
Chapter 74.3: Married life (3)

Chapter 74.3: Married life (3)

Fu Yanzhi kissed her fingers, and whispered, Ill leave it to you.

Ji Qingying rolled over, she opened her eyes and thought seriously for a moment. Forget it, lets just call him Baobao, and when hes a bit older, we can just call his name directly.

Fu Yanzhi,

He couldn't help but nodded, Alright then.

The couple embraced while whispering.

Ji Qingying hugged him and rubbed against him, smelling his body and sighed, Time flies so fast.

Fu Yanzhi patted her on the back, Why are you feeling emotional all of a sudden?

I dont know. Ji Qingying was also confused. I just suddenly feel emotional.

Fu Yanzhi smiled, Did you encounter any problems at work today?


Ji Qingying paused, and said in a low voice, She called me and said that she would come back in a few days and wanted to see Baobao.

Fu Yanzhi was startled, knowing what made her emotional.

He responded, Did you agree?

She didn't come to see me, she came to see Baobao. How could I disagree?

Fu Yanzhi laughed, and rubbed the tip of her nose affectionately, Since she will be here to see Baobao, I'll take you out on a date.

He said with a smile, Its been a while since we had a date.

Ji Qingying looked him in the eye and couldn't help laughing, So you want to throw Baobao away like he is a hot potato?

Fu Yanzhi pondered for a few seconds, then replied seriously, Baobao is definitely affecting our husband and wife relationship.

Ji Qingying blushed, she buried her head in his neck and muttered, "It must be affecting your time to do bad things.

It's not once or twice that Baobao interrupted their bonding time between the two of them. Every time Fu Yanzhi was so angry, Ji Qingying was in a good mood and thought it was funny.

Every time hearing him say that this child might be a debt he owed, she thought it was funny.

Baobao loved to cry when he was little, he would cry when he didn't see Ji Qingying or Fu Yanzhi for a while, and the housekeeper couldn't coax him, so she had to come over and ask for their help.

And because of this, the two have not had a husband and wife life for a long time.

Fu Yanzhi has always remembered this matter, but it's been better recently, Baobao has grown up a bit, and he doesn't make any fuss anymore. He just needed to be coaxed occasionally, and it only took a short time.

When Baobao was one year old, he finally knew how to call Daddy and Mommy.

The first word was Daddy, and Ji Qingying was jealous for several days because of this. Only after Baobao lay in her arms and called Mommy every day, her jealousy disappeared.

Because of a child, the couple also become like children.

Their mental age seems to have returned to when they were only a few years old, and could occasionally get jealous and haggle over little things.

But it's not really that kind of dispute. It's just children's jealous bickering.

Today, Ji Qingying and Fu Yanzhi took Baobao to play with his sister.

Shes Yan Qiuzhi's daughter, Chen Xingluo. She likes Baobao very much. Whenever she sees him, she shouts, Brother, brother.

Chen Lunan looked at Fu Yanzhi and said Tsk, stop bringing your son to my house from now on.

Fu Yanzhi raised his eyebrows, Why?

Chen Lunan snorted coldly, You know it yourself.

Yan Qiuzhi, who was on the side, was listening to the conversation between the two, and rolled her eyes, Chen Lunan, enough. Your daughter cant even like a little brother?

She turned her head and complained to Ji Qingying, I dont know whats going on in his head, he spoils his daughter a bit overboard, and wont allow her to interact with boys.

She sighed, Chen Lunan, do you know that if you are like this, Xingluo wont find a boyfriend in the future, but instead a girlfriend. Will you be happy then?

All three were shocked.

Ji Qingying couldn't hold back, and burst into laughter, What are you talking about?

Yan Qiuzhi looked calm, Isnt this normal? You see, Chen Lunan wont let Xingluo interact with boys, so she will definitely interact with girls more in the future.

Ji Qingying burst into laughter and some tears even came down, Then what if she really finds a girlfriend?

Hearing this, Yan Qiuzhi thought about it seriously, Then what can I do, if she likes her, I have no objection.

Chen Lunan nodded, My daughter can like everyone.

They are capable of protecting her.

Both husband and wife are open-minded and have a good mentality. Maybe it's also because they've watched too much, so they arent surprised by these things at all, thats why theyre very calm.

Ji Qingying laughed, Thats true.

She said, I have the same thought. After having a child, I feel that as long as the child is happy, everything else isnt important anymore.

Health, peace and happiness are the most important in life. Other things are too uncertain, unimportant, and theres no need to consider it now.

Ji Qingying looked at the two people who were playing not far away, and said gently, Xingxing is quite good at taking care of Baobao.

Yan Qiuzhi bent her lips and said gently, She likes your son.

Ji Qingying raised her eyebrows.

Why do you say so?

Chen Lunan explained, She doesn't pay attention to people she doesn't like, and I don't know her temper comes after who.

Yan Qiuzhi smiled and said, A few days ago, we took her to play in the park, and there was a boy who was about the same age who wanted to play with her.

And then?

Yan Qiuzhi couldnt laugh or cry and continued to speak, Then she didn't play with him. The boy was persistent, he followed wherever she went. No matter what she played, he always followed, but Xingxing just ignored him.

Fu Yanzhi was curious, Why did she ignore him?

Yan Qiuzhi coughed, We asked her.

What did Xingxing say?

She said that boy was not good-looking, so she didn't like him.

Ji Qingying,

Fu Yanzhi,

The two looked at each other, and Ji Qingying said while laughing, Then its good that Baobao is good-looking?

Yan Qiuzhi laughed, Not that shes completely all about looks, she just has her own feeling. She will ignore the kids she doesnt like.

She was a little melancholy, It feels very rude.

Chen Lunan looked at her, What does it matter? She is polite to her elders, and Xingxing understands this, so don't worry about it.

Yan Qiuzhi, Im just afraid that when she goes to kindergarten, what will others say?

Xingxing is one year older than Baobao, and will start attending nursery next year.

Yan Qiuzhi has always been worried about this matter.

With Xingxing's personality, she doesn't know if she can make good friends at school or not.

Ji Qingying laughed and comforted her, Not necessarily, maybe Xingxing is different at school and at home.

Yan Qiuzhi was helpless, I hope so.

On the other hand.

Xingxing is smart and can understand basic words.

She is more than two years old, not a little baby who knows nothing.

She played building blocks with Baobao very seriously.

Brother, here, you have to put it here.

Baobao looked at her with wide eyes, Sis, Sis.

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