I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?

Chapter 164 Death Roll

<Silver POV>

Silver was standing right in front of a female crocodile that resembled a human more than the other commanders.

The main features Raphael had were dark blue scales along her body and the teeth of a crocodile. Her gauntlets, embedded with the same scale as well, had extremely sharp claws. Silver could only guess they were meant for grappling and restraining her opponents.

She also had dark blue hair that went down to her waist and eyes sharing the same colour.

Feeling extremely nervous, as this was his first proper fight against someone stronger, he wasn't sure if he could pull it off.

'Mother trusted me with this fight, I can't let her down.' Silver motivated himself as he knew Shaman wouldn't assign him a task he had no chance to succeed.

"Ha! Seriously? A child? You can't be serious." Raphael was laughing as she couldn't believe that a child was amongst the murderers.

'Looks like I am getting underestimated, I should use that to my advantage.' Silver had the luxury of looking weak because of his age and size, so he was going to take full advantage of Raphael's rather naive mindset.

Pulling out his scythe, he spun it around while also coating it in shadows.

"Oh my they gave you a toy~. I'm so scared." Raphael smiled, showing her teeth and raising her arms into the air. Silver sighed as it wasn't the best feeling being treated like a toddler. Although he had barely lived for 1 year, he was still mentally an early teen.

Stopping the scythe from spinning, SIlver prepared to go on the defensive as he wanted to see what Raphael could do.

"Now let's play!" Shooting forward Raphael appeared right in front of Silver and stabbed at him with her claws.

Silver was surprised by how fast Raphael was, but he was still able to react to the attack. Using [shadow cloak] Silver had partly vanished from her vision, making it harder to discern where his exact position was.

Still striking forward, Raphael hit nothing but air and came to a stop, looking around for anything odd. Thanks to the gate casting a shadow, it had made it easier for Silver to hide and prepare a chance to counter-attack.

From the shadows of the gate, SIlver swung upwards sending a shadow spike at Raphael. Infusing her gauntlets with mana she was able to grab the shadow spike and break it apart.

"Oho you can use magic, now that's a surprise, but it's too weak!" Knowing the general area of where Silver was, she hit the ground with her gauntlets and a small earthquake quickly followed. Shortly after, walls of stone came out of the ground, trapping Wolfy and Raphael in a circular dome and even building a roof, blocking all escape paths. Then to the surprise of Silver, she had started filling the room with water.

'2 Elements!' Silver was surprised to see Raphael being able to use 2 elements as it was a rather hard process without a system.

'Wait, it might be her gauntlets, but can weapons even have skills on them?' Silver's knowledge was limited, but he would assume the worst case scenario just to be safe.

The water had not filled the entire room yet, but Silver did not take any chances and, thanks to them being stuck in an enclosed space, he easily used [shadow walk] to hide on the roof. Raphael was still in the water, swimming around at great speeds looking for Silver.

"Tch where are you? Stop hiding you coward!" Raphael peeked out of the water to shout her taunts, but Silver stayed on the roof, hiding in the shadows.

'I could stay here and not move.' Silver considered not showing himself as Raphael might dispel the room if she thought he escaped.

However, Raphael was able to tell Silver was still in the dome due to a slight presence she could feel in her small domain.

<10 minutes later>

SIlver had stayed on the roof unmoving, watching Raphael swim around and was rather bored.

'I think I will fight.' Silver had enough waiting around. It was their goal to kill the commanders after all, so there was no point in waiting around.

Since the dome was already draped in darkness, Silver only needed to merge his shadow with it to start covering the ceiling with his shadow swords. Once it was completely covered, the rain of shadowy swords descended on the pool.

Raphael was not expecting this attack, let alone that it would come from the roof.

"So that's where you are." Raphael glared at the ceiling while blocking the swords with her gauntlets. Once the swords stopped falling, Raphael dived as deep as she could and then swam back up, launching herself to the roof.

With a single punch, she destroyed the earth dome, letting light come inside it as she fell back into the pool. Silver had dodged the attack with ease and proceeded to leave the now opened up dome. Coming out of [shadow walk], he was about to leave through the hole when he suddenly felt something bite him in the leg.

Raphael had jumped up again, using the hole as bait, and managed to catch Silver.

Using her claws to dig into Silver's leg, she forced him to let go of the edge and be dragged into the pool.

Still biting down on his calf, Raphael dragged Silver into the water and started to spin, trying to rip off his leg. SIlver didn't even bother trying to resist being spun by Raphael, as he was in agonising pain, his blood spilling into the pool.

"AHHH!" Silver screamed in pain while fighting to keep his head above water.

Desperately trying to think of a way to get out of her maw, Silver realised his shadow was in her mouth.

Conjuring up a shadow scythe inside her mouth, he launched it up into her head, killing Raphael instantly. Finally, the rolling came to an end, but Silver's leg was still trapped by Raphael's teeth. Still, at least the dome she had created fell apart, releasing the water within.

Silver was moved by the water towards the gate with a dead half crocodile still attached to him. Laying on the ground to catch his breath, Silver lay still, not moving a muscle, as even the smallest of movements resulted in pain from the teeth biting his leg.

SIlver had successfully killed Rahphael rather, and rather easily at that, but he had still sustained a lot of injuries in one of his legs. Elysia who sat at the gate saw Silver's condition and quickly ran over in a panic.

"Silver! Are you okay?!" Elysia had slid to his side, not caring for her injuries as the sight of Silver gave her the adrenaline to push through it.

"Haha, I'm okay, but it definitely hurts a lot." Silver claimed he was ok, but with the occasional groans of pain he was releasing, Elysia was hardly convinced.

"Look at you, clearly you are not okay." In a panic Elysia pulled out general first aid supplies and started to patch up the cuts that were on his leg.

SIlver shook slightly as it hurt everytime Elysia touched his leg, but it needed to be done as he was still bleeding.

Once Elysia got to Raphael's maw that was still biting down on his leg, she could not hold back the urge to pull out Raphael's teeth and crush her head.

"Stupid crocodile bitch hurting my son!" Elysia threw away the body and started to patch up Silver's leg until she finally managed to stop the bleeding.

"Phew. You should be all good now." Elysia took a deep breath, calming herself down now that Silver was okay.

"I should have come and helped, I'm sorry Silver." Elysia felt guilty for not jumping in to help Silver earlier, but her injuries prevented her. Even now it was a struggle to get over to Silver.

"Don't be sorry mother Elysia, I still won the fight! Besides, I knew what I was getting myself into by fighting alongside you." Silver understood that he would get hurt and injured, so he didn't want Elysia to feel bad.

"Doesn't change the fact you are my son and I still want to protect you." Elysia pouted as Silver made a valid point that was hard to argue against, but she still didn't want Silver getting hurt.

"Haha it makes me happy to hear that." Silver smiled brightly and Elysia couldn't help herself, but pull Silver into a hug.

Getting smothered by Elysia's chest, Silver was unable to breathe.

"Ow! mother I can't breathe!" In a strained and muffled voice Silver tried to get Elysia to let go.

"Oop, sorry hehe~" Elysia lightened her grip as Silver pulled free. His face was completely red as he averted his gaze away from her.

"Now let's get you back over by the gate." Elysia wanted Silver to be a safe distance away as Shaman's fight was still going on.

When Elysia tried to move, she found herself unable to, as now that she had calmed down and her adrenaline subsided, the pain in her stomach came back.

"Ah fuck it hurts. CLARA can you carry Silver?" Elysia was down on her knees. Having no one else to call on, she asked Clara to come get Silver as she was the least injured thanks to her being able to heal.

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