Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 87: VS Immortal Twin Ogre! #3

Chapter 87: VS Immortal Twin Ogre! #3

[Inferno Strike!!]




The Dark Ogre screaming in rage as his dark skin became darker after the sudden heat explosion that hit, from right below him!

After I was mesmerized with the Tundra Spell, I continued battling with the Twin Immortal Ogres once again. Even though I successfully burn the Light Ogre mana in chunks, but the Dark Ogre could replenish it at a faster speed! With the Soul Link skill, they could assist each other MP and HP regeneration by using each of their special regenerative skill.

By the time my Tundra spell finished cooling down, the Light Ogre had his mana replenished once again...

'This fucking immortal shitty Ogre!! Seriously, who designs their fucking bullshit skill?!!! what a bastard!!!'

I lamented at the fucking bullshit skill that the Ogres had inside my heart and continued engaging in battle with them!

During the battle, I already forged the combination spell that I could make with the formula of Element combination from the [Trinity Orbs]!

I realized my speculation was quite wrong, even though most of the spells almost the same as the hero I played in the MOBA game before, but some of the remaining combination spells were quite different.

If I described it easier it would be like this :

G : Ice | T : Thunder | I : Fire

[GGG] : Cold Wave [Casting triple repeated Cold wave to the target that deal 200% of the MAtk! every time the target is hit by the wave, the target will be stunned for 0.1s. Cooldown : 3 minutes]

[TTT] : Tundra [Summon Stormfield that will grow bigger around 100m areas in front of the caster. the Stormfield will expand for 2 seconds before it explodes! once it explodes the target inside the explosion will get its MP burned by 30% as well as bear 250% MAtk damage from the caster. The burning mana will gradually recover the caster's own MP. Cooldown : 3 minutes]

[III] : Inferno Strike [Summon an inferno from the ground that will deal 500% of MAtk in any area your vision can see! Cooldown : 3 minutes]

[GTT] : Storm Typhoon [Summon a Typhoon that will be moving forward for 200m in front of the caster. The Typhoon will deal multiple slicing damage of 100% of MAtk for 10 seconds to every unit being hit by it. Cooldown : 3 minutes]

[GGT] : Mist Walker [Transform your body to blend with cold mist that covers 100m area around you. the cold mist will be moving altogether with you as your body became invisible! every unit enveloped by the caster cold mist will get 30% movement speed and attack speed debuff. Cooldown : 3 minutes]

[TTI] : Storm Bringer [The caster body will be enhanced by thunder Energy! every attack and skill will deal 200% MAtk damage + 200% MAtk Lightning Damage. Enhanced movement speed by 100% and attack speed by 300%. This enhancement will last for 10 minutes after the spell being cast. Cooldown : 15 minutes]

[TII] : Meteor Shower [Summon multiple meteor shower that will hit 100m specific areas in front of the caster vision. Each meteor will deal 300% MAtk damage! Cooldown : 3 minutes]

[IIG] : Inferno Field [Summon a 100m Inferno Field around the caster that deal 10% MAtk fire Damage Per Second. Every enemy unit inside the field will get the HP/MP regen debuff by 20%! The Inferno Field will last for 5 minutes. Cooldown : 15 minutes]

[IGG] : Nilfheim [Summon a 100m Freezing Field around the caster. Every enemy unit inside the field will get the movement speed and attack speed debuff by 80%! The Freezing Field will last for 5 minutes. Cooldown : 15 minutes]

[GTI] : Explosion [Deal 1500% of MAtk damage in 100m areas in front of the caster vision! *Warning : this spell will damage your allies and enemies within a 100m area, so please be careful when you using this spell* Consume 10% of the maximum mana! Cooldown : 30 minutes]

'Crazy! just by gaining a title, I can get 10 magic spells!! with this, I can focus to learn to master these spells and ignore the usual magic spell. I will use this spell as my expertise and use the other magic spell as an assistant! And by its description, some of these spells can assist my melee combat style a lot!'

