy to get lost in

Do we split up?

No, we might get into more traps if we go separately. I know this is slower, but we have to stick together here

We hadnt had any pitfalls yet, but I shouldnt be so sure about finding everyone so easily. Like, what if we find Reina next, but then Yamajun is missing? I wasnt sure I could manage the party without him. As he was a pivotal member of the party as well as a good friend, it was essential we find Yamajun.

Maybe my honest-to-goodness feelings reached him, as we quickly got a lead.

I can hear Yamajun!

Oi, Where?

Wait, shut up a bit This way, lets go!

Uedas acute hearing picked up on Yamajuns voice, and we headed in that direction immediately. Everyone here liked Yamajun, hed been a good friend and all-around nice guy to all of us in class and in the dungeon. We were a lot more serious about finding him than we were for Yamada.

We quickly checked the surroundings before entering the target room, and deeming it safe, we entered promptly. It was the 5th time already, I was used to it.

There we saw, as expected, Yamajun was lying on the floor together with a cloud creature.

M, mmm We, we cant, no No, its just that, Ive always

H-holy fuck, Yamajun still has his clothes on

That guys legit got balls of steel

A dude among dudes

Unlike them whod been yelling and swinging their hips like dogs in heat, Yamajun, though a bit disheveled, was still in his uniform, and it only looked like he was lying in bed with the creature.

I was pretty astonished to say the least. Yamajun was a guy too, he shouldve been the same as us hormonal teenagers, but he was actually resisting the blissful temptation that the cloud creature was showing him. Amazing willpower. Or perhaps, this girl he was seeing was someone he was very hesitant to defile.

Anyway, I was in deep admiration of his psychological duress.

Yamajun, well save you now!

I swiped the evil creature away at once using Blackhair Bind, and the totem-pole trio, along with Yamada, gave it a severe beat down in spiteful anger. It was overkill yes, but this was its just desserts for laying a hand on our Yamajun.

Ok, rescue complete.

Nnh, uuh

Ah! You alright there?

No, sorry, I cant take it anymore, I Love you, I love you so much!

Yamajun suddenly made a heated confession of love, as he embraced me.

Uwaaah!? Hey, you guys, Yamajuns still not out of it! Help!

Oi, get a hold of yourself!

Wake up man!

Thats no dudette, thats Momokawa!

I was THIS close to get my second kiss from a guy before everyone could drag Yamajun off me.

That was close, Id thought that wed get him back since we beat the cloud creature already, but since it was a dream-like hypnosis, there was a chance that hed still be confused right after waking up. I hadnt considered that.

Yamajun, howre you feeling?

Eh, ah Momokawa-kun Whats

Yamajun looked listless as he returned to sanity and for the 5th time, I explained the hypnosis trap.

Ah, oh, thats Im, so sorry Momokawa-kun, I Uuuhh

Eh, no, hey, dont cry. It happened to all of us, dont worry so much

Thats right Yamajun, you did great

Yeah, he was the only one who wasnt already fucking when we found him

Heheh, whos the girl, you can tell us, dude

I, dont think it matters Me, I was even, kuh

We all pitched in, giving him our own words of consolation. It was surprising seeing this guy actually cry, but no matter, he soon straightened himself up.

Sorry, I gave you guys so much trouble. Im fine now

Yamajun put on his usual gentle smile and stood up.

Ok, thats everyone, lets get out of this place

Oi Momokawa

Whatrya doing forgetting Reina-chan?

Dude, youre doing that on purpose, right?

After that masterful trifecta of retorts from the totem-pole trio, I reluctantly got ready to search for Reina too.

Guys wait, if Reina-chans in this trap too

Eh! Oi, oi oi, you dont mean?

Oh ho ho man, can we legit? Its like a live porno, right?

O-OI! You fags better not look! I mean it!?

Boys please, leave the lewd fantasizing to your private time.

Like really, havent you guys had enough sex time already? Give me some of that goodness too, I want the big titty harem experience!

Well, if Reina is naked when we find her, its best if you put your jersey on her or something, Yamajun

Eh, why me?

Youre the best choice we have

If our only girl in the party, Reina, had fallen under the same mind control, shed definitely be with someone she liked. That someone definitely being Souma-kun.

Sure she looked like an elementary schooler, but she was a proper girl of age, well, she was our age. If Souma-kun were to strongly reciprocate her feelings, well, theyd do it. There was a big chance wed find quite the sight once we get to her.

I personally would like to use my phone, it was turned off and was probably low on batteries, to take a video and use it as blackmail material for later, but I dont think thats a good idea.

Oi, cmon, Momokawa, cant we look a little bit though?

Like, as a side benefit to finding her? Accidentally, yknow?

Like, dude cant be helped if he makes a mistake?

Imma kill you fags!

No, I get what you mean guys. As for Yamada whose pants were reacting even as he tried to denied their desires, I dont even want to know.

Yeah no, I think its better for all of us if we dont see her sex scene

Why the fuck not?

Have a heart man

Seriously dude

Whats wrong with you! Itll be by accident, it cant be helped!

Oi Yamada, you cut the crap. I wouldnt care if you were alone and tried to assault Reina after seeing her in her birthday suit, but WE will have to stop you, wont we? Stop being a pain.

Listen, if Reina gets shocked after finding out that we saw her naked, were all gonna get barb-a-cued by Engard

Everyone went silent. Of course they did. They wouldnt risk seeing a naked girl if it meant turning into roast chicken.

