Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 679 Conquering The City

Everybody in the bar suddenly rose from their seats, with even the old man behind the counter drawing his weapon.

"Please, don't embarrass yourselves," Wolf said as he released his aura, making everybody present shake in fear as they could sense the shadow of death looming above their heads.

"If I wanted to, I could have killed everybody here without even entering the bar, I could have then simply smashed through the ground and started killing those below, after all, I am fairly certain that you don't have a single person that is a high-grade Tier IV." Wolf calmly stated, prompting the old man to gulp before his eyes suddenly widened as the sound of a door opening was heard.

"Uncle Ion, that's enough, this man doesn't have hostile intentions." A young woman said as she entered the bar through the hidden door that was actually a part of the wall.

"You, you're familiar." Wolf suddenly said as the woman nodded at him.

"Yes, we traveled together in the desert back in the challenge, I have to admit, I never expected to see you here." The woman said with a smile as Wolf's eyes suddenly widened.

"You were part of the Ice Angels, wait, are you all here?"

"No, I left my group after finding out that the city is here, the Butcher was far too strong for us to take down, but I didn't want to leave my uncle and the other people I had known since childhood alone, so I decided to stay here and help them out."

"I see, that means that the Ice Queen and the rest of you are close by, that's good, we can join forces in the future, your help would be much appreciated," Wolf said with a smile as the woman chuckled.

"I am certain that the boss won't mind, our territory is not that large and it is a bit difficult to constantly have to do everything by ourselves, but enough of that, since you are here, that means Reign and the rest of your group are also present?"

"Yeah, they're in the building, we're currently waiting for the rest of our people to arrive."

"The red smoke that will rise high up in the air is the signal that they will send once they arrive, the green smoke that will shroud the top floors of the Butcher's building will be the signal to start the attack, tell your men that, and get them ready, contacting any other groups that are willing to join in the attack will be appreciated," Wolf said as he placed the severed head back in the inventory.

The woman, a member of the Ice Angels whose name Wolf didn't know as she was not one of the powerful members of their group, nodded her head before Wolf turned around and made his way out.

"Oh, Jack, as well as three other personal guards of the Butcher have also joined us, so don't attack them when you see them," Wolf said before leaving the bar, leaving everybody astonished.

"Lola, you know him?" Ion, the old man behind the counter asked her niece who nodded her head.

"He is a member of the group I told you about, the 'Heaven's Hooligans', remember?"

"Oh, yes, I do remember."

"I told you that they would be the only ones capable of defeating the Butcher, and see, they did it, they defeated him and have finally liberated this city!" Lola said with a wide smile as her uncle shook his head.

"Yes, but doesn't that also mean that they will be taking control of the city?"

"Well, of course, but wouldn't you rather have the city controlled by them, a party I have personally fought side by side with and know that are good people than to have the Butcher and his gangs still ruling?"

"You're right, I'll go and contact the other groups, the more people we have when the attack starts, the better!" Ion said as he slammed his hand on the counter out of excitement.

"Yes, the more people we have, the faster we will be able to get rid of the gangs and minimize the casualties," Lola said before turning and walking out of the bar.

"I'll go notify some of them as well." Ion nodded at his niece before going down to the basement. Lola was a low-grade Tier IV combatant, she had managed to quickly level up in a short period of time since coming here as she saw just how troubled the city was, leading to her hurrying up and managing to level up faster than ever before. With her strength, she would be fine alone in the city.

Wolf wasn't the only one that had contacted groups, as in the following 2 hours, Reign had managed to learn the locations of more and more hideouts. It seemed like the Butcher wasn't really worried about the groups that had formed to go against her and were planning on capturing them all in the future before having them all die in the machines and turned into potions.

But now, those groups would be used by Reign and the others to help take over the city faster. Some groups joined them right after seeing the severed head of one of the personal guards, some already knew about the entire thing as Lola's uncle or Lola herself had told them, others feigned ignorance to the end, leading to Aelrinder or someone else simply telling them about the two signals and what would happen after them, while some had even attacked them, leading to some of Reign's party members needing to beat them up before explaining things.

Finally, after two hours, a line of red smoke was seen outside of the city by Reign and the others, which meant that their reinforcements had arrived. Reign decided to wait a bit longer, even though he knew that that increased the chances of some gang members finding out the reinforcements, but thanks to Beast and his monsters, as well as the fact that everybody coming to fight, was powerful, he was certain that they would be able to notice them beforehand, and if needed, kill them without making a scene.

After slightly more than half an hour after the red smoke appeared, Reign and the others used their own devices, making the last four floors of the building emit a green smoke that signaled to their comrades that it was time to attack.

The following couple of hours were chaotic as Reign and his group, the group led by Beast, as well as many smaller groups that were against the Butcher, started their attack. They immediately attacked the gangs and their bases, and even though Reign and the rest knew of what was happening below some bases, they could only go down later as that would take too much time and would allow the enemy to group up and even kidnap or kill people.

Some gang members, upon noticing what was going on, had started taking hostages in order to threaten their opponents, some had even lost their minds and had resorted to killing everybody near them, as well as pillaging and looting. 

Some even assaulted women that they liked, but weren't able to court previously.

Smoke, fire, and corpses could be seen throughout the city as Reign and the others continued with their slaughter. The gangs were completely incapable of going against them as not only did Reign and the others attack them suddenly and had taken them by surprise, but their overall strength was greater than the gangs.

Many gang leaders were below the bases, helping out with the process of making the potions, and even if they were to help, they would be incapable of doing much thanks to the fact that the number of Tier IV combatants on Reign's side was far greater.

They were actually surprised to find that some gangs had more than 1 Tier IV combatant, and the overall number of them was greater than what they initially believed, but it changed very little as most of them were low-grade Tier IVs, with only a small percentage being mid-grade Tier IV.

After more than 5 hours, Reign and the others started making their way below the bases in order to save those that were captured, even though there were not many left.

In total, from the start of the operation, it took them over 8 hours to finally finish it. There were still some gang members left, some had hidden in the city, some tried to escape and were caught and slaughtered by M'azgara's monsters, some managed to get away, and there were even those that were still in some houses or apartments and were threatening the enemy to stay back as they had hostages.

The latter proved to be a headache for Reign and the others as they needed to personally go there in order to help out. Even though they were capable of killing the enemy in an instant, there were quite a lot of them and they had to spread out in order to help out.

Still, Reign had a smile on his face as a notification appeared in front of him.

[ Congratulations, you have successfully taken over the city of Wilkashere]

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