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Chapter 791 Reign's Triumph: Hypnotizing Stab

Chapter 791 Reign's Triumph: Hypnotizing Stab

Reign descended upon the peak Tier V monsters with unbridled confidence. His formidable presence sent a shiver down their spines, and they realized that they were facing a force they could hardly contend with.

Without hesitation, the monsters launched their attacks, utilizing their innate abilities and powers. One of them released a torrent of searing flames, aiming to engulf Reign. Another unleashed shockwaves of raw energy, while the third used dark magic to distort the very air around them.

Reign's transformation granted him unmatched speed and power. He deftly dodged the fiery onslaught, maneuvered through the energy shockwaves, and dispelled the dark magic with a wave of his hand. His response was swift and devastating.

With a fluid motion, he swung one of his SSS-ranked swords, cutting through the air with precision. A wave of pure energy, like a blade of light, soared towards the first Tier V monster, aiming to cleave it in two.

The monster widened its eyes as it used its dark energy to create a powerful shield in front, blocking the attack, but not completely. The shield cracked right upon impact and broke in a second, but it brought enough time for the monster to dodge out of the way.

Instead of dying, one of its legs was gone, but it had 6, so even with one less leg, its maneuverability wouldn't be gone. The monster screeched at Reign before the cut-off limb that was on the ground suddenly melted.

The stump where one of the monster's legs had previously been squirmed before a new leg appeared in an instant.

Reign's second sword followed suit, targeting the Tier V monster again. With a resounding clash, the monster's attack met Reign's sword, but the difference in power was too vast. The dark energy attack faltered, and Reign's sword found its mark.

He cut deep inside the chest of the monster before flicking his wrist and cutting through the monster's flesh and bones. A small hole, as well as a large cut, appeared on the chest as the monster screamed in pain.

The other monsters didn't stay idle, both of the peak Tier Vs attacked Reign from behind. Flames soared behind him as a shockwave that was similar to Basred's was launched at him as well. The shockwave actually dissipated the flames, prompting Reign to smirk as he flew up in the sky, dodging the attack.

The monster that used flames glared at the other monster and growled at him with anger, prompting the other one to glance at it with a sorry expression on its face before attacking Reign again.

The second Tier V monster lunged at Reign with incredible speed, aiming to strike him with its sharp claws. Reign anticipated the attack and brought his SSS-ranked sword to bear. Their clash created a shockwave that sent ripples through the battlefield, but Reign's strength and precision allowed him to deflect the monster's blow.

In response, Reign counterattacked with a swift and powerful strike. His sword met the monster's body, slicing through its flesh and armor. The Tier V monster roared in pain as it felt the searing pain of its wound. It tried to retaliate, but Reign's relentless assault left it little opportunity.

Meanwhile, the first Tier V monster had not given up. Despite the grievous wound in its chest, it launched another dark energy attack at Reign, hoping to weaken him. The dark energy surged toward him like a relentless torrent, but Reign wasn't about to be overwhelmed.

With a fierce determination, Reign invoked the power of his SSS-ranked sword. The sword's aura flared to life as lightning blinded the three monsters. The dark energy the monster had launched at Reign was met with lightning that blanketed the sky and dissipated before Reign glanced at the monster and pointed his sword at it.

He activated the second skill of the sword, causing the monster to sense immense danger, but before it was able to respond, a bolt of lightning struck down from the sky, obliterating it.

A charred corpse was all that was left of the monster as the lightning bolt ended it with ease. The other two monsters stared at Reign with fear as he glanced at them and smiled warmly.

Reign's prowess had sent shockwaves of fear through the remaining peak Tier V monsters. They had witnessed their comrade's demise, and it was clear to them that they faced an adversary whose power surpassed anything they had encountered before.

As Reign descended back to the ground, he could see the fear in the eyes of the two monsters. He didn't intend to show them mercy, for they were a direct threat to Doncaster and its inhabitants.

Reign's transformation was still in full effect, and his swords gleamed with an otherworldly radiance. The Tier V monsters knew they were outmatched, but they had no choice but to continue the battle. They unleashed their most potent attacks, driven by desperation.

One of the monsters summoned flames around it, shrouding itself in a protective barrier. It was an impressive display of defensive magic as the flames had seemingly become solid, but Reign was not deterred. He closed the distance with incredible speed and struck the barrier with his SSS-ranked sword.

The barrier cracked and wavered under the force of Reign's blow. Each crack caused flames to spew out of the barrier, causing the Tier V monster inside the barrier to become shaken. Reign followed up with a second strike, shattering the protective field and exposing the monster.

The monster attempted to counterattack, but Reign was quicker. His sword pierced through the monster's body, ending its life with a single swift motion as lightning and darkness exploded inside of it. The monster let out a final, anguished cry before collapsing on the ground.

The remaining Tier V monster faced a dire situation, witnessing its comrades' quick and brutal defeat. It unleashed a powerful shockwave from its maw, an attack that could have decimated a lesser opponent, but Reign was not a lesser opponent.

He quickly dodged the attack before taking a deep breath and lowering his stance.

He pulled his right arm all the way back as he aimed at the monster with his sword, causing the latter to panic as it felt immense danger coming from Reign.

After Reign had evolved and came back from the challenge with Laura, he felt that mastering the Severing series was now easier. He had already mastered the fourth sword, but he had no idea what kind of skill he could make from it.

The fourth sword was pure power, it formed a kind of shockwave that was incredibly compressed and would decimate anything in its path. 

Reign could add his light manipulation to it, causing it to be much faster and deal immense damage to creatures that were weak against it, he could also choose to add darkness, also improving the speed and damage, but that wasn't really making a new skill.

He could add lightning, but it was the same thing, the skill would still be the same one, just boosted. It was more adding an element to an already existing skill than making a new one.

That was why he decided to use soul manipulation. His eyes turned purple as he moved his sword forward, but instead of how it usually went, this time, the arm and sword weren't thrusted forward with full strength, instead, Reign moved the arm slowly.

To the monster, however, it was almost hypnotic. It couldn't move its gaze away from the sword as it stared into it. It had also slowed down and wasn't paying attention to its surroundings or danger at all.

It took the monster a second to realize that it was being manipulated of sorts, but by that time, it was too late. The sword stabbed forward, and an invisible force struck the monster, creating a hole not only on its body but the soul as well.

[ Hypnotizing Stab ]

It was a simple skill, by using his soul manipulation, Reign was able to influence the soul of the enemy in a similar manner to how the souls inside the vortex influenced Liara. With that as his reference, he made a skill that would use the soul power to do hypnotize an enemy, forcing it to pour all of its attention on the sword and disregard everything else.

It worked best if Reign was fighting alongside other people as they could use the opportunity to attack an enemy as well.

With the attack finished, the monster collapsed on the ground, dead as its soul had suffered damage as well.

The battlefield had fallen into an eerie silence. The surviving monsters were fleeing in all directions, terrified by the fate of their comrades. Doncaster's defenders had successfully repelled the monster invasion, and their leader, Reign, stood victorious.

Reign's transformation began to fade, and he landed gracefully on the ground. He looked around at his allies, their expressions a mixture of awe and admiration. It was a hard-fought victory, and their unity had triumphed over the chaos that threatened their territory.

The players were not going to allow the monsters to simply flee, however.

They had attacked Doncaster, and Doncaster was responding in kind.

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