With this thought in my mind, I became more excited to try the combination spell from the [Trinity Orbs] that still rotating in a circle behind me! 

These three orbs always follow me whenever I move and somehow made my appearance more mysterious and badass!

With a rapier in my hand, somehow I look like O**bi**to in sage mode! moreover, with a hundred Sword Qi which was already imbued by a different element, my appearance looked more like a magician than a warrior or swordsman!

After savoring the excitement inside my heart, I began the onslaught with the Twin Immortal Ogres once again altogether with Sable!



Swaassh! swasssh! swassh!!!


I swung my sword vigorously and continued besieging the Ogres with the multiple Elemental Bolts[Sword Qi]! 

The ground under the Immortal Ogre bastards already destroyed beyond belief as it cracking around here and there! The ground started smoking and freezing from the burning heat and cold energies from my missed Elemental Bolt bombardment!

When I and the Ogres busily fighting, all of a sudden, my rapier trembled vigorously




With the sudden cracking sound from its blade, the Bloody Talon rapier in my hand started snapping and broken into pieces!

Looking at the sudden broken rapier in my hand, I became speechless and looking at the Bloody Talon rapier blade's fragment in the ground.

'Sigh... whatever, it's not that this Item is useful to me right now, to begin with. I already had a hunch that my increased strength will increase the burden in this rare rating rapier, and destroyed it sooner or later.

Anyway, I still can control my Sword Qi even without the Sword and bombards these two bastard with my spell'

Without further ado, I concentrated on controlling the [Trinity Orbs] that still rotating in a circle behind me to cast a spell!

[Storm Bringer!!!]

The orbs behind me started rotating madly as two thunder energy orbs and one fire energy orb resonating vigorously! the combined magic power between them was absorbed by my body madly as I could feel my strength being enhanced in real-time!

My eyes started shining in white and my hair raising upward! The crackling lightning raging around my skin rampantly as its energy started to enhance and intrigued my muscle to work harder! 

I aware that my appearance right now somehow resembled like a S***upe*r S***iyan!

[Element Control!!]

After getting the effect of Storm Bringer, I Elementalize my body into a lightning element to enhance my speed further! 

With my attack speed and movement speed, being enhanced, I started levitating and roaming around in the battlefield like a flash! 

Since with this speed alone, I could easily dodge the slow ogre, to reduce the stamina and MP consumption, I decided to lessen the use of Space&Time Magic as my speed alone already overkill the two Ogres!

I flashing around like a light altogether with shooting my magic power bullet like a machine gun from my hand. Since my magic bullets already transformed into lightning bolts after being affected by the Storm Bringer spell, the projectile speed of it became faster as its appearance became more deadly!

I continued bombarding the two ogres in madness and destroyed the surrounding area in a mess as it dyed with crackling lightning residue!




Not only that, with Sable flying around and throwing his Blood Magic spell to them, the battlefield had begun to become more chaotic as the spell explosions and elemental bolts wreaking havoc in every corner of the battlefield!

[Trinity Orbs] element reshuffling!

[Meteor Shower!]


With my shout, A sudden small meteor shower hitting the ground and made the earth, shaking, and trembling in madness! 

The earthquake-like disaster continued and making the nearby ground to crack and riddled with holes like swiss cheese!

But! it's not the end of it, since I had more spells under my belt!

[Trinity Orbs] element reshuffling!


[Trinity Orbs] element reshuffling!

[Cold Wave!!!]

[Trinity Orbs] element reshuffling!


A Frozen Field suddenly appeared in the span of a second before enveloping the two Ogres in ice and made their movement became rigid like a robot! 

At the same time, three multiple Icy blue like waves hitting their body and making them twitched in convulsions like an idiot! 

These were not the end, a pinkish Thunderstorm suddenly expanded from between them and enveloped their surrounding in fast speed before it exploded violently! 

The frozen ground under them started cracking in madness and continuously trembled!!


crackling* crackling*

With the pinkish Thunderstorm exploding and crackling around the area, a fragment of ice started flying everywhere, making the should be gruesome scenes became beautifully enchanting with crystal-like fragment floating around!

