Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 795 Frozen Vengeance: Mia's Desperate Battle

Chapter 795 Frozen Vengeance: Mia's Desperate Battle

Mia watched in horror as her comrades took their own lives to ensure that she couldn't sacrifice herself for their sake. The battlefield grew eerily silent as the lifeless bodies of her friends fell to the ground. Her heart ached, torn between grief and rage.

The leaders of the Blood Angels and the Dark Scythe wore wicked smiles as they witnessed the horrifying scene they had orchestrated. They believed they had eliminated the greatest threat—the formidable leader of the Ice Angels. However, they had gravely underestimated Mia's resolve and power.

Mia's aura surged, manifesting a palpable storm of energy around her. The skies darkened, and thunder rumbled menacingly. Her Tier V strength, fueled by the anguish of her fallen comrades, ignited a burning fury within her.

"Prepare yourselves," she whispered, her voice carrying a deadly edge.

The leaders of the two enemy factions felt a chill creeping up their spines as the world around them seemed to warp. Mia's eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and she lifted her sword, which now emitted an aura of pure destruction. The ground quaked, and the air crackled with energy.

Frost suddenly spread out from Mia, quickly enveloping the Ice Angels, freezing all of them in an instant.

'You idiots, those guys are definitely coming, why do such a thing?' Mia thought as she glanced at her frozen comrades.

'This way, at least there is a chance that you can live.' She thought before staring at the two leaders of the enemies who had drawn out their weapons.

Without warning, Mia launched herself at the enemy leaders. Her blade sliced through the air with unmatched speed, leaving behind a trail of devastation. The battlefield became a maelstrom of power as Mia clashed with the leaders of the Blood Angels and the Dark Scythe.

The two men stared in shock as they quickly defended against Mia's attack, only to be blown away, their arms suffering frostbites. Mia didn't let them off that easily as she quickly charged forward again, her entire body emanating frost as the ground beneath her froze with each step she took.

Mia continued her fierce attacks, causing the two men immense pressure as they used their full power simply to withstand her attacks and survive.

The entire clearing was suddenly silent as the over 1000 men simply stared in shock, none of them daring to attack, at least for the first second.

When they cleared their minds and understood what was going on, they started attacking. After all, even if Mia was more powerful than they were, there were simply too many of them, there was no way she would be able to fight against so many of them by herself, not to mention that the barrier she previously used, and the action of freezing her teammates in a desperate attempt to save them had to have cost her a quite some mana as well.

Hundreds of long-range attacks were launched at Mia who dodged most of them, as for those she wasn't able to dodge, she would use her frost to freeze and block them while still going after the two leaders. 

They were her targets, the rest didn't matter, but those two were the masterminds behind the entire thing together with Liona, she had to kill them, no matter what happened, she had to kill them.

"Stop, or they will truly die this time!" A loud shout reverberated through the forest, causing Mia's eyes to widen as she suddenly stopped and stared back, only to see five men near her team, each of them carrying a weapon in their hands.

"Stop moving, stop fighting, or we're going to shatter them to pieces, you got that?!"

"God damned bastards, the girls were hot, to think they would all try to kill themselves, we didn't have a chance to play around with them at all." Another guy said as he spat on one of the ice statues, which made the other four stare at him in shock.

Before they were able to do a thing, a spear made of ice appeared in Mia's hand. She threw the spear which zoomed through the air and hit one of the five, causing frost to erupt, freezing all five men in an instant. 

Mia then staggered as a couple of attacks hit her, but her frost was shielding her, so she wasn't injured. Still, she had to move, staying in place would simply allow the enemy to use their superior numbers and continue attacking her, defeating her in the process.

She moved and glanced around, doing her best to locate the two leaders who were running away. She couldn't find them as they had seemingly disappeared. She was certain that they were still here, however, they were just hiding amongst their men who were attacking her.

'Fine, I'll just slaughter them all to find you.' Mia thought as the frost exploded around her.

She charged into the enemy army, slaughtering them as she continued trying to find the two leaders. The enemy screamed in horror and pain as frozen body parts flew from where Mia was. Her sword cut through the enemies, freezing them in the process. 

The difference between a Tier IV and a Tier V being was immense, but the difference between a Tier IV and a Tier V with a mark activated was even larger.

It was a one-sided slaughter.

In her anger, Mia wasn't holding back at all, any enemy that dared face her was killed. That continued for about 30 seconds, during which Mia killed over 100 enemies. There were more than 100 that were injured as well.

As 30 seconds passed, Mia suddenly used her frost again before appearing in the middle of the clearing where her frozen team was.

She was panting heavily. It was obvious that she had used up too much mana. The frost that surrounded her, as well as her mark, dissipated as she clenched her sword. She was ready to continue fighting, even in her current state, but if it became obvious that she was about to lose, she would follow in the footsteps of her team and take her own life.

Just as she was thinking the ground in front of her, as well as behind her, burst open as two figures suddenly came out of the ground, breaking the ice that covered the ground in the process.

The person in front of her, the leader of the Blood Angels, grabbed her wrists while the leader of the Dark Scythe who was behind her grabbed her by the throat.

"Hiding here really was the best choice, we managed to get her." The leader of the Dark Scythes said with a smirk as he got close to Mia whose eyes were staring daggers at the leader of the Blood Angels who was in front of her.

Clouds formed above them as if answering Mia's anger as the two men scoffed at her.

"Look at that, it seems even the sky responded to your anger, damn, that does seem a bit creepy."

"As if it matters, come on, we should get the statues and go away from this place, I have a bad feeling about the entire thing." The leader of the Dark Scythes said before grabbing Mia's throat with both hands and clenching them, causing her to thrash about as she was losing air.

Suddenly, his grip weakened as his eyes opened wide. Shock and fear were present in his eyes as he seemingly stared right behind the leader of the Blood Angels who quickly let go of Mia's wrists and turned around.


Two daggers suddenly stabbed the leader of the Blood Angels in the stomach as Shadow stared into his eyes with a cold expression on his face.

The leader of the Dark Scythes pulled his arms back, only for one to suddenly get severed as lightning flashed in front of him Reign appeared next to Mia with a cold expression on his face.

The entire battlefield suddenly descended in silence as the entire team followed by M'azgara's elites appeared, their auras on full display, causing even the air in the forest to change.

Over 1,000 men were still standing around the clearing, and yet, they all felt as if they were surrounded by a large army.

"Why is Liona there?" Shadow asked as Mia coughed and tried to get some air.

"She … she betrayed us, she …"

"Save your breath." Reign said as he stared at the leader of the Dark Scythes who was trembling in front of him.

"Laura, try your best to heal the Ice Angels, as for the rest, I don't want any of these bastards left alive." Reign said as he took a step forward, to which the enemy responded by taking a step back.

"How … how can …. How … how are you this powerful?!!!" The leader of the Dark Scythes said as he sensed Reign's aura.

He was certain that they were the same Tier, and yet, when standing in front of Reign, he felt as if the difference between them was as vast as one whole Tier.

"Dead men have no need for such knowledge."

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