
Chapter 73.5: New Life (5)

Chapter 73.5: New Life (5)

Ji Qingying's voice was pleasant to hear, but it became much gentler after pregnancy.

Her voice was gentle, like a spring breeze blowing by his ears. As she was reading a storybook, her mood didn't fluctuate much.

Fu Yanzhi listened and fell into a deep sleep.

Ji Qingying stopped reading only after realizing that the person next to her was making no more noise.

She tilted her head and stared at the man beside her for a while, and the corners of her lips curled up.

Just watching him sleep like this made her feel very happy.

In the blink of an eye, spring passed and autumn came.

Early winter arrived as promised.

At the beginning of November, the little devil of the Fu family was born.

As Ji Qingying wished, the baby is a boy. It's just she still cant really tell his look yet, he has wrinkles and red. He looks a bit ugly.

Ji Qingying cares about looks, although her son lacks in this aspect, but theres still a little bit of it.

In the first few days, she didnt look at him much.

Later after that, he became more and more good looking, and she began to love him.

Regarding this, Fu Yanzhi didn't know whether his son would be sad when he knew about it when he grew up. His own mother turned out to be such a face-caring person.

But these are not that important.

The focus of Ji Qingying's work was diverted from the cheongsam, it was all on her son now.

Fu Yanzhi occasionally gets jealous, but looking at the child who looks a bit like Ji Qingying, he can't really get angry.

That is the child of him and Ji Qingying.

Ji Qingying found that Fu Yanzhi became more calm after becoming a father.

Although he also had a mature and stable personality before, there was a little difference after all. After having a child, the whole person became very different.

Every day when he came home from work, besides kissing and hugging Ji Qingying, he also had one more thing to do, to see his child.

The baby is still young, but he could recognize people already.

He was lying there, he opened his big eyes and looked at Fu Yanzhi when he heard the voice, and even waved his chubby hands that he couldn't lift, his eyes were shining.

Looking at it, Ji Qingying often feels that blood bonds are a wonderful thing.

He obviously couldn't speak, and didn't have much memory yet, but this baby could know that they are his parents.

He also grins at them, looking soft and cute.

Every time he smiles, Ji Qingying's heart melts.

It seems that all the pain she endured during her pregnancy was worth it.

With such a baby, her life with Fu Yanzhi has become richer and more interesting.

In their ordinary and warm life, there was a little more chaos and more things to do.

Both of them are new parents, even with a nanny taking care of them, and with advice from Ye Qing and others, theres still small mistakes that will always occur.

Like primary school students, the two of them started to learn hand in hand, and earnestly starting from scratch.

While spending time with the child, Ji Qingying also gradually discovered that she wasnt as patient as Fu Yanzhi.

If the child cries for a long time, she will sulk.

However, Fu Yanzhi could always calm her mood immediately and then went to coax the baby.

Ji Qingying raised her eyes occasionally, the picture caught in her eyes is him holding and coaxing the baby, his expression and eyes were gentle, and all the soft light shone on the two of them.

Sensing her gaze, Fu Yanzhi would look up at her and walk towards her.

Dont want to look at the baby?

Ji Qingying curled her lips, Why was there no effect when I tried to coax him before?

Fu Yanzhi smiled gently, Then you can try to give him a hug now, he likes you the most.

Ji Qingying looked at him with jealousy, Thats not true.

She poked the baby's hand through the clothes, and muttered softly, I think he likes you more, every time you coax him, he stops crying.

Fu Yanzhi laughed, he lowered his head and kissed her, Youre even jealous with a child now?

Ji Qingying snorted, That's not true, I just think he is a little heartless baby.

Fu Yanzhi laughed, but he didnt say much.

He teased the baby, pointed and said, Look, this is Mommy.

Baby Fu opened his eyes and smiled at Ji Qingying.

With that smile, Ji Qingying's heart instantly melted.

She sighed helplessly, Forget it. You know how to smile at me and make me happy every time.

Fu Yanzhi laughed.

Ji Qingying couldn't help but stretch out her hands, Ill hold him again.

She reached out to take him, and when they were switching, the baby suddenly opened his hand to her.

Ji Qingying raised her eyebrows, she was very surprised.

She bent down, What's the matter? Do you want to talk to Mommy?

As soon as she got closer, baby Fu suddenly raised his head and kissed her unexpectedly.

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