So we need to take the utmost precaution when were going in to rescue her. Agreed?

They all agreed, and we set out on finding her whereabouts.

After a while, we realized that we couldnt find her no matter how long we searched the area connected to the left hand path.

So shed most likely gone through the center, I guess?

By the time I noticed the problem and ran back, Reina was likely already walking along the central path. We might have even passed by each other unnoticed.

I was honestly hoping she stayed missing like this, but the others looked like they were genuinely worried. But wed searched all we could in this area, and found nothing. We had to look for another way.

Damn, Dammit cant find her Reina-chan, where are you?

Yamada whined in a hopeless tone. Wed been at it for a while now, no leads.

Shit man, I cant hear anything

Cant she be out of your range?

Wait, what if she got teleported Itll be impossible dudes

Shimokawa had a point, there was a non-zero chance that Reina got herself wrapped up in a teleport. This dungeon did in fact have transfer points other than inside boss rooms. For example, the sacrifice portal device that Higuchi tried to use, there had to be more like that. I bet there were teleport traps lying around somewhere or other.

Look there, I think thats a fairy square. We should rest up for a bit

After walking a while through the front facing path, we could see a door to a fairy square.

Wed been walking for ages, and our mental fatigue had surely built up from how we hadnt made any progress towards Reina. Everyone readily agreed to resting.

We walked tiredly, as if the fatigue had caught up to us, and stepped inside the square.

Mm, Yuu-kun, I love you too

Reina, was there.

We couldnt see the fountain from outside the entrance, and they were right beside it. A cloud creature was there, holding Reina in a tight embrace as if she was being buried in its fluffy body.

Her uniform was on. Her clothes werent even disheveled. She was smiling innocently like a child being hugged by her mother.


Yamada and the trio shouted almost simultaneously.

She was under its spell. Even without me asking, they would quickly run to their precious princess, and unleash their rageful blade into the insipid cloud creature or not.

Ah, you boys Why, are you here?

Reina, noticed us.

Obviously she would since these guys had shouted out her name so loud. But that wasnt normal.

Reina was currently under the cloud creatures hypnosis, having a sweet reunion with her beloved Souma-kun, so there was no way our words would reach her ears.

Something was wrong.

But I seemed to be the only one noticing the discrepancy, the guys who leaped into action in order to save her just answered normally.

Reina-chan, were here to save you!

Well fuck up that cloud mofo!

That dudes not the real Souma Yuuto!

Yelled the totem-pole trio, followed by Yamada who screamed,


Countering that, Reina replied,

No, no NOO!!

Utter rejection. As if, we were terrible monsters who came to ruin her happiness. She screamed in tears as she buried her face into the cloud creatures chest.

No, dont, I dont wanna! Get away, Im with my Yuu-kun!

Wh-what are you saying, Reina-chan!?

Thats a fake over there!

Dudes, she might be in hypnosis again

Got it, Ill just fucking kill him

I wonder, was she really? Couldnt she be doing this fully aware?

I cant imagine Reina of all people being thankful to us if we separated her from that thing.

Im sure she thought of us as a bunch of loud and obnoxious boys prancing around her for no reason. She literally had no idea how much we were helping her, being careful not to offend her, and basically protecting her.

Im with Yuu-kun now! Isnt that fine? Why why do you keep getting in my way!

The moment I heard that, I felt like Id finally understood this girl called Reina A. Ayase.

Reina didnt mean any harm. She wasnt the type of scum that trampled on other peoples kindness.

She was simply, too pure, her heart, too child-like.

Like how a child wouldnt understand the troubles of their parents. Children in general, basically just didnt understand an adult mindset. Kids had their own sense of value, of good and bad.

In that sense, seeing as how she hadnt a need once she was with her Souma-kun, it was kind of sad that theyd gotten separated for so long. Basically, if crying and screaming got her to keep being with Souma-kun, that was good enough for her.

But no matter how big or small her feelings on the matter were, this cruel isekai dungeon wouldnt just let that happen. In reality, her and Souma-kun had been placed separately from the start. That was reality and no matter how she begged or cried, that reality wouldnt change.

No, I wont leave Yuu-kun ever! I hate you, I hate everyone who wants to take Yuu-kun away from me! Save me, Yuu-kun! Please protect me, dont go away!

No really, I told you, your feelings wont reach that thing, shouting wont make it real. Souma-kun isnt here.

Sure Reina, Ill protect you

But then I heard it, Souma-kuns voice.

Impossible, dont tell me he actually transferred over, at this perfect timing no less No, theres always a huge flash of light when that happens in a fairy square.

Nothing like that happened. No one had come. But then,


Ill, never go away, Reina I promise

Mm, promise, Yuu-kun!

Thank you, Reina that binds us in promise (contract)

It was the cloud creature, it spoke.

The thing slowly stood up, Reina still in its embrace. It was like its fluffy body was a costume of some sort, and the real Souma-kun was inside with how fluently it spoke with the same voice as the guy.

Wh-what the hell, are you

Towards my strained question, it continued boldly,

I am Souma Yuuto Protector of Reina, Guardian Beast SOUMA YUUTO

Instanly, the white cloud body burst.

And from inside, it, he appeared, looking like an exact mirror image of Souma Yuuto.


TN: Scallop

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