Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 1: Chapter 16: Faillen Angel Gabriel

Book 1: Chapter 16: Faillen Angel Gabriel

Chen Heng passed by the florist before visiting Ryougi Shiki at the hospital.

“Welcome, dear customer. What flower do you need?” a worker asked Chen Heng as soon as he entered the store.

“It’s for a patient visit. Some lilies will do.”

“Alright. Please wait a moment.”

Fantasy Sea Villas was not far from the hospital where Ryougi Shiki was an inpatient. This was also out of consideration for the wealthy. This florist was near the hospital. It had to be said that the owner had some business acumen.

“Mister Chen, are you here to visit your younger sister again? You come every week. You have a great relationship with your younger sister,” the nurse at the counter greeted Chen Heng when he entered the hospital.

These people must have had their memories altered by the world consciousness. The world consciousness truly could arrange for a person to merge into the world without anyone realizing it.

“My younger sister is still in the same ward, right?”

“There’s no change. She is still in ward 606.”

How could Chen Heng know which ward Ryougi Shiki was in? He only knew which hospital, and that was from looking at the hospital invoice. Initially, he planned to inquire at the front desk. Who would have imagined that the nurse at the front desk appeared familiar with him? Naturally, he could no longer ask. That was why he used such a question.

“Alright. I got it. I’ll go visit my younger sister first.”

“Goodbye, Mister Chen.”


Chen Heng took the elevator to the sixth floor and searched for ward 606. The moment he entered, he saw a nurse massaging Ryougi Shiki. This should be physiotherapy for vegetative patients.

On the way here, Chen Heng had looked up Ryougi Shiki’s information but had not finished going through it yet. He had only seen her profile but not the anime with her as the main character, The Garden of Sinners. However, he knew that Ryougi Shiki had already been bedridden for two years. If one had not given up hope on a comatose patient, one needed to massage the patient.

“Ah! It’s Mister Chen Heng.” This was another person who knew Chen Heng.

“How’s my younger sister’s body? Is she recovering well?”

“Your younger sister’s body does not show any signs of atrophy due to the frequent physiotherapy sessions.”

“That’s good.” Chen Heng walked to the bedside table and took out the wilted lilies in the vase. Then, he placed in the new lilies. Why are there lilies at the bedside? The world consciousness is truly mysterious. Did it know that I would buy lilies when I visited Ryougi Shiki?

“Alright. Mister Chen, the physiotherapy is over. You can continue to accompany your younger sister. I’ll leave first. If there is anything, just press the bell.”


Chen Heng sat on the chair next to the bed and looked at this younger sister who had appeared out of nowhere.

Ryougi Shiki had neat black hair that was slightly longer than average. This was somewhat different from the profile Chen Heng had read. Perhaps it was due to her hair not being maintained for a long time. Furthermore, she had a slightly pale complexion from her long coma. What mystified Chen Heng the most was his impression that Ryougi Shiki was extraordinarily handsome. Although using handsome to describe a girl was a bit rude, that was how he felt.

While Chen Heng was accompanying Ryougi Shiki, he had nothing to say to her. After all, this was the first time the two met. However, if he simply left, it would not fit the setting of them being siblings.

I shall watch The Garden of Sinners here, then. Watching the anime in front of the main character feels quite fantastic.

The anime had 13 episodes, each running 23 or 24 minutes, for a total of over 300 minutes, or five hours or so. Fortunately, there was a fast-forward function. Chen Heng watched it at double time, finishing all 13 episodes in two and a half hours.

[TL Note: The author had the wrong information on The Garden of Sinners. The Garden of Sinners anime were seven films of varying lengths from 30 mins to two hours. Then, four extra films covered epilogues, short stories, and recaps, bringing the total to 11 films. You can get more information at the Wikipedia entry:]

Elder Sister Shiki is the best in the world!

Wait, that’s not right. She is my younger sister now…

Her Mystic Eyes of Death Perception is very strong. I wonder, how strong is it after going to another world?

Damn! It’s almost 11 already? Time passes quickly. Chen Heng glanced to the top right corner of the Dimension Administrators Association and noticed it was close to 11. Now, he discovered another function of the Dimension Administrators Association: a clock.

It is time to go home and cook for Sirin. However, I should go to the market first before returning.

Chen Heng left the hospital and walked toward the market. As he walked, he suddenly saw…

Ding! Welcome, Faillen Angel Gabriel, to the association!

Another newcomer? Since I joined the chat group yesterday, three newcomers have joined in less than 24 hours. However, that makes sense, what with so many worlds suffering damage from the shock waves in the dimensional sea. There must have been a big commotion. Just look at how many missions there are in the mission hall. Furthermore, the number of missions is increasing. They will never complete the missions if they do not recruit more people.

Chen Heng did not have to look to know that the chat group was buzzing now.

Magus of Flowers: So, it’s a female. There’s no fun in making her crossdress, then.

He Who Knows Fate: …

He Who Knows Fate: As soon as I come in, I see Merlin spouting such beastly words.

Efreet: Faillen Angel? Shouldn’t it be fallen angel?

[TL Note: The Chinese and Japanese characters for lazy and fallen look and sound similar. This was done intentionally as a pun. The English translations of the anime coined the word Faillen Angel to maintain the pun. The display name of this character makes it obvious who she is, so I’m just going to reveal her anime and profile here. She is Tenma Gabriel White from Gabriel DropOut. (Ignore the arrangement of her names in the profile; this is the correct arrangement according to the Japanese. The profile’s arrangement is different because they rearranged it to fit the usual Western naming convention with the family name at the end.) Here is a link to her profile: /wiki/Gabriel_White_Tenma.]

He Who Knows Fate: It does not matter what kind of angel she is. Newcomer, you can take a look at the announcements. It will explain the Dimension Administrators Association to you.

I Have a Strong Presence: @He Who Knows Fate, you stole my line.

He Who Knows Fate: … Sorry.

Queen of Ice and Snow: Speaking of newcomers, I have not seen Queen of Rhodes Island say anything yet.

17-Year-Old Beautiful Young Lady: Not everyone is as free as you, old granny. She might have a job, alright?

Queen of Ice and Snow: Old granny pretending to be young, you are not qualified to say that.

17-Year-Old Beautiful Young Lady: Humph!

Queen of Ice and Snow: Humph!

Magus of Flowers: Very good. They started arguing again.

Faillen Angel Gabriel: Are there any games I can play in this association?

Umaru-chan: Ah! One of us! There is a store in the association, and there is a games section there. The games there are very cheap, and there are all sorts of genres. Oh, right, I forgot to sign in today. @Faillen Angel Gabriel, newcomers get tenfold the points for the first sign-in; that is 100 points.

He Who Knows Fate: Shouldn’t you tell her that people with abilities can undergo the ability second awakening for 100 points? After all, she has angel in her name…

Umaru-chan: How can abilities be more fun than games?

Faillen Angel Gabriel: How can abilities be more fun than games?

He Who Knows Fate: … Excellent, I have lost.

Efreet: So, why Faillen Angel? An overly lazy angel?

Iron Fist Teacher: How can that be? How could angels be…

Faillen Angel Gabriell: That’s right. I just want to play games and do nothing else. That’s why I’m called Faillen Angel Gabriel. This display name suits me well. I’m not changing it.

Iron Fist Teacher: Erm…alright. It looks like I am truly behind the times. I can no longer keep up.

Blank Never Loses: @Umaru-chan, @Faillen Angel Gabriel, any interest in playing a coop game together? I’m extremely good at games.

Umaru-chan: It’s true! Boss Blank is a true god of games. He is incredible at every genre, no matter what it is.

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