[This is not the end!!]

[Trinity Orbs] element reshuffling!

[Storm Typhoon!!]

A strong wind with a hint of thunder wreaking havoc in a straight line in front of me! 

A scene where a tornado wrecking the two Ogres' bodies by slashing them with numerous wind blades could be seen in front of my eyes!

Their burned and charred body which trying to regenerate became more bloodied as multiple sharp winds slashing all over their body deeply!


The Twin Immortal Ogre screaming in pain and howl in a crazed manner! 

Their eyes become more berserk as they started to move their bloodied body to retaliate! but, I didn't care what these two trying to do. Instead of looking at them, I gazed at the sky above me and started smirking and smiling from ear to ear with a hint of maliciousness

[Your Impending doom has come...]




----3rd Person POV---



Meanwhile, far from Alex, In front of the town gate, A group of people silently looking at the disastrous disaster-like scene far from them. 

A tornado that made the sky twisted and bend! Even its strong wind could be felt in their location where it should be already far enough from the source!

An Earthquake that made the ground crack and continuously trembled!

The force behind it could be felt in their direction too, even though it's just a low tremor, but this low tremor was enough to make these group of people frightened and wonder,

'is the God who the one fighting with the hideous Twin Immortal Ogres right now?'

These two disastrous scenes were not the end of it, from time to time the people could see A Thunderstorm wrecking havoc in the Alex battlefield! 

The sound of thunder reverberated in the sky majestically and made the people here trembled in awe and fear!

'What a godly power!!', is what inside the people's head right now.

The group of people in front of the gate didn't only consist of the guards, adventurers, and well-known personages who make their name sounded loudly on the battlefield, like Harminton, Chali, Silvi, Kael, Galiust Sword, and the twin.

It's didn't know when, among them, A townfolks of Arkhaim town could be seen standing in excitement and anticipation!

It seemed after hearing the rumor that the battle almost reaching the end and the guardian of the town successfully defended the town from the monster horde, the townsfolk decided to exit from their respective shelter and intended to help the people who fight in the defensive battle with the aftermath of the battle.

But, Upon arriving here, they heard that the famous, the one and only, Cringe King Alex that now has its title changed into Immortal dragon, still fighting with the leader of this monster horde, the Immortal Twin Ogres!

One of a little girl among the townfolks who was in her mother's embrace suddenly looking at the sky!

Little Girl : mama!! lwook, lwook! the sky became dark!

Little Girl mom : Huh? ooh, the night has already come, hmmm I wonder how sir Alex can fight with the two monsters these long? as expected of Immortal Dragon sir!

Little Girl : Immowrtal dagon!!! mama! is sill Alex iws a hero from the stowriy?

Little Girl mom : Well, maybe he is different from the hero in the book, but, indeed, he is the hero of this town! If there is no sir Immortal Dragon Alex, our town sure will be destroyed by the Ogres!

Litlle Girl : woowww!!!! mama! I want to marriy sill Immowrtal dagon when goww upp!!!

Little Girl mom : huhuhu~ then you have to eat your vegetable to grow up and became a beautiful lady, okay?~

Hearing the word vegetables, the little Girl suddenly pouted and hide her head inside her mom's bosom in dissatisfaction.

While the two continued their heartwarming mother and child interaction, all of a sudden, a masculine majestic voice resounded in the sky solemnly!



At the same time with the sound of the immense explosion reverberated in their place, the earth under them started to shaking vigorously as the gigantic colorful explosion could be seen on the Alex Battlefield direction!

A monstrous eruption like smoke could be seen in the source of explosions as it still rising in the sky majestically!

Looking at the scale of the explosion, the people in front of the town gate started screaming in panic, they couldn't help themself to become nervous and afraid!

But after the shaking stopped before its shaking in a few seconds, the people began to breathe a heavy breath and sigh in relief...

Some of the parents started calming their crying children and reassured them,

'Isn't this too much?!!!'

Is what the thought inside all people head right now...

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