Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 798 The Aftermath of the Fierce Battle and the Consequences of Treachery

Chapter 798 The Aftermath of the Fierce Battle and the Consequences of Treachery

In the aftermath of the fierce battle, the battlefield was littered with lifeless bodies, and the deafening sounds of combat had finally ceased. Reign and his team stood victorious, their strength and unity prevailing against the odds.

Mia and Laura continued their solemn work, carefully thawing the ice that had entrapped the Ice Angels. They knew that not all of them would be saved. It was a somber task, but it was their way of showing respect to the fallen.

As the last of the enemy forces fell and the dust began to settle Shadow and Reign approached the leader of the Blood Angels' lifeless body, only to find that it had changed. The once-familiar face now bore the visage of a different person.

The revelation left them perplexed. It was as if the enemy leader had been wearing a mask or disguise all along, concealing his true identity. The mystery deepened as they examined the body.

"Who are you?" Reign muttered, his voice tinged with suspicion.

Shadow examined the body more closely, looking for any clues or hints that could lead to the true identity of the deceased enemy leader. His keen eyes darted over the figure, searching for anything out of the ordinary.

"It seems he had another person nearby, he waited right before I stabbed through the skull to change to him, he's a slippery bastard," Shadow said as he frowned slightly.

"That kind of ability really is powerful when it comes to survivability, don't worry too much, we'll get him next time if there ever is a next time." Reign said with a sigh before walking away.

He made his way to Mia and Laura who were finishing up. Out of the 14 ice angels, 6 had succumbed to their wounds and died. Marcus and Jane, the two most powerful amongst the group that was frozen, managed to survive, however.

Liona was still alive as well.

Her eyes betrayed her thoughts as they were wide open in shock as she stared at the carnage around her, as well as the ice angels that managed to survive.

Her goal had been, in her opinion, a fairly simple one.

Betray the angels and have the 7 groups take them captive, each group getting 2 of them. What they were going to do with their captives, Liona didn't care, even though she had a good guess about what they would do.

She wanted them to capture them and humiliate them.

She wanted to see them break down, be used, and violated while unable to even take their own life. 

And that almost happened, Mia had lost strength and was about to be captured, but then Reign and the others arrived, and with them, the entire situation changed. 

She was still recovering from the shock.

A group of 19 Tier V combatants appeared a number nobody would have ever expected to see.

Those were Tier V combatants, they were incredibly rare, and even in that army of about 1,500 people, there were only 2 of them, and yet, the Heaven's Hooligans came with 19 such beings, completely outclassing the enemy in every imaginable way.

Liona was staring at the Ice Angels before a person suddenly crouched and stared down at her. She looked up and stared at the azure blue eyes of Shadow who sighed and shook his head in disappointment.

"You know, we did have our differences back in the desert, but I still never expected you to be a traitorous b*tch, you truly have disappointed me, Liona."

"You f-ing piece of-" Before Liona was able to even respond, Shadow put his hand over her mouth and squeezed her cheeks before pulling her toward him.

"Honestly, your very voice right now makes me angry, so don't speak," Shadow said in a calm voice while using his aura, putting a ton of pressure on Liona whose eyes shook.

Shadow sighed again before grabbing Liona by the hair and started pulling her with him,"Come, let's go and see those you betrayed."

Shadow led Liona through the battlefield, her once-confident demeanor now shattered. The reality of her treacherous actions had caught up with her, and she was about to face the consequences of her betrayal. The ice angels she had intended to capture and humiliate had instead been saved by the very people she had plotted against.

Reign and the others were tending to the surviving ice angels, ensuring they were safe and treating their injuries. Mia and Laura continued to work diligently, Laura's skills as a healer proving invaluable. The healing process was slow and painstaking, but they were determined to give the ice angels a chance at recovery.

As Shadow approached with Liona in tow, the members of Reign's team turned their attention toward them. Reign, his stoic expression unchanged, nodded at Shadow in acknowledgment.

"What should we do with her?" Shadow asked, keeping a firm grip on Liona's hair.

Reign's gaze shifted to Liona, his voice calm but filled with authority. "She has betrayed and plotted against the ice angels, her actions are inexcusable, and she must face the consequences, the angels will decide her fate."

The surviving ice angels were still in shock, their bodies bearing the scars of their ordeal. They had been betrayed by someone they had once considered an ally, and the wounds of that betrayal ran deep. Their expressions ranged from fear to anger as they cast wary glances at Liona.

Marcus, one of the ice angels who had managed to survive, stepped forward. He was a powerful player with a strong sense of justice, and he spoke on behalf of his comrades.

"This woman's treachery almost cost us our lives," Marcus declared. "She intended to betray and humiliate us, even after all that we've been through, she showed not even an ounce of sadness or guilt after doing so."

"It is ironic that she was betrayed at the same time, even without us doing anything, she will die in the next half an hour probably," Marcus said as he glanced coldly at Liona who was staring at all of them in anger.

"You bastards, you damned bastards, to be so lucky, why the hell couldn't you have just died!?"

"You fcking pieces of shit, you damned –"

Lionas's words were cut short when Reign glanced down at her with his eyes turning purple. Liona suddenly felt enormous fear, as well as a sharp pain in her head which caused her to stop talking.

She couldn't even scream in pain or do anything, her mouth was wide open, but barely any sound escaped it.

"We could heal her and interrogate her as well, she might know some things about the enemy that could prove useful to us." The always silent and collected Jane stepped forward as she glanced at Liona without any emotion.

"You don't need to worry about that, I can manipulate souls, I can easily take her soul after she dies and interrogate it, it's easier that way, not to mention the chances of her lying will be equal to zero." Reign said in a calm manner as Marcus, Jane, and Mia glanced at him.

"A new ability?"

"One of them, yes." Reign didn't feel the need to lie to Mia who asked him the question and nodded his head. His answer, however, made them all think of a couple of more questions which they didn't ask in the end.

"Lola is back in your territory, we should go back there." Reign said as Marcus nodded before glancing at the battlefield.

A large part of the forest had been destroyed during the battle and the clearing, which had previously been about 100 meters in diameter, was now many times larger.

Many holes were present in the ground, many trees had been burned or destroyed, and the entire place seemed out of place, as if it was a small piece of hell inside the seemingly tranquil forest.

"And the bodies, are we just going to leave them here, they might attract monsters, some powerful ones."

"Don't worry about that, they will take care of their bodies." Reign said as he pointed at M'azgara's monsters that glanced at them and nodded their heads as they had already started pilling the bodies on top of each other, slowly creating a couple of hills made out of corpses.

Marcus didn't ask anything else and nodded at Reign and the others who glanced back at Mia who was kneeling next to the bodies of the angels that had died.

"Mia, do you want us to take Liona with us, or should I just take her soul right now?" Reign asked Mia who didn't respond immediately as she continued staring at the corpses before taking a deep breath.

She glanced to the side, looking at Liona who had recovered from having her soul be attacked by Reign before glancing up and staring into Reign's eyes.

"Will it hurt her?"

"A bit, I will be tearing her soul out of her body."

"And how long can you keep it?"

"If I wish so until the day I die."

"Then take it, and make sure to keep her as long as possible, if you can also cause her some pain during that time as well, then even better."

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